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World's Oceans In 'shocking' decline


weed fiend
Shit, everything's in decline. But ~400 individuals have more than they ever had (and only want more.)

Every one of em's waiting for the 1st trillionaire (ain't even in the spell-check) to show em how it's done
yeah man (to thread starter), man is messing things up something wicked. And the sad thing is, we are the only known sentient species and supposedly the smartest species, and we keep merrily stumbling like a blind drunk towards our own destruction (no dig meant on blind people, just a metaphor). It is so sad because it is so preventable if we just wise up and start taking action!


Active member
Sure, so long as you bring your own supply of water and food... The vast majority of Aussie is uninhabitable bro, your suggestion isn't ever going to work.

that was just an example to prove a point, the earth has about 36.8 billion acres of land, not necessarily all inhabitable but thats about 5 acres, per person...


They like fracking because they get energy for cheap to sell back to us, and they got their "science" to show that it is safe, but I'd sooner spend my energy money on the natural gas drilling done the proper way, or bypass the gas and use some hybrid of solar, wind, and hydro electricity.

You let me know when you can replace that other 95% with your precious solar and wind.

NOTHING beats oil/gas for cheap energy. And unfortunately, we need a WHOLE LOT of energy...cheap.

The replacement equivilant cost would be like $50 a gallon for gas...that's a whole lot of money spent on energy. Do you have enough to pay for it? Not many do...that's why they're fracking to get more cheaply.

Shit, everything's in decline. But ~400 individuals have more than they ever had (and only want more.)

Every one of em's waiting for the 1st trillionaire (ain't even in the spell-check) to show em how it's done

And on the OTHER side...we have a few billion people with nothing... I'd trade the few billion losers for the 400 winners any day. Everything is in decline because we have too many wanting too much. EVERYONE wants to be the rich successful guy...but only a very few have what it takes to get it.

yeah man (to thread starter), man is messing things up something wicked. And the sad thing is, we are the only known sentient species and supposedly the smartest species, and we keep merrily stumbling like a blind drunk towards our own destruction (no dig meant on blind people, just a metaphor). It is so sad because it is so preventable if we just wise up and start taking action!

Like birth control? "we keep merrily stumbling like a blind drunk towards our own destruction" should read...we keep merrily breeding ourselves towards our own destruction.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I drive heavy earth moving machinery and big trucks. These machines use a shit load of diesel each day. They spew out a shit load of pollutants, though some manufacturers claim they are clean, I doubt it.

But what can I do, it's my living. I decided to make a life change to do this stuff. Where I live there is no other job that pays as well and lets me enjoy my life. And I'm not giving it up.

I have no doubt at all the work I do contributes to increased levels of pollutants in the atmosphere.

I'm not putting up a theory on how to prevent the damage to the oceans and atmosphere. Everyone has their ideas.

Just an observation.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I drive heavy earth moving machinery and big trucks. These machines use a shit load of diesel each day. They spew out a shit load of pollutants, though some manufacturers claim they are clean, I doubt it.

But what can I do, it's my living. I decided to make a life change to do this stuff. Where I live there is no other job that pays as well and lets me enjoy my life. And I'm not giving it up.

I have no doubt at all the work I do contributes to increased levels of pollutants in the atmosphere.

I'm not putting up a theory on how to prevent the damage to the oceans and atmosphere. Everyone has their ideas.

Just an observation.

ewll in your position I would regulate what I do personally and myself I would do what I could to help implement a green initiative in your industry

bio-diesels are the easiest adaptation and it doesn't mean you have to get all hippy ion your bosses

it can start with what you, selfe-education regarding the problem, ow you vote, how you respond when you have a choice in the matter

we will all have to adapt, the question is would you like to make some adaptation now or more costly adaptation later

thank you very much for your honest, no one likes to admit it but we all are apart of a defective society that does fucked up things in the name of industry

"let he without sin cast he first stone" seems appropriate here


You let me know when you can replace that other 95% with your precious solar and wind.

NOTHING beats oil/gas for cheap energy. And unfortunately, we need a WHOLE LOT of energy...cheap.

