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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


Active member
Saying that “The duration of the life cycle of the plant leaves little time to fully mature seeds after self-pollination” I mean pollination by the pollen from the same single plant.

Working with group of clones prepared specially for fem seeds producing I see no reason to spray cs-treatment only a part of the plant.

CS can change sex only part of the plant, leaving the other part female and fertile.

Thanks again, being unexperienced person I would prefer to follow your example, start with yourself.
didn't mean to offend you man, i was trying to help is all


Well-known member
And you also do not take offense,
I was not asking for help but only pointed out the incorrect statement in the subject in which managed to acquire some experience,
but cut off my hands to root them - this is too much.


Grow like nobody is watching
I perfected my CS maker:

I took a pic of the whole plant but it wouldn't upload. It's a super skunk and I only sprayed the top. The CS in the pics is actually a test with rainwater. It looked as if it may work, but I would still use distilled/demineralised.

I read where (in the context of humans drinking CS) the bio-availability of the CS solution can be increased by adding H2O2 to the finished solution - wow. First I made a batch, then added one drip of 50% h2o2 and it causes a reaction (tyndall effect) where the CS looks like pale cloudy ashy water. I tried again with a fresh batch and used one drop of 6% h2o2 and the same reaction occured. I did not spray any on my plants, but I might give it a try since I have an excess of clones right now.

A 1:1000 solution of colloidal silver to H2O2 increases the efficacy of colloidal silver by up to 100 times against bacteria. The increased bioavailability reaction using colloidal silver and H2O2 results in a delivery mechanism that increases adsorption of silver directly into tissues. Dilute the H2O2 to the desired concentration, then add the colloidal silver to the solution. The amount of hydrogen peroxide to use will depend on the type and quality of colloidal silver. The higher the particle content, the more hydrogen peroxide will need to be used. A 3% H2O2 solution with colloidal silver is much more reactive than standard 3% H2O2 solution.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Looks like that plant is reversing ScrubNinja, interesting about the rainwater, more pure than tap water I guess.


Just wanted to say thanks to PhenoMenal for making this thread and my good friend Someotherguy for donating me some silver for the project....

I only brew 2 batches and sprayed only the first 2 weeks of 12/12

2 Ak99Xfreezland,1 Chem D,1 Pure power plant

After potting up

The target female AK99XFL

Mid flowering Ak99XFL...The one on the left is the target female...

reversed top

After it dusted everything in the CAB i had took it outta my CAB and left it in the dark for a few days before i remembered to get the pic..

Didn't take much pics at the end but here's the seeds....The AK99XFL that was my goal to feminize and also all the crosses made....Everything thing was done under a 250W Digital-HPS in 1L Smart water bottles SOG style

The Ak99XFL fems i just started form the worst looking seeds...



my mix came out brown and murky is that strong or did i do something wrong


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Great thread, a quick question or 2

1. How much of the end solution would you need per plant?
2. How long does the silver coin/wire last? (Odds are the size matters but in general one silver wire can make XX ounces of colloidal silver solution)

I want to make one but want to make sure I get a large enough container depending on how much is needed. Also does it matter if the container is glass or plastic and if so how are you spraying it on the plants through a plastic sprayer?

man this is a great thread


Yes you can store it in a plastic bottle - actually when you buy colloidal silver from a drugmart/pharmacy it'll be in a light-proof plastic bottle (the main key to storing it is to keep it away from light). Just know that whatever you store it in will get stained by the solution, and even if it's glass it's incredibly hard if not impossible to completely clean the stain.
first, i would like to extend my thanks again for bringing this tech to light. Im posting today to share and ask if anyone can duplicate my success. I was unable to find 999 silver wire without ordering online. I did find 925 wire and desided to use it. To my surprise, i am starting to see male flowers starting to develope. Did i get lucky with the 925 silver or has anyone else done well with it


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
first, i would like to extend my thanks again for bringing this tech to light. Im posting today to share and ask if anyone can duplicate my success. I was unable to find 999 silver wire without ordering online. I did find 925 wire and desided to use it. To my surprise, i am starting to see male flowers starting to develope. Did i get lucky with the 925 silver or has anyone else done well with it

I have done it with silver-solder which is 60% silver. The solution is murkier and has a lot of sediment due to other metals and impurities. It "does" work but it takes way long to make.
If you have made it with 99.99 before then you know the color when it is ready, using impure silver it is way darker.

