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You know the weed is good when......


Bong Smoking News Hound
when you give your dealer a tip! or you run to the store for some Ben and Jerrys


when youre 16 and your mom takes a little bag of weed she found in your pockets doing laundry, and the first thing to come out of her mouth is "where did you find weed like this?!?!?!?"


Active member
thinking about useless things

thinking about useless things

You know the weed is good when you start thinking about how you called your girlfriend "sexy lady" and how the word lady can be used in a sentence where the word lady is used angrily....like "hey lady, you gonna pay for that?!" or how it can be used like "that wasnt very lady-like".....meaning that a lady is dignified. Then you start to think about how it's a weird word

....then you think "why the fuck am I thinking about this!?"


ItsGrowTime said:
...when you see shit moving out of the corner of your eye but there was nothing there.

Holy shit, this happens to me all the time when I'm massively stoned...Although I always thought it was due to my long ass hair getting in my eyes....whooo no more though, haircut was today!


livin my way the high way
looked over at me and asked if she could lay in the floor

holy shit really funny you got her fucked up. one time this girl hit my man's 3 footer and after i had pulled it up for her she cleared it and all she could do was go sit in the corner facing the walls still cant figure it out :nono: she was to :joint:

for all those heavy hitters PEACE ZB


Holy shit, this happens to me all the time when I'm massively stoned...Although I always thought it was due to my long ass hair getting in my eyes....whooo no more though, haircut was today!

Damn you cut you hair? I am going to let my hair grow forever, that's how I know I got good weed! irie vibes for life bro :rasta:


you know the weed is good when you role a joint for your mom and she asks what you laced it with(hash...hehehe):D


bongcritter said:
Holy shit, this happens to me all the time when I'm massively stoned...Although I always thought it was due to my long ass hair getting in my eyes....whooo no more though, haircut was today!

Rofl, I said same thing thought it was my hair all the time to.


Eugene Oregon
When you see your hair in the corner of your eye and think its a burgalar and you get in a karatee stance :D
I feel you bongcritter!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You know the weed is good when......

a single kief hit of some Herijuana sends
an old time toker to the hospital thinking
that he's having a major heart attack.......

I couldn't convince my friend that it was just
some off the charts weed I'd gotten, he swore
he was checking out. I called his house about
a 1/2 hour later & his wife said he'd gone to the
hospital. hehehehehe


Active member
You know its good when....
You super-humanly consume way more food than a normal person can and in half the time.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You know the weed is good when......

in a cheap and sleazy attempt to endear yourself to your connection you tell him/her, "I think my sister has the hots for you."

sorry folks, that was really tacky, I'd never sell my sister out like that... again


you know the weed is good when...

- you take a shower after a few bong hits.. and at the end, can't remember if you washed your hair or not.

- you can't stop laughing with a couple of your closest friends.. and at the end, can't even remember what started it all

- you take your first hit, sit back, and all the problems in the world seem to just disappear


Active member
you know the weed is good when...
When you're at work and you have to keep repeating to yourself what you are going to get and how many in attempt to remember, but then when you go to repeat it to yourself again........you cant remember what you just were repeating all that time.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you know the weed is good when.......

you start wishing you'd have thought of the user name 'devilgoob' first!


you know the weed is good when your wife sends you to grab dog food and groceries and all you come back with is a bulk size bag of nibs and a slushy from 7-11


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight


cocktail frank said:
when your driving, then all of a sudden you have no idea where you are or where your going.
this can happen to you in your own neighborhood.
yes this one i can attest to!! a 2 second zone out and i forget COMPLETELY, where i am or was going or came from

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