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World's Farmers Feel The Effects Of A Hotter Planet

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3rd-Eye Jedi
remove the spin by corrupt American media and government bodies (this is their way of manipulating an agenda) and look to the worlds ecosystems as a simple indicator our reef and forest ecosystems that filter both air and water are in decline and some are on the edge of collapse

most major ecosystems are undergoing huge unpredicted transitions that will decimate a good percentage (75%) of the worlds diversity of life we are still learning about and rely on for our existence

while i dont claim to know all the variables behind the cause and effect of our pollution and inefficient use of energy and chemicals i feel its indisputable to claim mankind is not biasing or exasperating the environmental instability

but i digress

the whole point of the original article was the statement that America was most stable and showing the lest signs of it, and that since we are a multinational and multicultural there should be anecdotal testimony to this

i understand the denial and conspiracy mindsets and im not here to criticize, a portion of healthy cynicism is necessary but there is no logic in the denial theories here

everyone should create simple proofs (just like in math) that will simply solve your perception issues

create an logical dimensional array of proofs that will give you a 3 dimensional view of the issue

where why how relative to what you know in your life?

your local experience does not define global reality


Well since Global Warming is BULLSHIT I had a nice laugh. On a further notice we are entering the next ice age, so if we want to worry about our plants, we should worry about the freezing... but then again Indoors ftw? Just to clarify for those who will question it, National Geographic put out a debunking of Global Warming YEARS ago, it was a FANTASTIC show. The Earth goes through periods of warm and cold, they said about every 300,000 or 30,000 years something like that. There have been multiple ice ages in the Earth's history, and we are currently heading towards the next ice age now. Don't know about you, but this last winter sure did last long, then again Global Warming must have caused this!!

I found a cool article


I came up with virtually the same conclusion as you obviously because it made common sense.

After a couple of years of taking part in threads such as this one I have learned that the planet does not cool or heats up through natural cycles other than our regular seasons and one minor event every 2000 years. I cannot remember the name if you look for it, you will find it.

If the earth is cooling or warming then something is out of balance within the system.



And your drought that was just washed away by the flooding down under? Was the drought caused by global warming or was the record flooding you just had caused by global warming? Which is it? Or both? LOL
Both. We are seeing weather extremes that are caused by climate change which is the consequence of our warming planet.

And again, get your information straight. The globe has cooled for the last 10 years.
If your going to peddle this rubbish mate, at least give a link to this evidence, and not some tinfoilhat wearing fools blog. I supplied you with graphs with verifiable data on rising global temperatures, yet you still claim the earth is cooling. Obviously you didnt have to endure the longest heatwave on record last year in Adelaide and hottest temps recorded in Victoria the year before resulting in fires that killed around 180 people. Victoria was the hottest place on earth(fact) that day prior to the fires. We are breaking hi temp records all over the place. The record rainfall rates are also causing flash flooding which has killed scores this year in QLD as well as destroying many crops.

When is the earth starting to cool down, all this fkn hot weather and constant breaking of temp records is not spose to be happening ffs, professor grapeman said so!

charts please!

mad librettist

Active member
I say, if we are deciding the merits of this thread, it's not how many true believers learn to be sceptical even about sceptics, it's what we show to those lurking who are on the fence.


Active member
Both. We are seeing weather extremes that are caused by climate change which is the consequence of our warming planet.


I knew you had to say "both". You had not choice since you painted yourself into a corner, which all the global warming religious crowd does.

You say you are Aussie. Take a quick look at the "outback" and tell me if that geological landscape is not one formed of periods of drought and flooding over millions of years. Hmmmm. Those fucking aborigines. They must've fucked up your climate some 25,000 years ago with their campfires. They were burning wood afterall.... carbon.

You keep asking me for charts. Why don't you post one first so I can help you see the fallacy of your faith.


Active member
I came up with virtually the same conclusion as you obviously because it made common sense.

After a couple of years of taking part in threads such as this one I have learned that the planet does not cool or heats up through natural cycles other than our regular seasons and one minor event every 2000 years. I cannot remember the name if you look for it, you will find it.

If the earth is cooling or warming then something is out of balance within the system.


Well it's a natural cycle of hot and cold, but the planet can be effected by a lot of things. Co2 can have an impact, but not enough to go crazy.

Just think about the earth like your stomach. If you eat shitty foods it will make your stomach upset, but after resting it will be back to normal. The Earth recovers itself and sustains itself. The biggest issue with Mother Earth and destroying it are us Humans. The problem is that we will destroy this planet, and then move on to the next one once we suck the life out of it.

We need to start being smarter. In 1946 Henry Ford Created his Hemp car, that ran on hemp seed oil, and was made from hemp. The man himself ran his car on hemp seed oil, WHICH IS SOO EASY TO MAKE as everyone on here should know :D. The fact the oil companies are soo powerful and most people are greedy assholes, we have high gas prices and are causing issues. In Brazil I heard they run their cars on sugar cane, pretty cool stuff.

Right now in America we are wasting tons of time, and taxpayer money to fight a war on oil and bullshit that shouldn't exist. Time to legalize hemp, hemp oil, and use it for everything like it was meant to be. It's sad because our CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS are made on HEMP PAPER, and people in the 13 colonies were REQUIRED to grow hemp. Sucks to see how far we have fallen from the Tree known as America.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
grape, do you diss science as a whole?

Only science he disagrees with... so mostly yes.

Most if not all of that evidence has been binned because he will become unbearable if you don't just agree and walk away.

"So some group cares about bears! Big Fucking Deal!!"

It gets old fast... trust me.


Active member
- The science deniers in this thread are disgusting.

