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so where are these outdoor pics??? i wana see what nature did for you sence u say u got outdoor down. my 2 year old can throw a bean in the dirt outside and it will grow.
if u dont have the space to grow then why bother growing such pathetic plants? or growing period. thats just a sad sight to see. like the comercials for animal abuse n neglect. least u coulda pissed on it while u were at it least it woulda got a lil food out of it.
that so called bud would make a good start for some compost 4 the next run cuz i wouldnt use it for anything else. maybe laquer it up and use it for a tutorial of what not to do...lol.

you said u look at the nugs on this site? then u look at yours? then u want to bitch at the people tryin to help you. quit actin like these people arent tryin to help u. they are u just cant accept the fact that u dont want to learn or take the time to read and learn as u said. if you dont have the brains to read and "comp-ri-hend" what is being said and learn from mistakes then u have no business blaming the seed. blame the 1 who planted the seed.


no....just...no. The main point behind the conditions of this grow are because I'm not in a living situation where I can grow - 3 roommates, no privacy, odor, etc. Can't grow here. Have to wait until I get my own place if I want to get a tent or something together and do it right.

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^ you fagots need to get a life, I mean it

good job pal.

you are risking your freedom for a 1 gram harvest.

you did it man!

no....just...no. The main point behind the conditions of this grow are because I'm not in a living situation where I can grow - 3 roommates, no privacy, odor, etc. Can't grow here. Have to wait until I get my own place if I want to get a tent or something together and do it right.
^ you fagots need to get a life, I mean it

im not sure how any of that has an effect on how you feed your plants dude. lants dont need a tent or odor control to survive, just some light and nutes and some co2


Seriously man why are you even bothering with those plants if your freedom is on the line, your worse then Crush atleast Crush lives in Canada so he wouldnt be bunking with bubba if caught. You come here for advice but just put people on your ignore list that point out what your doin wrong and call people stupid that are trying to help you. Keep on keepin on, one day u might get a 1/4 ounce off that 150 hps.


Quote th

Quote th

Show me you can have some care and concern for bagseed, and I'll let you pick any two of the cuts from whats in my room.It's a nice list too.

I'll be your mentor...hugs free of charge(no h0mo)

Serious offer

Until then...



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Karma Police

Karma Police

Listen and chill


:jerkit: with the right hand
:smoke out: with the left hand

and all's good :wave:

Shit has me rollin' fellas :tiphat:


Your right, the Moderators need to pay closer attention to the grow threads.

The influx of full on, full picture, full shite threads is escalating. full of posts full of nothing but displays of self serving , offer-less, exhibitions of ignorance.

Moderators / please make a note of this. [/sarcasm]

this site should only host the best of the best. how-to's, DIY, law's and regulations, News, etc...

in all cannagories. Including the Help Desk; the most beautiful aspect of this here forum.

where else can members like you and me post dem pics like this.

and aks for respected advise, served with a smile... ( i read the WORST BAGSEED GROW EVER...wtf?? thread and cracked a smile ... N E weays...)from some of the best cannabis growers in the world!... maybe even the genius who thunk 'o that strain.

keep ya head up brother. grow nugs. post them pics. keep a stiff upper lip. respect


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
A man reaps what he sows friend :tiphat:Change your style/attitude, use the site for what it was meant for, and i am quite sure peoples attitudes toward you will change.
Till then, your gonna have to deal with it...

brother bear got you there.....

when SSSSOOOO many people say the same thing about you, its most likely true......

i was going to side with you because im REALLY good at dealing with trolls, until i read what was going on.....




How can you let these circle jerkers troll my grow thread like this??????

Is it helpful advice? Grow tips? No, it's a couple of grown men who can't get off the fucking computer and are intentionally giving bad grow advice/being a nuisance.

You know what your problem is? It's the fact that you are trying to grow all hard mode. Lighten up and try easy mode, you'll get much better results.


Did you take your grow lessons from Crush? That looks like a hard mode,all bud, pheno to me. Maybe you should just go easy mode.


H2O, by your own admission, you've been on the site for two years and made no attempt to learn anything, other than looking at pretty nug pictures and the tokers den. You've also stated that your current living situation doesn't allow you to grow, but yet you are.

Nothing in life that is worth doing is free or easy. With your time around the boards, you should have garnered that much at least.

From a quick glance at your thread, it isn't the genetics or environment, but simply your inability or arrogance to not learn from the wealth of information at your fingertips on this forum.

Back when I used to run a 150w, I would easily hit and/or surpass a 4 zips a harvest. Then again, I spent countless hours educating myself on these forums and was very attentive to the plants. Guess what I didn't do? Spend all my time looking at pretty pics and the toker's forum.

As BrotherBear said, you reap what you sow.

I hope the coming new year will be a better one than the last. Perhaps a good resolution would be to educate yourself on the nuances on indoor growing so your risk would at least have a tangible reward?

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