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World's Oceans In 'shocking' decline

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Bra you are seriously kidding right LOL..?

Bra you are seriously kidding right LOL..?

You can't run the world on bio-diesel!

And the REAL question is...are you willing to pay a LOT more NOW for something we're not sure about...or keep doing it as cheaply as possible...considering the entire world is broke.

Going green makes us uncompetitive...

Stop getting your information from your or someone elses ass...there is no FREE energy. We'd still be agrarian without oil. We will be again IF it runs out.

The people holding BACK civilization...are the ones LEECHING from t...are you kidding me in BLAMING the richest 400 people in the world for holding BACK civilization? Are you mad? Supporting 40 million on food stamps holds BACK a civilization!

Where do you people GET your ideas? Cracker Jacks boxes?

The sun is HARDLY free for mechanical energy...the kind we need. Solar cells are what 15% these days? And they take 10X the energy...oil energy...to make than they produce in a reasonable lifespan.

You can stand in the sun without harm...it doesn't produce that much energy. You can't hold the combustion of a gas engine in your hand...because the energy needed to move the car...at a decent speed...is too much...more than what the sun puts out on a normal day. We don't all live in the equatorial deserts.

There are NO replacements for oil...not with present day technology. We really DO need to invent "Mr Fusion". You piss in it ONCE and off it goes, 1% efficiency of mass to energy. Virtually unlimited in mans perspective.

Some form of atomic manipulation is our future...our only hope. A "replicator" like in Star Trek powered by a fusion/subatomic source. Maybe antimatter...if we could make it and transport it easily...getting back more than we put in...that would be best.

Hot tip you young folks...learn about magnetic containment of antimatter...figure our a way to make antimatter...develop a device to "meter it out in a controlled fashion to a "reactor"" and you'll be rich! Famous! And beloved the world wide! You'll get a holiday for sure! After all, with "unlimited" energy...we could just smoke weed all day from that point on. Energy is and always has been the constrainer.

You CAN live on the suns energy if you choose the path to agrarian society...not industrial...sorry to burst your bubble. Even 100% efficiency isn't going to cut it. You NEED "condensed" energy for a modern energy intensive society. Just 1 BBL, or a few at most, of antimatter could possibly supply the planets energy needs...possibly for quite a while. I don't know the equivalent in joules or whatever unit you choose.

I KNOW we're fucked...I KNOW both India and China WANT to live like we do here in the west. But they CAN'T...there isn't enough available oil for them to do it. That's why I'm convinced that we're ALL going to go for the ME oil fields...we MUST to survive. We can't keep paying them...we can't...we're out of cash and out of credit. 1/4 our debt is to the oil producers. Our economy is in shambles because of rising oil prices. It makes sense.

Obama is releasing oil for the reserves to keep the price down to try to get the economy going. It's too expensive for growth. And we NEED it...we rely on oil as we rely on water, food, and air.

Solar Vs Oil Power Energy Generation Guide

Solar Vs Oil Is The Big Debate

By J K Hellios

Solar versus oil is the big debate these days, including the cost of converting current systems such as electricity generation to solar power systems. As solar power systems are being built on a massive scale, then there will not be any need to use oil and other fossil fuels to pollute our atmosphere, as these resources are continued to be depleted.
Solar power is generated using free sun energy as the source. This source is infinite and the power generated is renewable. Once oil is burned, then you have to dig more oil out of the ground, transported huge distances and then dig more to replace the oil burned. This means, that one day, oil will be depleted and will not be able to meet demand.
With solar energy, free sun energy can be trapped from the sun again and again, without having to transport the energy huge distances. The source is infinite. In other words, it will not depleted and will continue to meet demand.
Oil And Coal Are The Old Technology

The industrial revolution was built on the back of oil and coal. There is no denying that solar played no part whatsoever. This is particularly true since solar cells were not invented until the 1950s! That being said, it appears indisputable that we have reached or are approaching a new debate about how we deal with our insatiable thirst for power.
At first glance, the mere mention of a comparison of solar to oil as an energy source sounds laughable. It is laughable when we are talking about large scale energy production, but the tide is turning