The replacement equivilant cost would be like $50 a gallon for gas...that's a whole lot of money spent on energy. Do you have enough to pay for it? Not many do...that's why they're fracking to get more cheaply.

And on the OTHER side...we have a few billion people with nothing... I'd trade the few billion losers for the 400 winners any day. Everything is in decline because we have too many wanting too much. EVERYONE wants to be the rich successful guy...but only a very few have what it takes to get it.

Like birth control? "we keep merrily stumbling like a blind drunk towards our own destruction" should read...we keep merrily breeding ourselves towards our own destruction.

stop getting all your info from cnn and wikipedia bro. free energy exists, but if the oil stops flowing so does the money for those 400 winners that you would trade for the billions of good people who don't hold back an entire civilization. you need to stop assuming, not EVERYONE wants to be a "rich successful guy"(not everyone has an enormous ego to feed) lots of people want whats best for EVERYONE.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The sun is our free energy but the oil companies have successfully blocked that puppy and to what expense.. All for the sake of money forget the cost it has had on the earth. Our Government's have been in bed with oil companies and big pharma because we know where there true loyalies lie and that would be with big money where ever that flows.. peace out Headband707


ewll in your position I would regulate what I do personally and myself I would do what I could to help implement a green initiative in your industry

bio-diesels are the easiest adaptation and it doesn't mean you have to get all hippy ion your bosses

it can start with what you, selfe-education regarding the problem, ow you vote, how you respond when you have a choice in the matter

we will all have to adapt, the question is would you like to make some adaptation now or more costly adaptation later

thank you very much for your honest, no one likes to admit it but we all are apart of a defective society that does fucked up things in the name of industry

"let he without sin cast he first stone" seems appropriate here

You can't run the world on bio-diesel!

And the REAL question is...are you willing to pay a LOT more NOW for something we're not sure about...or keep doing it as cheaply as possible...considering the entire world is broke.

Going green makes us uncompetitive...

stop getting all your info from cnn and wikipedia bro. free energy exists, but if the oil stops flowing so does the money for those 400 winners that you would trade for the billions of good people who don't hold back an entire civilization. you need to stop assuming, not EVERYONE wants to be a "rich successful guy"(not everyone has an enormous ego to feed) lots of people want whats best for EVERYONE.

Stop getting your information from your or someone elses ass...there is no FREE energy. We'd still be agrarian without oil. We will be again IF it runs out.

The people holding BACK civilization...are the ones LEECHING from t...are you kidding me in BLAMING the richest 400 people in the world for holding BACK civilization? Are you mad? Supporting 40 million on food stamps holds BACK a civilization!

Where do you people GET your ideas? Cracker Jacks boxes?

The sun is our free energy but the oil companies have successfully blocked that puppy and to what expense.. All for the sake of money forget the cost it has had on the earth. Our Government's have been in bed with oil companies and big pharma because we know where there true loyalies lie and that would be with big money where ever that flows.. peace out Headband707

The sun is HARDLY free for mechanical energy...the kind we need. Solar cells are what 15% these days? And they take 10X the energy...oil energy...to make than they produce in a reasonable lifespan.

You can stand in the sun without harm...it doesn't produce that much energy. You can't hold the combustion of a gas engine in your hand...because the energy needed to move the car...at a decent speed...is too much...more than what the sun puts out on a normal day. We don't all live in the equatorial deserts.

There are NO replacements for oil...not with present day technology. We really DO need to invent "Mr Fusion". You piss in it ONCE and off it goes, 1% efficiency of mass to energy. Virtually unlimited in mans perspective.

Some form of atomic manipulation is our future...our only hope. A "replicator" like in Star Trek powered by a fusion/subatomic source. Maybe antimatter...if we could make it and transport it easily...getting back more than we put in...that would be best.

Hot tip you young folks...learn about magnetic containment of antimatter...figure our a way to make antimatter...develop a device to "meter it out in a controlled fashion to a "reactor"" and you'll be rich! Famous! And beloved the world wide! You'll get a holiday for sure! After all, with "unlimited" energy...we could just smoke weed all day from that point on. Energy is and always has been the constrainer.

