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Would you date a cop?

Ok so I met this girl, fine as hell. Anyways, we start talking, one thing leads to another now I've been dating this girl for a bt. Thing is not too long after I met her ( few days ) I find out she's a cop. Yes I know a lot of the extremely paranoid ones on here will say that she's undercover or whatever but lol at that. SO would you guys keep dating her?


Active member
Yes and get her to fall in love then tell her you smoke and grow and she'll be torn as to what to do and it'll be like a movie. Awesome.
haha Dr No that was great

I don't know man I wouldn't grow pot and date a cop. You'd have to not do one. Up to you which.


NO and ill tell you why

i wont stop smoking pot so if it were to happen shed have to be cool with it which means shed have to lie or fuck over her job and if thats the type of integrity she possesses how long till she sells me out for whatever new fancy she finds

so letting her get close to you is not a good move

working out an understanding so you can have torrid cop and criminal fantasy sex at safe, neutral location ... well, let me ask, how hot is she? and who wears the cuffs?


Regardless of what they say they still work for an organisation who do this daily.

I would have to agree, at least 98% advance in there career by how many potheads they lock up and how many tickets they hand out. I would just spank dat ass and move on.


Active member
Regardless of what they say they still work for an organisation who do this daily.

Okay. I used to be a higher-up in a corporation that did extensive drug testing and had to let several employees go for failing tests over the years. I take it that makes me a "fascist" as well, right? Just doing my job...
Okay. I used to be a higher-up in a corporation that did extensive drug testing and had to let several employees go for failing tests over the years. I take it that makes me a "fascist" as well, right? Just doing my job...

Did I say fascist?
I know I wouldn't work somewhere with a drug test policy, what this has to do with dating a pig I don't know.
Is it love or is it dick? If its dick, why bother? I know cops and I know chicks. Fuck and dump either one and it could be your ass.

But me? I would date a chick cop. There is no way, if I was a chick I would date a guy cop.

If is it your medicine, tell her BEFORE you ... make plans. If other, again, why bother?

Death wish?



Pipe dream?

Post her picture, then we can let you know...

(where is the smily-thingy for shit eatin grin?)
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Active member
Did I say fascist?
I know I wouldn't work somewhere with a drug test policy, what this has to do with dating a pig I don't know.

You didn't say "fascist," I apologize if it seemed as though I was putting words in your mouth there. That just seems to be the standard epithet for LEO & our government on this forum.

What trade/profession would not mandate a pre-employment drug test?

I'm curious.

As usual.


The trades/professions that a bunch of lazy stoners who are complacent and perfectly happy with mediocrity tend to be attracted to.... :tiphat: no offense guys, but real jobs require tests, and not everybody is happy with a dead-end hourly job simply because we smoke pot.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
The trades/professions that a bunch of lazy stoners who are complacent and perfectly happy with mediocrity tend to be attracted to.... :tiphat: no offense guys, but real jobs require tests, and not everybody is happy with a dead-end hourly job simply because we smoke pot.

I agree with you in spirit and probably how the deal actually works - I mean a McJob requires a pre-employment drug test. Even making a career change to being an official Walmart 'greeter' has the same requirement.

So how's Taco Bell doing on this deal? Dominos Pizza driver?

What's left?

Just curious.



Active member

I agree with you in spirit and probably how the deal actually works - I mean a McJob requires a pre-employment drug test. Even making a career change to being an official Walmart 'greeter' has the same requirement.

So how's Taco Bell doing on this deal? Dominos Pizza driver?

What's left?

Just curious.


I worked in the restaurant industry for most of my teenage and young adult years and never once got a drug test. It's only in upper-level management jobs and very corporate restaurants that this tends to be an issue. Believe me, I and every other restaurant manager/restaurateur in the world knows very well that if we drug tested our employees, we would not have any.

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