One concern I had when considering using silver solder, aside from the fact that I had it and it was a 3 hour drive for 99.99, was what effect the other metals might have on the plant.
Well I decided the the plant was dying in the end no matter what. So I tried it and it works just as well, it just takes a little longer to make.
thanx for the reply stress_test. good to know that this isnt a fluke. i was also worried about other metals in the alloy, and after doing some research it looks like the most common metal used is copper.


If you've managed to get a plant to reverse sex using impure silver (so, a compound) then all I can say is lucky for you that your gamble paid off :)

Who knows, maybe the results you'll have will be just as good as if you had've used pure silver. But there's two main things that concern me in regards to not using pure .999/.9999 silver ...

1) metals in a colloidal suspension can have a serious affect on a plant - if silver can reverse the sex of a plant then imagine what other metals may do. They say you shouldn't drink or smoke while pregnant... I can't see why plants would be any different - feed them toxic metals during their 'pregnancy' (budding) and maybe it could encourage deformities/mutants in their offspring - I'm only thinking out loud here obviously as clearly there isn't any data available, but I think it's something to keep an open mind about.

2) pure silver is so cheap anyway, and easy enough to obtain, so why bother gambling with an impure compound!? Using anything other than pure silver can surely only decrease your chances of a successful sex reversal, and I'd be pretty pissed off if I went to the effort of making some CS, spraying a plant for a few weeks, only to find out that it wasn't working, and that the plant was now useless in regards to smoking anyway because it was now covered in a fine film of silver!

So I'd consider yourself lucky - you got away with this one... but I wouldn't hazard gambling on it again mate :)
Pure silver FTW!


Well-known member
the plant was now useless in regards to smoking anyway because it was now covered in a fine film of silver!
I still doubt that the warning, which was originally made of silver thiosulfate,
can be transferred to the colloidal silver,
I think the warning is related to acid residual, rather than metal.


jump117, even if it is safe to smoke silver oxide (the resulting film from colloidal silver that ends up on every leaf and bud after spraying), if you've ever seen a CS-sprayed plant they don't look very appealling! ... :) no way would I smoke it


Active member
what happens to the silver? sorry if I missed it, but if I buy a coin for $30, and then silver doubles in value, can I still go sell the silver? or does it look all messed up?


Well-known member
PhenoMenal, when smoking silver oxide decomposes into oxygen and metallic silver, which will remain in the ashes,
yes, I have seen these plants in the past year, I made a series of experiments on the CS feminization,
I did not smoke plant material, but amber was good.
thnx for your concern phenoMenal. yea i know i took a risk trying this with sterling silver (92.5%). only reason i tried this was it seems like a few of the other chemicals use for sex reversal were also based around silver, (example STS, and silver nitrate). and dont worry, these plants are not for smoking in any way. only thing i can see happening is:
1 plants never reverse (mine did)
2 plants produce non viable pollen (mine still might)
3 plants die from metal toxicity (might happen but i doubt it)
4 works fine (lets hope!)
im not saying that this is a new method, just wondering if anyone has tried and had success with less pure silver


ICMag Donor
Well, sad to report that my 3rd attempt to c/s my hawaiian clone only has failed. This last time, I had c/s'd 2 clones, and had shitloads of male flowers. Problem was they didn't contain any pollen. Oh well, I guess the process doesn't work on all strains. This girl is sooo stuborn... doesn't like to be cloned either. But this bitch can take light leaks and enviro stress and doesn't flinch.

Gonna try it on some blue dream clones next, hoping for better luck.

TY Phil for a great thread!