The Numerous Advantages Of Solar Power

In a comparison of solar to oil, solar power has numerous advantages. The power source for solar, the sun, is free. Solar is available as a resource in every country, regardless of location, economic strength and so on since the sun shines everywhere. The process of converting sunlight into electricity or heating produces no greenhouse gases.
Whether you believe in global warming or not, solar still is advantageous in that it doesn’t produce pollution. If you live in a big city, you know how much pollution is in the air. You can often see it!
Huge Cost Of Conversion Of Oil To Solar

Flipping the coin, oil has some serious advantages over solar. We have already developed technology to efficiently convert oil to power. The cost of converting industry, vehicles and such to solar or any other power source would be huge.
Oil also has an advantage in that it is easier to use in a wide variety of applications, such as vehicles. Finally, it is easier to use oil to provide power to massive energy platforms, such as electricity for New York City.
For large scale energy needs, oil is still a superior choice to solar as an energy resource. The technology simply does not exist to provide solar energy solutions for vehicles, national electrical grid systems and so on.
Advancements In Solar Technology

Advancements in solar technology, however, may be changing this fact in the very near future. Technologies such as quantum dots, essentially microscopic solar panels that could exist in the paint on your home, may make oil a thing of the past.
For now, oil remains the backbone upon which our energy needs sit. In the next 5, 10 or 20 years, however, new technological applications may change this. Don’t believe me? Then consider the fact oil companies such as Chevron are investing heavily in solar companies.
World Solar Challenge

Although solar technology is improving, there are solar cars on our roads and there is even a World Solar Challenge where solar cars from around the world are racing in one location. New and better solar cars are being produced and one day these cars may be ready to be produced on a massive scale to meet the costs and efficiency of cars running on oil.
Once these new solar cars are produced, then we may be able to breathe cleaner air and be rid of the smog covering many of our large cities. The challenge, is to leave a legacy for our children, to live and breathe with a cleaner atmosphere.
Generating Free Electricity

Some solar technologies may not be large enough to meet electricity needs on a power grid, but then using an electricity grid may not be needed when you can arrange for the installation of solar panels in your home and generate your own free electricity from an infinite source, the sun.
You may review your options and find in the long run, the debate between solar vs oil, may swing to solar and other green and renewable power sources, as oil resources are no longer able to meet demand.
About the Author:
J K Hellios has written a number of articles on Solar Power and Renewable Energy including About Solar Panels, Solar Energy, Solar Power Home, Solar Power Lights, Solar Powered Cars.
Keep a lookout for more articles available on this website soon.

Little Known Solar Facts.....

What happens if it is a cloudy day?
Unless you have storage for your collected solar power, you will have to rely on other means to heat, cool or power your home.

If the solar panels do not receive sunlight, the process of converting the thermal rays into electricity does not happen. If you do have storage, the power will be pulled from there.
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Game Bred
where did all the posts go?

musta got all personal up in here....

i can't leave you alone for a minute DB!!!


Active member
more crock rebuttal

LOL. Not CROCK at all. The government has just announced that 50% of all Americans (you?) are now on either food stamps or some other form of assistance.

So WTF. You may want to live is some form of 3rd world country, but I do not. And unfortunately for you, I am NOW firmly in the majority.

People are tired of idiots telling us, the producers, how we need to spend our money while Washington DC borrows $0.42 of every dollar it spends.

Yes Disco man, call me whatever you want. I'm right and you are wrong. There is a shift going on in the country and the "sky is falling" liberals are losing the debate.
The oceans are not rising any where near the rate that algore and his immoral ilk predicted, co2 is NOT causing warming and all the stupid regulations piled on to business is preventing an economic recovery.

I'd bet you have a job in academia, as you prefer theory over common sense solutions.

