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yeah I freakin did it.

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hopefully you dont have really bad gas, try and slip out a nice quiet one, and apply a nice thin, slimy coat of diarrhea to your underpants.
DAMN, i cant remember the name of it. what's the word for quiet farts yummy? gooz is the loud one, lol. let me know!

Wow I wish I were young again...

Kinda funny to read how young peeps operate...when you get older :wave: things kinda roughen up...like taking shortcuts without all that foreplay if ya know what I mean. :Bolt:
please dont make yummy a representation of an age group, or a benchmark of any stretch:/

good drown

i've only read 6 posts from you here on ic, but do not send her an email, its going to do more harm.
you seem to like to argue with people, to a point of well,seems to be the only point of your posts...you say the seatbelt doesnt work, then somebody tells you girls like security, and feeling safe, so you turn around and say you never said it was broken. You also say how old the car is and unreliable, but then how good it is for being a old german sports car. how do you not know if the passenger seatbelt in your current car works, or if it was the previous cars seatbelt that worked?
please try and not act like this around her, so thats why i say no emails. you have a unique way of expressing yourself that can be misinterpreted to easily on the internet. good luck in person, bring gum, and some cash incase you get to buy her lunch or something.
also for the drive, do not let more than 5 minutes pass without saying a word


Active member
lol I was just thinking of sending her a quick short email like "hey its yummy was wondering if which monday you're going on the trip as i'm not sure if it is the same monday i'm going"

or should I wait just till class....... if its a diff monday she is going I wan to send my prof an email and ask to change it to the same same monday she is going so I can go with her on both days.

still bad idea?

good drown

just call her, keep it quick.
just say "hey ________ this is ________, i forgot to ask which day your field trip is. is it tomorrow? i wanted to make sure i didn't miss it, as i am really looking forward to the drive."
see how she responds to that

and does it matter what day your is? just go whatever day she has her, who cares if you get credit or pass.


in all honesty i dont think it's counter productive. but it isnt hugely productive either. productivity with women comes from interaction. Only teh geekiest of nerdgirls will get off on emails and webcam chat. not to mention those pesky myspace angles that THROW internet dating for a loop! bitter bitter.

anyway, i answered your question, go forth and spread thy seed, young yummybud, bringer of laughter

edit - oh right you have her number. jebus yummy just call her; it's better than email by any stretch


Active member
yeah well i'm not trying to flirt with her on email lol or asking her out on email. I want to find out if we are actually going on teh same monday if not to try and get my prof to change it because it may be too late if I wait till thursday.

okay i'll just send her an email tonight... I'll just send her an email saying what monday she is going and then just say I'll talk to you in class on thursday bye.

if we go on the trip together then i'll have plenty of time to talk to her (ie the whole day).

i'm just not sure if we are in fact going on the same day for both trips I want to go with her on both..


you know most people, when needing to speak with someone right away, often pick up the phone, and call them. whatever the reason for your infatuation with email, i dont share it.


Active member
lol I don't know whats with me recently. This 17 year old girl in my work I can tell likes me but she's too young and I don't want to go out iwth a highschool girl lol. she talks to me all the time at work and she kept on touching me today, like grabbing my arms and putting her hands on me when she talks to me so I assume she likes me for some reason.

also she's freakin tall for a chick, i'm not tall only like 5'8 and she's my height I'd feel weird going out with a girl the same height or taller than me thats why I rpefer short girls, well most girls are shorter than me.


Active member
well until I get to know her a little better i'd prefer no call. i'm shy / have social anxiety and she seems shy also wouldn't want awkward silences on teh phone lol. uh high i'm yummybud ummmmmm.

like that scene from superbad when mclovin is following that chick with teh thong and she turns around and he is like ummmmm its 10:30 and then runs away lol.


Active member
just call her, keep it quick.
just say "hey ________ this is ________, i forgot to ask which day your field trip is. is it tomorrow? i wanted to make sure i didn't miss it, as i am really looking forward to the drive."
see how she responds to that

and does it matter what day your is? just go whatever day she has her, who cares if you get credit or pass.

um we are going inside a prison, i'm pretty sure you have to be on the list to have them let you go in. also they have to receive your criminal records check which our prof got us to fill up.

so it may even be too late to switch days I got to email my prof. I think the first trip is like nov.9 then the other one like nov.20.

good drown

do not email her man.
also, this is just an excuse by you not to take her. you wont even email her i bet, just "assume" she is on the trip you are not, and thats how it will end. 2 months later you will see her holding hands with some loser way less cool than you, and you will get very jealous, but for what reason? if you had a chance with her and failed, thats cool, but thats not the case. you are giving up before you even try


Active member
well we are all going on 2 trips but there were 4 days to choose.

I choose a thursday and she is also going on that for sure.

but then there are 2 different mondays and I'm not sure if she is going on teh same monday I am.

why shouldn't I email her? will she like get offended by an email I don't think so. i'll call her after that.

yeah I want to find out if she is not going on teh same monday then I can email my prof quickly and see if its possible to change it around.


hey what you shoudl do with this girl is be yourself and along the way while talking tell her you would be interested in seeing her more often and ask her if she would like to get to know each other better be honest and let her see how you actually feel . It will work if she has interest in you and will also not leave you to much out in the open as your not asying you want her your saying you want to know her all women love that and if she isnt intersted at least you didnt stick your neck or dick out so far as she can chop your head off either one :)


well until I get to know her a little better i'd prefer no call. i'm shy / have social anxiety and she seems shy also wouldn't want awkward silences on teh phone lol. uh high i'm yummybud ummmmmm.

like that scene from superbad when mclovin is following that chick with teh thong and she turns around and he is like ummmmm its 10:30 and then runs away lol.

it wouldn't be bad! it's a question man, it isnt like youre proposing. i hate shoulding but man you should reread my post and seriously look at people indifferently. Sort of, dis attach yourself a notch or two emotionally, giving a more broaden perspective. I used to over think, stumble what to say, cause youre always trying to put a value or gauge your thoughts. just say it, mean it, and if youre a good person, you like your character, the person shouldnt have a problem with what you had to say. do not over think, just say it get it done, be in yourself. it's hard to explain. :wallbash: and im not even high. argh i wish this harvest would finish.

hey im yummy. were going to carpool to the prison yeah? yeah i remember, or some ditsy girl thing.

ask pertinent question, chat among that topic. anything else to talk about? nope, bring up the time of day, hows your morning, afternoon night? more topics, just make it fluid and comfortable. if you dont over think, there are fewer things to go wrong. youre allowed to think about what you are going to say, that's the point. but not becoming emotionally involved until things are heaty, best case scenario. it's hard to master, but if you can try, it's win win.


good drown

unless she is antisocial, the email is bad
trust all of us saying this, its no good.
plus, in the phone call, maybe you can get to hangout before the trip. ask her what she is doing tomorrrow.

we are just trying to help.

good drown

text her then, shit text her at least

btw, i became very antisocial after a few deaths. trust me, you have to get beyond it if you wish to have female companionship in your life. if you cannot call her to ask when she is going, you may never have a real, serious girlfriend


Active member
lol I just sent her an email......

what is this going ot ruin it now and she won't like me anymore because of this???????

I won't email her ever again after this, next time I'll call her. i'm obviously going to have to call her before I go to ther house to pick her up for the trip.... and I will see her in clas son thurdsay.

I also emailed my prof asking what days I signed up on and if I can switch days.

i'm worried that i'm not going on teh same monday as her which is like nov 9 the thurday trip is on nov 19 which is a lont time from now.
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