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y the fuck do ppl get so "hung-up" about dreadlocks????

ready to "lock" the whole thing?

oh hellllll no

message to girls especially hippies, shave yo legs, arms, snatch, arm pits and mush stash(if necessary)


I met a hippie girl once who went "all natural" with the arm pits and legs but then shaved her snatch...soooo creeeepy
who does that???


ive got friends with dreds that make me want to puke, stanky rat's nest. But i also have friends with dreds that don't stink and are nice to look at. the one thing you cannot deny, having heard this from dozens of dreds, is that it's torture on your neck to support all that weight. every dred I know rejoices quietly when they cut their locks because of the weight loss. But then grows them back anyways in an attempt to prove to the world that they are different or religious or whatever. Personally, I love the feeling of a freshly buzzed head, the wind blowing on my scalp one of the best sensations in the world. Then on top of that, I lotion my scalp, the second best feeling in the world (after orgasm lol). I will argue all day that dreds are not natural, even the cavemen cut the locks out of their hair, for health and comfort reasons. but with that said, more power to ya, to each his own.

ps: i love hippy girls that have never shaved in their lives. it's like the hair doesn't grow if they don't start shaving...
but once they start shaving, gotta keep on top of it. that pic is :puke:


Cautiously Optimistic
It's Elvis all over again. Same shit different era. Blue-eyed soul meet blue-eyed dread.


Active member
ive got friends with dreds that make me want to puke, stanky rat's nest. But i also have friends with dreds that don't stink and are nice to look at. the one thing you cannot deny, having heard this from dozens of dreds, is that it's torture on your neck to support all that weight. every dred I know rejoices quietly when they cut their locks because of the weight loss. But then grows them back anyways in an attempt to prove to the world that they are different or religious or whatever. Personally, I love the feeling of a freshly buzzed head, the wind blowing on my scalp one of the best sensations in the world. Then on top of that, I lotion my scalp, the second best feeling in the world (after orgasm lol). I will argue all day that dreds are not natural, even the cavemen cut the locks out of their hair, for health and comfort reasons. but with that said, more power to ya, to each his own.

ps: i love hippy girls that have never shaved in their lives. it's like the hair doesn't grow if they don't start shaving...
but once they start shaving, gotta keep on top of it. that pic is :puke:

Yeh bro the neck thing is very true for a some of dreadheads I know but not all. One of my friends dad has dreads down to the floor and he says it doesn't bother him, but I know quite of few guys with dreads down to their butt who complain. This guy is a little more on the muscular side though naturally so maybe thats why his doesn't bother him.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
can you say racist, thats some real asshole shit Gypsy, wigga = white nigga, that post shouoldnt be allowed to stand on the thread, and the use is totally unnecessary, but atleast everybody who reads really know who you are now. racist peice of shit, no better than a kkklan man, nazi or skin head. one of these days i will stop expecting better from sorry skin bags such as yourself....

I think this subject has already been adressed and voted on by ICMag members quite a while ago....

.....go read and learn from this thread in the link below Ekz_Ray ....then maybe you won't be so quick to point the racist finger at anyone...lol





Im sorry, but I call bullshit on this one. I dont think this is any more racist than the 'black community' that calls themselves this as a term of endearment and camraderie. Fuck that, you cant have it both ways.

Just because I rehash material from my favorite comedian, it doesnt make me a comedian any more than it makes me a plagarist or a thief.

I dont see what was so racist in Gypsys post. There was no sort of malice whatsoever in the connotation of the usage of his word(s) YOU were the one who took it to the KKK/Nazi/Skinhead shit.

Who is the real racist here?

just because the us said slavery was cool doesnt mean that all the white settlers agreed, i personally veiw it as disrespect, and all of my friends keep the teminology out of their mouth in reference to and i give them and anybody else the same respect when disrepectful linguistics come into play. he didnt have to call him a wigga, he already pointed out that the guy was white with locks, why not just leave it at that, could he have been on a spiritual path, or was he white (wigga) rasta just trying to be "down" who knows... but to answer the question, kramer, don imus, rush limbaugh, etc.... and no im not racist. am i oppinionated? yes. do you have to like it? well considering that its not part of your job description of life to agree/disagree with me, i would be inclined to say no. oh ye... there where a few more comments i didnt like when i have a minute i will go back and comment on them, peace, love and go green yall


just because the us said slavery was cool doesnt mean that all the white settlers agreed, i personally veiw it as disrespect, and all of my friends keep the teminology out of their mouth in reference to and i give them and anybody else the same respect when disrepectful linguistics come into play. he didnt have to call him a wigga, he already pointed out that the guy was white with locks, why not just leave it at that, could he have been on a spiritual path, or was he white (wigga) rasta just trying to be "down" who knows... but to answer the question, kramer, don imus, rush limbaugh, etc.... and no im not racist. am i oppinionated? yes. do you have to like it? well considering that its not part of your job description of life to agree/disagree with me, i would be inclined to say no. oh ye... there where a few more comments i didnt like when i have a minute i will go back and comment on them, peace, love and go green yall

Slavery was abolished in the 1860's..the Civil Rights Act was passed in the 1960's...Where were all these white people that disagreed???

How many 30+ old white guys wake up one day and say i want to get dreads? Why does it all seem to begin at a certain age AND end at a certain age???

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
just because the us said slavery was cool doesnt mean that all the white settlers agreed, i personally veiw it as disrespect, and all of my friends keep the teminology out of their mouth in reference to and i give them and anybody else the same respect when disrepectful linguistics come into play. he didnt have to call him a wigga, he already pointed out that the guy was white with locks, why not just leave it at that, could he have been on a spiritual path, or was he white (wigga) rasta just trying to be "down" who knows... but to answer the question, kramer, don imus, rush limbaugh, etc.... and no im not racist. am i oppinionated? yes. do you have to like it? well considering that its not part of your job description of life to agree/disagree with me, i would be inclined to say no. oh ye... there where a few more comments i didnt like when i have a minute i will go back and comment on them, peace, love and go green yall

This was the post I made that you felt so wronged/offended by that you called me a whole bunch of silly names:

''.....one of the funniest things I ever saw was a white (wigga) rasta with his dreads stuck in a swimming pool pump.......it certainly brought him closer to god co's he nearly drowned, but was saved by an athiest with a large pair of scissors..... ''

I happened to be the athiest guy with the large pair of scissors that saved this person from drowning.....

.....and we have already voted on the use of the term 'wigga' here :I don't mind the word 'Wigga' (on this site) 790 82.04%
'Wigga' is a racist slur.....BAN THE WORD! 173 17.96%


Game Bred
i believe those being referred to as "wigga" prefer the term "ethnically challenged"
as for those of us referred to as "whites" or "white boy" the accepted vernacular is either "melanin deficient" or Caucasian please do try to be sensitive to our feelings and refrain from such pejorative and blatantly racist terms in the future?

will you guys please stop using the W word?

it really is insensitive.

European American is also acceptable

white boy
blue eyed devil
the man

these are all unacceptable...

do try to quell the racist hate speech?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes dagnabit.....and on that note, I would rather members (such at Ezk_Ray) not refering to people as 'skinbags' and 'skin-heads'.......we would all prefer you to use 'Follically Challenged' in future....LMFAO!

......back to the topic of the thread.......don't you find that dreads are a fire risk?....especially when lighting a spliff, pipe or bong?


Wigga= white person TRYING TO ACT like the black people they see on TV/Net
Redneck= usually used to put down COUNTRY/RURAL white people
N word= can be used on ANY black person knowing it's saying f*ck you to the 100th power

See the difference...

Would you call Bill Clinton a redneck and say ha ha that's going to get him???

Would you call Sarah Palin a wigga and say now thats going to piss her off?


So many fake people in the world. People that follow a fashion that makes them appear as individuals are just stupid looking people following a fashion. Nobody can be themselves, they have to copy others. A true wannabe.

As far as allowing or disallowing racist terms by democracy, that is not always the best way. See a minority is never going to win in a democratic situation. But fuck em if they can't handle it.


Active member
Back when I was 'working' on my dreads I was young, dumb and living in the desert. My hair was long to begin with and VERY curly. After one or two 'naturally' forming dreads, I initially thought it would be cool to expedite the process for the rest of my hair. (Here comes the young and dumb part) So, me and a couple of chicks decided to use HONEY to get my hair to 'insta dread'. (Hell, I just thought it was a great excuse to have a couple of chicks working my hair as I sat between their legs) It worked. I had lovely looking dreads.

I woke up the next morning with a head full of piss ants.
That fucking sucked...


So many fake people in the world. People that follow a fashion that makes them appear as individuals are just stupid looking people following a fashion. Nobody can be themselves, they have to copy others. A true wannabe.

As far as allowing or disallowing racist terms by democracy, that is not always the best way. See a minority is never going to win in a democratic situation. But fuck em if they can't handle it.

Replace "Racist terms" with marijuana smokers....now how do you feel about it?


Active member
Redneck= usually used to put down COUNTRY/RURAL white people

This is also a regional/cultural connotation of this word as well.

When I came from the southwest, surrounded by shitkickers, hicks, cowboys (whatever the word du' jour) the collective term was in fact - Rednecks.

FFWD to when I moved way the fuck away from there and came to the east coast, the word redneck was more commonly accepted as someone who was 'low brow, blue collar, PWT' material. It took me the longest time to understand what exactly some people were talking about as we dont have many (as many) ranchers/cowboys like we did from where I originally hail from.


Active member
I generally tie my dreads up before a sesh to prevent accidental inflammation!!

I can say I have never had a problem from other people regarding my locks. I have had some positive comments, some glances, ect. But I generally keep quiet, am polite, and dress rather conservatively in comparison to my hair, tattoos, and large plugs in my ears. I think a part of peoples negativity towards it comes from the person they see, and i feel like its when they see those people that create that stereotype that give others a bad name. Like the kids that have crappy backcombed stuff smoking a blunt yelling on the corner. Then theres us who just wake up and live life, and and let jah do the rest. Oh im not a rasta wannabe either, lol. I love the rasta dreadlock ideals though.