You CAN live on the suns energy if you choose the path to agrarian society...not industrial...sorry to burst your bubble. Even 100% efficiency isn't going to cut it. You NEED "condensed" energy for a modern energy intensive society. Just 1 BBL, or a few at most, of antimatter could possibly supply the planets energy needs...possibly for quite a while. I don't know the equivalent in joules or whatever unit you choose.

I KNOW we're fucked...I KNOW both India and China WANT to live like we do here in the west. But they CAN'T...there isn't enough available oil for them to do it. That's why I'm convinced that we're ALL going to go for the ME oil fields...we MUST to survive. We can't keep paying them...we can't...we're out of cash and out of credit. 1/4 our debt is to the oil producers. Our economy is in shambles because of rising oil prices. It makes sense.

Obama is releasing oil for the reserves to keep the price down to try to get the economy going. It's too expensive for growth. And we NEED it...we rely on oil as we rely on water, food, and air.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I drive heavy earth moving machinery and big trucks. These machines use a shit load of diesel each day. They spew out a shit load of pollutants, though some manufacturers claim they are clean, I doubt it.

But what can I do, it's my living. I decided to make a life change to do this stuff. Where I live there is no other job that pays as well and lets me enjoy my life. And I'm not giving it up.

I have no doubt at all the work I do contributes to increased levels of pollutants in the atmosphere.

I'm not putting up a theory on how to prevent the damage to the oceans and atmosphere. Everyone has their ideas.

Just an observation.

I drill for the oil and gas that goes into your nasty frontloader. Don't feel bad. :D


Active member
do yourself some research on exemptions for ALL oil companies on state taxes in louisiana put in place by the feds...

it's a convoluted mess but suffice it to say if they were made to pay the same rates they are in EVERY OTHER STATE Louisiana would be BY FAR the richest state in the union..

but alas the oil is drilled just far enough off shore the per barrel tax is not due to LA...

is it the gov. cutting a check?

but as adults we understand subsidies aren't always a deposit.

you know kinda like we all understand when uncle sam borrows(the federal reserve prints/creates digitally) money the taxpayer WILL end up with the bill.

Correct. But!
To entice a company or other entity to spend millions or more to develop an oil field, tax breaks are given. This offsets the risk involved. Take away these tax breaks and the cost of drilling and or exploring become more expensive, which in turn, increases the cost of oil.

This is really no different then accelerated depreciation schedules, allowing any business to recapture their expenses quickly to remain competitive in a global market. From energy to manufacturing to farming, they all enjoy these tax breaks. The cry to "end oil subsidies" is just a cry to treat the oil industry different and more onerous then any other industry in the US. Unfair and stupid in my opinion. I don't want to pay $8/gallon as in europe.

But subsidies (like the ones currently being offered to solar firms) are not offered to "big oil".

Out here in the desert southwest, the "next big thing" is supposed to be solar. But businesses cannot create power with solar and sell that power on the open market at a competitive rate. So the government is actively subsidizing the solar market. In fact, these solar firms are now saying that instead of "tax credits", they just want outright grants instead. In other words, they need free money because solar farms do not produce enough or cheap enough power on their own for the free market to invest in ATM.

As with anything else the government touches, when it get involved, it skews markets and increases the cost of that commodity.... which in this case is "energy".


weed fiend
And on the OTHER side...we have a few billion people with nothing... I'd trade the few billion losers for the 400 winners any day.

More wash powder, joe?

Everything is in decline because we have too many wanting too much. EVERYONE wants to be the rich successful guy...but only a very few have what it takes to get it.

You have enough struggles comprehending what you want. Slaying your own argument used to be funny. Now you're just being obtuse.

Like birth control? "we keep merrily stumbling like a blind drunk towards our own destruction" should read...we keep merrily breeding ourselves towards our own destruction.

Ah, the human paradox and his never-ending quest for epiphany... wants to wash powder the third-world and breed our numbers to rule what's left. Holy jeeeeeebus.