Me? I'd say that the idiots that want to live that way should produce their own food. Let them starve to death and all of our problems would vanish.
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well Joeuser I feel now that you left that in my IC box that it's my duty to inform you that they have now built a whole city in China on the solar gride lol.. No maybe or should of's about it lol peace out bro Headband 707


Well Joeuser I feel now that you left that in my IC box that it's my duty to inform you that they have now built a whole city in China on the solar gride lol.. No maybe or should of's about it lol peace out bro Headband 707

I looked at a few stories...it's a good start...solar water heaters, some public lighting, a few other things...but by no means a "solar city". When they run a city self sufficient...hell, even a lowly desert town, on nothing but renewable...I'll start getting impressed.



weed fiend
LOL. Not CROCK at all. The government has just announced that 50% of all Americans (you?) are now on either food stamps or some other form of assistance.

So WTF. You may want to live is some form of 3rd world country, but I do not. And unfortunately for you, I am NOW firmly in the majority.

People are tired of idiots telling us, the producers, how we need to spend our money while Washington DC borrows $0.42 of every dollar it spends.

Yes Disco man, call me whatever you want. I'm right and you are wrong. There is a shift going on in the country and the "sky is falling" liberals are losing the debate.
The oceans are not rising any where near the rate that algore and his immoral ilk predicted, co2 is NOT causing warming and all the stupid regulations piled on to business is preventing an economic recovery.

I'd bet you have a job in academia, as you prefer theory over common sense solutions.

Me? I'd say that the idiots that want to live that way should produce their own food. Let them starve to death and all of our problems would vanish.

Then rock on with the majority.:) For the record, I'm not on food stamps. But it does help generate commerce that business that business isn't doing very much of (these days.) Business has more money now than ever and doing historically little for the 100,000+ entering the US job market every month.

IMO, encouraging you to take a look at the substance isn't any suggestion I want your living standards to lower. Is not driving the latest Lincoln Town Car lowering my standards? Hell yeah, I drive a ferking TC, lol. But it drinks less gas and it's not as bad on the environment. I still get around.

In the 1970s we had evidence of widespread welfare fraud. By the 90s that was largely eliminated through welfare-to-work programs. Welfare standards have been tightened and only those that qualify receive benefits. Business isn't hiring in the numbers necessary to sustain employment to minimal rates. Nobody changed it to economic strategy like your comment suggests.

Didn't call you anything, the word was used as adjective. In fact, wasn't it directed at the article and not yourself? The science community's tape measure is just as accurate as yours and I bet they've even more precise instruments we have to ignore to suggest our favorite cove hasn't exceeded it's shoreline.

I'm not an academic. IMO, you can common sense the solution but some problems aren't necessarily identified with common sense. Some problems are identified by the scientific method which common sense isn't expected to possibly grasp. Even science has common sense approaches to achieve knowledge but it's the scientific method that proves or disproves. Peer-review enhances the process and even centuries-old scientific principles are just as accurate today, accepting principles dis proven by scientific method.

I could no more common-sense the scientific method than one could emulate your profession without the necessary expertise. At least part of your process was scientifically developed to get better results. Doesn't mean everything science does is positive. DDT and agent orange are terrible and science told us this long before common sense said they work, keep using them.

I don't wish peril on you or your farm. But I do suggest that long before future generations no longer grow on your farm, science will help them work out problems that exists and problems that arise. Apply this to the macro and recognize we can common sense a convection oven but not necessarily a microwave.


weed fiend
joeuser makes a good point, we use too much energy. The fact we waste almost half suggest that conservation may help ease future pain. I'm not suggesting that indoor growers sacrifice their living by cutting back lighting and cooling needs. But there may be areas we can all tighten our belts and squeeze wasted energy to minimal amounts.

Solar and wind were never marketed as total solutions. Many green energy machines have negative environmental consequences. Unfortunately, so does carbon energy. We may never completely halt carbon sources but conservation and diversification should be tuned in better ways than the present.


Active member
carbon will continue as the prime energy source until hydrogen emerges as the solution.

