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You know the weed is good when......


Stoner4Life said:

I ask for a 1/4.
I pay for a 1/4.
The weed was so good.......
my connect cuts me a 1/2.
Happened long ago I'd sure
like to see it happen again.


This has actually happened to me a couple times.

Followed shortly by repeated embarrassed/irate phone calls...


When you go to the back room at work, and can't quite figure out why you're there or what you were supposed to be doing.


Active member
Originally posted by British_Hempire:
When the top of your head turns into a block of ice and you have to eat all the ice cream in the freezer, then go to buy some more and pull a whitey in front of the milk display in the supermarket, almost fall over, recover your composure, hope no-one saw you and end up buying 4 pints of milk because you have no idea why you are stood in the supermarket and just want to get the hell out of there, Then you walk to the top of a hill and sit and drink all the milk in the sunshine.

LOL sounds like me also.

One time all my friends and I were in a drive-thru and we all forgot what we had planned to order and couldn't think at all....so we just left. Then we came back and ordered 6 double-bacon cheeseburgers and 3 chili-chedder fries <<< I thought of the dbl bacon and chili fries.....so everyone else copied me lol. Too lazy to want to attempt to think...it happens :rasta:


Active member
you search around for 10 minutes looking for your lighter while holding it in your hand......


You know the weed is good when, you forget what u were going to write, DAMNNN i'm lost right now just hit some Crazy NL, its wake and bake for me lol


You know it's good

You know it's good

1G12 said:
you search around for 10 minutes looking for your lighter while holding it in your hand......

Endonoid said:
When you go to the back room at work, and can't quite figure out why you're there or what you were supposed to be doing.

That happens to me all too often. Not necessarily at work but anywhere. I'll walk into a room or get up to get something and then completely forget what I was doing for a few minutes. Good quotes.

I guess you know the weed is good when you can't even remember what strain you smoked but you love it anyway.


Active member
When you get pulled over, and the cops say "this is the strongest smelling marijuana I've ever seen. Is this stuff laced with something else?"

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
you take two hits to finish off the bowl you didnt earlier and get high enough that you dont end up packin more.....


laughing out loud

laughing out loud

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This whole thread is got me rolling on the ground cuz i do most of the things people already have said.


WHEN you rip a bowl and start slapping that asss!!!!!! WOO HOOOO CARMEN ELECTRA!!!!

...................Awww shit, fuckin weeds got me trippin again :bashhead:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
when your driving, then all of a sudden you have no idea where you are or where your going.
this can happen to you in your own neighborhood.


Active member
when after smoking "said great herb" for months str8...

...you "suddenly" have dreadlocks and dont really quite exactly know how they got there.


Non Conformist
Ya know it's good when it puts em down...lol

Ya know it's good when it puts em down...lol

I know this girl that thinks she's hardcore when it comes ta weed.We smoked about 2/3rds of a joint (it was the grapfruit pheno of C-99) and that was it.lol She hit that joint like she wasn't gonna get enough.After alil bit, you could see the sweat poppin out on her forehead,she asked if she could turn on the fan.Right after she did she laid down in the floor,looked over at me and asked if she could lay in the floor lol I about started laughing.I said yeah...yeah no problem.I told her the bathroom was the first door on the left if yer gonna get sick.Oh no, I'm not gonna get sick she said.lol 10 min later she got sick....She doesn't act quite so hardcore anymore.LOL.....The pot itself is purdy good but the dry seive kif will make a dumb ass outa anybody.That's how you can if it good weed. hehehe Take care...BC


When you get mad paranoid for no reason at all, and u pull stupid blitz movement like airing out your own clothes in your own safe house HAHAHA!
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