- Thank you science deniers for exposing us with your lies, personal attacks, anti-science religion, and disingenuous statements.

- Sorry to tell you all, ecology is not a religion, it is a field of science, and anthropogenic global warming is a proven fact.

- grapeman, you are an incredible liar. I don't know how you are still posting in this thread having attacked others with your ignorant beliefs and right wing spin. The earth is not cooling, it is warming because of human activities. Polar bear populations are decreasing, not increasing. There is barely any recoverable oil in Alaska, and drilling for domestic oil will not impact America's oil consumption in any form or lower gas prices. And there is no way to get that oil in Alaska anywhere, because the permafrost is no longer permafrost, it is melting, how are you going to lay thousands of miles of pipes on a vast shifting wasteland of muck that used to be frozen solid before man made global warming? And the federal government doesn't dictate what oil goes where, the companies drilling the oil will sell it to the buyer who will pay the most, which is not the United States, but would likely be a Canada or countries within the EU. Rest assured, drilling for domestic oil is a folly and everyone knows it, republican and democrat, and the loss of what little reserves the United States will only further drive up oil and gasoline prices, not lower them, in addition to the environmental costs associated with further drilling. Gulf oil spill? What the fuck was that? Not like there isn't a giant sea of oil in the gulf killing everything in it's path... Drilling for oil is a great idea.

- You didn't exactly think through any of your ideas, and instead decided to post vitriol based on your flat-earth beliefs. Next you will tell us all about how the moon landings were faked, and exactly how those evil scientists did it and how the UN is involved, and how there is a big conspiracy to depopulate the world through vaccines.

- Then the shit kicker will come when you inform us of the "fact" you "researched" from "the REAL scientists" (who all just so happen to not have any scientific degrees and are posting their rhetoric on right wing conspiracy websites) who proclaim evolution is false, and instead the hand of a magic deity poofed us into existence!

- That, and greenhouse gasses just don't exist. They are simply not real! It's god that's in control of the climate! Or the sun. Its all the sun, nothing else is in control of or influences the climate!

- Maybe it's not all those things, medicine is real of course, and we got to the moon, but maybe just global warming isn't real, but 9/11 wasn't an inside job. Or WAS 9/11 an inside job dun dun daaaaaaa!

- I had a better prepared response I was going to give further debunking your statements grapeman, but I wasn't even going to post. Then I did decide to. Because. Why not. This is ridiculous. People lying about proven scientific facts. You should be ashamed. There is no reason for such ignorance. None.

- Your statements... I can't even begin to describe the things I could say. This should just be deleted. But I can't help myself. It needs to be said.

- As you have informed others I am informing you grapeman, please think more critically next time.

- Partisan right wing lies and conspiracy jargon will never replace facts and the scientific method, no matter how much you want to bury your head in the sand :)

- Hopefully CannaB's only post in the tokers den..... But so necessary. But it's 2011 for christ's sake! This is kiddie science for crying out loud!


weed fiend
grape, who say's we're cooling other than Coleman, Monkton and that ad-sales guy you referenced?

Being [himself] a journalist, I can understand that Coleman possibly believes what he's saying. However, co-founding The Weather Channel and doing weather reports doesn't make him a meteorologist, let alone a climate scientist.

Isn't Monkton the guy that used to say tobacco doesn't cause cancer? Didn't big tobacco have it's own scientific studies that proved they knew their products caused cancer, (decades before publicly admitting as much?) He's a career counter-opinion for industry, nothing more.

As for the ad-sales guy, what particular part of his science discounts the status quot? Politics, economics and NWO aside, what makes the cooling science you reference more credible than science that says we're warming?

As for discounting the messenger, I wouldn't get an armchair quarterback to manage my investments. Nothing personal, they're either credentialed or they're not.

Same thing with scientists. One either is or isn't. Why would the denier community sport all these pseudo-celebs as counter opinions? Because they don't have science to back up what they say.


people still believe in global warming?

shit, who's going to tell them santa isn't real either?



I knew you had to say "both". You had not choice since you painted yourself into a corner, which all the global warming religious crowd does.

You say you are Aussie. Take a quick look at the "outback" and tell me if that geological landscape is not one formed of periods of drought and flooding over millions of years. Hmmmm. Those fucking aborigines. They must've fucked up your climate some 25,000 years ago with their campfires. They were burning wood afterall.... carbon.

You keep asking me for charts. Why don't you post one first so I can help you see the fallacy of your faith.
Mate, your a fuckwit. Plain and simple.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
In Australia we were warned the worst consequence of climate change would be running out of fresh water.

Now we have had record rainfall all over our massive country. Some places hadnt seen rain in literally 1000 years. The dams are overflowing which were all nearly empty.

The Murray Darling river system got a much needed boost.

Yes we have huge drought in WA and there have been obvious weather extremes. This is the norm for us down under.

Man is openly tinkering with the weather by cloud seeding. Man is fucking up the planet with nuclear waste, corexit in the Gulf of Mexico, Fracking, Mining operations, Fluoridating the water supply which contains toxic waste including uranium. The list goes on.

People got bigger things to worry about than a fraction of a % rise in C02.

Supervolcanoes, earthquakes, comets, the $ crash, pole shifts, ET's, geo-engineering, stolen elections, child slavery, losing their job. This list also goes on.

Priorities people!


weed fiend
Methane i can agree on. C02 not so much.

Same principal, both are warming gasses. Methane is more potent by volume but we crank out C02 even more than methane.

Alaskan tundra is said to contain eons of methane gas deposits. When the tundra thaws Alaska will burp, very bad news for global temps.
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