Sadly, china recognizes this fact and is currently making deals all around the world for the next 25 years. The U.S.? We're so stupid, we don't allow much drilling or mining any longer and our moron of a president thinks windmills and solar farms will take us to the future, further showing his naivete and lack of all common sense (he never had a job did he?).

So while we are struggling with unemployment, our cost of energy will "necessarily skyrocket" (obama's words not mine) making our country less competitive in a competitive world.

I can't wait for 2012 to be done with this bullshit experiment.


weed fiend
Interesting that China is pursuing hydrogen, apparently it won't work there any better than it would here. What kind of deals is China making? Raw materials? Hydrogen is generated, not mined. And why would China's pursuits appeal to you any more than domestic pursuits? This stuff didn't start with Obama. You might be surprised that green energy advanced more in the Bush years than any other president.

The only reason that conservation and diversified, green-energy sources aren't embraced here is it cuts into conventional profits. They whine it messes with our freedom and 20% of the country makes enough noise for change to stall. So we're pushing our pain to future generations.

When you suggest we'll use all our carbon before going green, are you saying you don't want future generations (and possibly us) missing out on certain plastics, fibers, fertilizers, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals? We use oil for lots of stuff. If we burn it as fuel now, we may be missing out on newer innovations with oil and it' byproducts.


Active member
Interesting that China is pursuing hydrogen, apparently it won't work there any better than it would here. What kind of deals is China making? Raw materials? Hydrogen is generated, not mined. And why would China's pursuits appeal to you any more than domestic pursuits? This stuff didn't start with Obama. You might be surprised that green energy advanced more in the Bush years than any other president.

The only reason that conservation and diversified, green-energy sources aren't embraced here is it cuts into conventional profits. They whine it messes with our freedom and 20% of the country makes enough noise for change to stall. So we're pushing our pain to future generations.

When you suggest we'll use all our carbon before going green, are you saying you don't want future generations (and possibly us) missing out on certain plastics, fibers, fertilizers, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals? We use oil for lots of stuff. If we burn it as fuel now, we may be missing out on newer innovations with oil and it' byproducts.

The problem with you disco, is that when you post bs, you ask questions as if you didn't know the answer.

Look it up. China is financing drilling and coal production ALL around the world. And they are not doing so for the benefit of others. they are taking delivery.

Don't play stupid. While our sophomoric administration is cumming in their academia pants over solar and wind, china is securing oil and coal worldwide, They also take our money to build those useless solar panels for American companies and ship them over here and laugh at the US and idealists such as yourself. When you and other idealist Americans are out of work due to the fact that China has a cheaper labor AND cheaper energy and no european or north american company can compete, you will be on food stamps due to your stupidity.

You really do live in a pretend world.


weed fiend
The problem with you disco, is that when you post bs, you ask questions as if you didn't know the answer.

Look it up. China is financing drilling and coal production ALL around the world. And they are not doing so for the benefit of others. they are taking delivery.

Don't play stupid. While our sophomoric administration is cumming in their academia pants over solar and wind, china is securing oil and coal worldwide, They also take our money to build those useless solar panels for American companies and ship them over here and laugh at the US and idealists such as yourself. When you and other idealist Americans are out of work due to the fact that China has a cheaper labor AND cheaper energy and no european or north american company can compete, you will be on food stamps due to your stupidity.

You really do live in a pretend world.

Misunderstood your post, thought you said China was pursuing hydrogen.

I get it. You want to burn all the crap in the ground first. Then suffer as we develop alternatives after-the-fact.


weed fiend
Carter didn't have the all that much technology, he mainly encouraged conservation. W's former Crawford residence is a green dream. Geothermal for hvac, sequestered rainwater for non-indigenous trees... I forget all the Crawford innovations sported when W was gub. That shit didn't fly with the oil and coal lobbies when W was president.


You let me know when you can replace that other 95% with your precious solar and wind.

NOTHING beats oil/gas for cheap energy. And unfortunately, we need a WHOLE LOT of energy...cheap....

If saving power was the same thing as making money, we could do this no problem.

