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you fellers ever bury anything?


i used to bury mason jars of my outdoor havest years back. jar, then a zip lock, a paper bag, a couple more ziplocks and bury. id bring them up though the spring for fresh nuggs :)
i heard someone buried some cash in a jar and years later they opened the jar and touched the money and it turned into ash it was so dried up

I used to know a guy who buried 100k and after 3 years half of it was rotting and the other half - discolored and overly dry. Shitty deal


Active member
When you bury something it is safe from thieves, cops, fire and most other things that can happen to weed. Seriously if I was going off to war, prison, vacation or even college if you burried weed it is safe. You don't need someone to guard it and you don't have to worry about it at all. Total piece of mind. It is there when you get back. Somebody going away for a couple years because they got busted but managed to keep some money or 50 lbs of weed will have a good start when they get out.

I think burying weed and money makes some sense. I never gave it a lot of thought before. This is a fun thread topic.


Well-known member
my regular outdoor guy buried like 100 Ps this year and is slowly releasing them to market now in april to the summer, and hes asking like 200 more per LB haha....smart guy.

i heard he vac seals them and stuffs them into 100 gallon barrels.

That’s a large container but in my estimation it would take over two 100 gal containers to bury 100lbs. It has been my experience that roughly 2lbs will fit in a 5 gal container (with out vacuum packing which I don’t like to do it can pack the weed to tight destroying they bag appeal).

Think of the size of the hole it would take to bury a 100 gal container huge.

I would rather bury smaller amounts in different locations for security reasons and for the simple fact if you have to dig up a 100 gal container your stuck holding onto 40-50 lbs of weed at one time. If they were 10 gal containers you could dig one up and have 4-5 lbs of weed much better for security in my mind.

More power to the guy who can have 100lbs to bury.:jump:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I actually buried everything 2 years ago over the winter had a security scare. I put everything in plastic tubs. Weed was in mason jars my seeds I trippled vaccum sealed. My bongs pipes vaporizor grinder ect ect ect was just in the tub. Well my ginder was made of wood and without being in a plastic bag got mold. All the glass was fine but I did boil it anyways. My seeds didn't skip a beat I sometimes wonder if it would be good for seeds to have that cold dormant time in the ground during the winter. Ohh I think I had a few bags of weed in the tub too that molded so deffinatley need to vaccume seal or have something that can keep the moisture 100% locked out.


Well-known member
I actually buried everything 2 years ago over the winter had a security scare. I put everything in plastic tubs. Weed was in mason jars my seeds I trippled vaccum sealed. My bongs pipes vaporizor grinder ect ect ect was just in the tub. Well my ginder was made of wood and without being in a plastic bag got mold. All the glass was fine but I did boil it anyways. My seeds didn't skip a beat I sometimes wonder if it would be good for seeds to have that cold dormant time in the ground during the winter.
Ohh I think I had a few bags of weed in the tub too that molded so deffinatley need to vaccume seal or have something that can keep the moisture 100% locked out

I personally have never experienced mold on any of my weed. I just store it in a freezer zip lock bag and squeeze the air out put that bag or a few others in a second freezer bag and then into a 5 gal bucket.

The cold temps keep like it was just picked that day. In fact when you dig down below the frost line the temps stay in the 55 deg range so it should also help keep your weed fresh in the summer. I am not saying it is a perfect solution but it has many advantages to storing it any other place except a refrigerator.


Active member
Put This Into The Pipe

Put This Into The Pipe

I always wanted to buy 6 inch pvc pipes and seal one end, then
fill the pipe with something. Anything, seeds, weed,etc. and seal
the other end using pvc cement. After which, you put the 6-inch
pipe inside a bigger 8-inch pipe and seal both ends. After it's all
sealed burry it in a place where water doesn't collect too much,
and make sure it's at least 6 feet underground. I think a double
pipe system would be safer than a single one. More protected
against moisture etc. I'm sure things would be safe for a while

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