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You know the weed is good when......


Active member
You come back to your car and notice a pink clothes hanger in it and fall on the ground laughing.

Anyone got any to share?


Then i Know

Then i Know


4 sure that is good shiit,lol! :jump:

My little "special move" is to ask my changemoney again back when i go buy something..i got my changemoney,then i forgot that i just get those money and i ask again,plz i want mo moneyy! :jump: That happen to me so many times,lol.

yea,then i know there is some heavyhitter in my head!

Peaaaace! :joint:


holy hell
You know the weed is good when you go into the kitchen to make a sandwich and get a drink and it takes you two hours. I can attest to this.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You know the weed is good when.......

You know the weed is good when.......

I ask for a 1/4.
I pay for a 1/4.
The weed was so good.......
my connect cuts me a 1/2.
Happened long ago I'd sure
like to see it happen again.
"You know the weed is good when...":

You can smell the herb driving up the road long before the dog can hear the sound of the vehicle clunkering up the dirt road.


Registered Cannabis User
you know the weed is good when...

it takes you 10 minutes to read this thread becuase of the awesome zoning out feature of cannabis!

its kurmit

...when you make 2 sandwhiches because u forget to eat the first one then go to sleep and wake up just to wonder how the fuck those 2 sandwhiches on the counter got there...


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
you know the weed is good when. . .

you know the weed is good when. . .

every time you blaze in the morning and mean to post it in the "wake and bake forum" you do it at 2 in the afternoon. .. . EVERYTIME!!!!
When... you go upstairs and realize you just ran up and down the damn thing twice in two seconds... and... d'oh forgot the bottle of water in the kitchen ..


whenever im leaving the house and i take a big bong hoot right before i head out, i always walk out without my cellphone... go back inside grab it, on the way out again realize that i dont have my wallet, grab that, run back up the stairs only to realize the debit card is sitting by my laptop

Don Cotyle

You know the weed is good when your exaust fans are going full tilt and you can still smell it in the next room =P


You go to work (in a restaurant kitchen), stare at the prep-board for 45 minutes, spend 45 minutes in the cooler, and still accomplish nothing.


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
...........u cant finish that bowl off
...........or uve fell asleep already


When the top of your head turns into a block of ice and you have to eat all the ice cream in the freezer, then go to buy some more and pull a whitey in front of the milk display in the supermarket, almost fall over, recover your composure, hope no-one saw you and end up buying 4 pints of milk because you have no idea why you are stood in the supermarket and just want to get the hell out of there, Then you walk to the top of a hill and sit and drink all the milk in the sunshine. Happened last week...


When someone asks you a question in real life and you respond with a completely off the wall answer...

ex. yesterday, random dude on street asks me: "Do you know where the microcenter is?"
my answer: "I'll have a number 3 with cheese please"

ok no i just said i didnt live here...but it happens!