You see all this amazing evolution of technology that allows you to do all this internetting for example, do you really think that if humanity was not trying to keep the black gold gravy train going we wouldn't have found more convinient alternatives? That technology is from like 1910 or something, ethanol is always dismissed (you should know all about ethanol, this is a weed forum after all)

as far as electricity, look at the brown out problems in California. All that money that was supposed to be spent on infrastructure got stolen by some ass holes instead, so how did they fix the problem? Simple energy saving methods.


exactly, our priorities are such that hardly anyone is thinking carbon footprint, if you talk power savings to someone they are likely thinking money saving, but there's more to it that is not addressed because of the money spending, if you know what I mean.


Cannabrex Formulator
The problem with you disco, is that when you post bs, you ask questions as if you didn't know the answer.

Look it up. China is financing drilling and coal production ALL around the world. And they are not doing so for the benefit of others. they are taking delivery.

Don't play stupid. While our sophomoric administration is cumming in their academia pants over solar and wind, china is securing oil and coal worldwide, They also take our money to build those useless solar panels for American companies and ship them over here and laugh at the US and idealists such as yourself. When you and other idealist Americans are out of work due to the fact that China has a cheaper labor AND cheaper energy and no european or north american company can compete, you will be on food stamps due to your stupidity.

You really do live in a pretend world.

And when the malignant, exploitative paradigm humanity functions on shatters the bases of our ecosystem (bees, plankton, ocean microlife etc) your food stamps, economic competition and cheap energy issues will be worth a pile of dog shit.....

Because everyone will fucking starve to death or worse.....thanks to arrogant, greedy and selfish donkeyhonkers like you couldn't grow the fuck up and stop being gluttonous children squalling for the next new toy.

It's your world that is a pretend one, Senor....keep dreaming that humanity can continue livign the way we do.....enjoy yer fantasy.....and doom yer kids to inheriting a barren wasteland.


And when the malignant, exploitative paradigm humanity functions on shatters the bases of our ecosystem (bees, plankton, ocean microlife etc) your food stamps, economic competition and cheap energy issues will be worth a pile of dog shit.....

Because everyone will fucking starve to death or worse.....thanks to arrogant, greedy and selfish donkeyhonkers like you couldn't grow the fuck up and stop being gluttonous children squalling for the next new toy.

It's your world that is a pretend one, Senor....keep dreaming that humanity can continue livign the way we do.....enjoy yer fantasy.....and doom yer kids to inheriting a barren wasteland.

Actually...it's the liberal progressives who are into the "iToys".

But I do agree...it can't continue...especially with exponential population growth...95% of that growth being to the poor...the needy...the unaffordable.

We need population control...more than anything else...as our first priority. The trouble is...business and government NEED population growth to support their Ponzi! So they won't support it.

ethanol uses massive amounts of petrol to produce....

Ethanol is a non starter. Bio fuel is a non starter. Current technology hydrogen is a non starter. Solar? Only for hot water..for electricity, inefficient, and batteries use a LOT of oil and precious metals that require mining...etc. Wind, only in select areas, again, use more oil to make than they give back. And it seems that fission will be ending soon...due to "problems". We're fucked. We MUST continue down the fossil fuel path. Coal, NG, and oil. Or, we take a HUGE standard of living cut...you decide...but not for me! I like my cars, my central heat and air, my refrigerator, my big screen TV, my computer...they all require lots of energy. And I live frugally compared to most.


Active member
Carter didn't have the all that much technology, he mainly encouraged conservation. W's former Crawford residence is a green dream. Geothermal for hvac, sequestered rainwater for non-indigenous trees... I forget all the Crawford innovations sported when W was gub. That shit didn't fly with the oil and coal lobbies when W was president.
From my link in previous post
President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) created the Department of Energy in 1977, with a key goal being the establishment of a national energy policy that promoted clean and alternative fuels. Carter famously installed solar panels on the White House roof
I'd say that speaks for itself. Implementing green tech at home < Implementing green tech for everyone.

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