Active member
ewll in your position I would regulate what I do personally and myself I would do what I could to help implement a green initiative in your industry

bio-diesels are the easiest adaptation and it doesn't mean you have to get all hippy ion your bosses

it can start with what you, selfe-education regarding the problem, ow you vote, how you respond when you have a choice in the matter

we will all have to adapt, the question is would you like to make some adaptation now or more costly adaptation later

thank you very much for your honest, no one likes to admit it but we all are apart of a defective society that does fucked up things in the name of industry

"let he without sin cast he first stone" seems appropriate here

Sigh...... Me thinks that those who complain the most would be the first in line for hand outs should progress come to a stand still and the food shelves empty.

I for one admire man's ability to change the earth's topography to suit his purpose. It's been going on since the dawn of sentient mankind.

I'll trade that little bit of carbon spewed by those lovely "Cats" for new highways anytime.


More wash powder, joe?

You have enough struggles comprehending what you want. Slaying your own argument used to be funny. Now you're just being obtuse.

Ah, the human paradox and his never-ending quest for epiphany... wants to wash powder the third-world and breed our numbers to rule what's left. Holy jeeeeeebus.

Nothing left but the name calling?

Here's something to ponder while we slowly go 3rd world...


A few highlights:

WASHINGTON – For the first time, more than half of the children under age 2 in the U.S. are minorities, part of a sweeping race change and a growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and fast-growing younger ethnic populations that could reshape government policies.

Preliminary census estimates also show the share of African-American households headed by women — mostly single mothers — now exceeds African-American households with married couples, reflecting the trend of declining U.S. marriages overall.

Demographers say the numbers provide the clearest confirmation yet of a changing social order, one in which racial and ethnic minorities will become the U.S. majority by midcentury. "We're moving toward an acknowledgment that we're living in a different world than the 1950s, where married or two-parent heterosexual couples are now no longer the norm for a lot of kids, especially kids of color," said Laura Speer, coordinator of the Kids Count project for the Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Among African-Americans, U.S. households headed by women — mostly single mothers but also adult women living with siblings or elderly parents — represented roughly 30 percent of all African-American households, compared with the 28 percent share of married-couple African-American households. It was the first time the number of female-headed households surpassed those of married couples among any race group, according to census records reviewed by Frey dating back to 1950.

While the number of black single mothers has been gradually declining, overall marriages among blacks are decreasing faster. That reflects a broader U.S. trend of declining marriage rates as well as increases in non-family households made up of people living alone, or with unmarried partners or other non-relatives.

Female-headed households make up a 19 percent share among Hispanics and 9 percent each for whites and Asians.

Tony Perkins, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council, a conservative interest group, emphasized the economic impact of the decline of traditional families, noting that single-parent families are often the most dependent on government assistance.

"The decline of the traditional family will have to correct itself if we are to continue as a society," Perkins said, citing a responsibility of individuals and churches. "We don't need another dose of big government, but a new Hippocratic oath of `do no harm' that doesn't interfere with family formation or seek to redefine family."

It seems you're going to get what you've been wanting...let's see what you do with it!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I drill for the oil and gas that goes into your nasty frontloader. Don't feel bad. :D

I don't feel bad, I love big powerful diesel engines, just thinking, I'm not going to stop operating them. In a 600 hp Kenworth at the moment.


IMO, the nature of all things in the natural universe is to come and to go.

Are the worlds oceans in shocking decline? Using the word decline suggests a time line, as some point of reference must be had on two ends of a scale. If now is the reference end point, what is the beginning?

Aha. Each reader is left with making his own assumption of where does this first reference point start. Many people will use a perspective lacking in the depth of universal space time, because for us, thousands of years is a long time.

Now let us look at the reference end point. Is this not also assumed? I believe that the natural state of things is to ebb and flow. Some over great spans of time and some less so. If a portion of this ebb and flow is graphed and the rest omitted, you can have a question like "are the worlds oceans in shocking decline?". It's sort of like taking a snapshot out of the grand scheme of things in order to loose our sight of the bigger picture.

This is my most humble opinion on this matter.
