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You know the weed is good when......



You know the weed is good when.....

You know the weed is good when.....

you hit a bowl in your bong before your first sports therapy session, and then realise its already been 2 hours since your appointment started and your still at home baked as can be, and furthermore realise that you dont need sports therapy, all you need is some quality kush :joint: .


You know the weed is good when.....

Your on the ground in a balled up position because all the food you ate is about to burst out of your stomach :redface:

You forgot you cashed your bowl 5 minutes ago

You can't figure out how to open this god damn car door!
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livin my way the high way
when you see something in the corner of your eye and you think its your cat so you go to get it and it turns out to be the blender? cant figure out how i managed that one o yea :joint: lets hear some more


New member
When you have to take a dump but you squeeze it in so you can pack one more bowl really quick and at least get one more rip before you head to the throne.


Active member
HAHAHA so many of these are so true. Here's one I posted in a similar thread...
You know you're a pothead when you make a 'to do' list, because you know you're a pothead, and then you leave that shit on the kitchen counter. Bonus points if you forget that you even had a list, until you see it when you get home again.

Anyone mention losing your lighter, and then looking all over for it for like 5 minutes, before realizing you've been clutching it in your hand the entire time?



New member
Putting the ice cream container in the cabinet and the chips in the freezer.

My roommate was pissssssed the next morning. We woke up to a puddle of ice cream on the counter. I spent the entire day trying to remember if I ate all the chips, and if I didn't, where the hell did I put them? I ended up getting baked and finding them that night.

Note to self: Cold salt and vinegar chips are not good.

billy bob

You know the weed is good when- you have done alot of the same thigs that have been already mentioned . I have suffered from seeing things out of the corners of my eyes like cats or dogs ,or suddenly I realize after twenty minutes that I have been staring at my own hand in wich I am still holding a joint. THIS IS COMMONLY KNOWN AS COUCHLOCH


Active member
when regular words sound so funny.
a female friend of mine, and I smoked some up sativa, then we were laying around and she was telling me about this hot new teddy that she purchased. At that moment the word "teddy" sounded so funny. I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact, that there is an article of lingerie called a teddy. I laughed so hard, the next day my abs were so sore.



You know when the weed is good.....before bed you go the fridge for a snack and the next morning you find your TV remote in the fridge.
You know when the weed is good...when you smoke and you get so blazed you friend decide to mess with you, and put captain crunch in the bowl and cover it with some seeds or leaves.... not nice but true :)


You know the weed is good when....

You goto taco bell with a friend stoned, and the guy taking the order takes his job way too seriously and you think they installed a machine to take your order and you and your bro are laughing your asses off and listening really hard to see if it really is a machine. Pull up to the window laughing, red eyed and ask if they really did install machines. LOL GREAT STUFF actually happened last night. PS ( my buddy payed for the food :muahaha: )


Active member
You know the weed is good when...

When you forget your own painful existence for the duration of the high.

funny huh? lol


Moon-grass farmer
It's so beautiful you don't even want to smoke it. So you have to get more so you have some to look at and admire the look and smell.


...you close your eyes and feel yourself flying up the stairs, out the back door, and then straight up, soaring past stars, nebulae, and galaxies.

The weed actually wasn't that great. It was the first time I hit a bong, about an hour after I puked. :)


Freedom Fighter
You know your weed is good, when you watch this post...since page 3...thinking, "Damn....I'd sure like to post in there."-- :muahaha: