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Would you date a cop?

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I worked in the restaurant industry for most of my teenage and young adult years and never once got a drug test. It's only in upper-level management jobs and very corporate restaurants that this tends to be an issue. Believe me, I and every other restaurant manager/restaurateur in the world knows very well that if we drug tested our employees, we would not have any.
Yeah - really!

Welcome to the 'food service' industry, eh?


Well i'm thinking fuck her and then leave her. Does she even know my real last name? nope. Can she run my tag? sure but it isn't mine so don't know how far that will get her. does she come to my house? nope, i don't bring ANYONE to my house. So yeah i'm thinking fuck her and bounce.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Well i'm thinking fuck her and then leave her. Does she even know my real last name? nope. Can she run my tag? sure but it isn't mine so don't know how far that will get her. does she come to my house? nope, i don't bring ANYONE to my house. So yeah i'm thinking fuck her and bounce.
Yeah - that sounds like a definite approach to preclude an investigation!!!!

Nothing like a pissed-off chick hovering around your world, eh?




Most cops I know think of it as a job not a lifestyle. Have you smoked with her? Or told her you smoke? Where is her head at? Is she getting in your head or is your dick doing your thinking. You have to talk to her about cannabis. If you are together and you get popped her career is over with. Some cops are real asses but most just enforce laws written by bigger asses that the people vote into office. Cop or not she is still human and should be treated so. Good luck


The cat that loves cannabis
Don't do it, when it's over, and it will be, like 98% of all relationships, you don't want a cop playing the part of the woman scorned.


Active member
You didn't say "fascist," I apologize if it seemed as though I was putting words in your mouth there. That just seems to be the standard epithet for LEO & our government on this forum.

The trades/professions that a bunch of lazy stoners who are complacent and perfectly happy with mediocrity tend to be attracted to.... :tiphat: no offense guys, but real jobs require tests, and not everybody is happy with a dead-end hourly job simply because we smoke pot.

I guess this stoner tradesman, and many good friends that are also stoners, all make good money in the 40-50 dollars an hour range. Some of us also own our business and have 11 employees working for us and make good money. Guess how many drug test? 0 and my guys work hard ,and smoke all they want on weekends and at night. I will never take a drug test in my life. Many friends also refuse the industry here doesn't test when your at the top of your game, only your worst when something goes wrong. See were treated like adults, trust is placed that good decisions will be made. So

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I guess this stoner tradesman, and many good friends that are also stoners, all make good money in the 40-50 dollars an hour range. Some of us also own our business and have 11 employees working for us and make good money. Guess how many drug test? 0 and my guys work hard ,and smoke all they want on weekends and at night. I will never take a drug test in my life. Many friends also refuse the industry here doesn't test when your at the top of your game, only your worst when something goes wrong. See were treated like adults, trust is placed that good decisions will be made. So
In the transportation industry - random drug testing is mandatory under both federal and state laws.

No fudging - you name gets pulled for that month you get tested. Within 12 hours of notification.



Active member
I guess this stoner tradesman, and many good friends that are also stoners, all make good money in the 40-50 dollars an hour range. Some of us also own our business and have 11 employees working for us and make good money. Guess how many drug test? 0 and my guys work hard ,and smoke all they want on weekends and at night. I will never take a drug test in my life. Many friends also refuse the industry here doesn't test when your at the top of your game, only your worst when something goes wrong. See were treated like adults, trust is placed that good decisions will be made. So

When did I call tradesman lazy? That would be extremely hypocritical seeing as how I've been in the service sector for my entire life prior to being in service sector management... I don't think you quite got the point I was trying to make.


Active member
I can absolutely see the transportation industry being tested with mouth swabs. As for a piss tests I am 100% against them.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I can absolutely see the transportation industry being tested with mouth swabs. As for a piss tests I am 100% against them.
Actually the larger trucking firms use the hair testing method.

Not because of state or federal regulations, per se, but because of the requirement set forth by their respective insurance carriers.

Nothing worse than a stoner trucker killing the proverbial bus-load of nuns, eh?



Active member
I take issue with a guy that smokes on his days off being subject to those tests. If A guy can pass a mouth swab then hes good to go as far as I concerned.


i flip most cops off so i dont know it it would go over to well if i had my finger in my girls face all day
Is it love or is it dick? If its dick, why bother? I know cops and I know chicks. Fuck and dump either one and it could be your ass.

But me? I would date a chick cop. There is no way, if I was a chick I would date a guy cop.

If is it your medicine, tell her BEFORE you ... make plans. If other, again, why bother?

Death wish?



Pipe dream?

Post her picture, then we can let you know...

(where is the smily-thingy for shit eatin grin?)

Kind of a combo. Power/death-wish


Tropical Outcast
Why not dating her?

Unless you are a state legal grower you are not supposed to tell ANYONE you are growing!

Remember: "Lose lips sink ships!"

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