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World's Best Drummers


OverGrow Refugee
Hi all, just wanted ask everyone what their fav drummer's are, and who they think are the world's best( living or dead) It's only fair due to drummer's wacky and short lived lives.

Here's my list

World's Best Drum/Percussion

1. Hands down the best drummer in the world was John Bonham
2. a close second was Keith Moon " the loon"
3. definitely the best living drummer Neil Peart
4 a very close second living drummer Stewart Copeland
5. and just one of my fav Bill Ward

What do you guys think?


:biggrin: at the time i liked ginger baker.
who was it years before that , played drumming up a storm? jene kruppa? watched boz scaggs last night, drummer was ok.:tiphat:


There was a dude in Vanilla fudge who is pretty good... Damn good, in fact. Mr. Appice, I believe. This is a subjective question at best, though I do love to see what the people think. Dimebag Daryl's brother is actually really great at what he does, but I would tend to agree for the most part with your initial list as being a great start to the all-time list.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
There was a dude in Vanilla fudge who is pretty good... Damn good, in fact. Mr. Appice, I believe. This is a subjective question at best, though I do love to see what the people think. Dimebag Daryl's brother is actually really great at what he does, but I would tend to agree for the most part with your initial list as being a great start to the all-time list.

I for some reason think that there are two Appice's, Carmen? being one? Oh yes, Vinny.


Active member
Here's my list

World's Best Drum/Percussion

1. Hands down the best drummer in the world was John Bonham
2. a close second was Keith Moon " the loon"
3. definitely the best living drummer Neil Peart
4 a very close second living drummer Stewart Copeland
5. and just one of my fav Bill Ward

What do you guys think?

Great list !

Current drummers...I can't think of anyone in the same class as Dave Lombardo.


Tom Petty

New member
Hi all, just wanted ask everyone what their fav drummer's are, and who they think are the world's best( living or dead) It's only fair due to drummer's wacky and short lived lives.

Here's my list

World's Best Drum/Percussion

1. Hands down the best drummer in the world was John Bonham
2. a close second was Keith Moon " the loon"
3. definitely the best living drummer Neil Peart
4 a very close second living drummer Stewart Copeland
5. and just one of my fav Bill Ward

What do you guys think?

I think your list is perfect, other than leaving out Carl Palmer, who I think is very close to Peart.

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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
:biggrin: at the time i liked ginger baker.
who was it years before that , played drumming up a storm? jene kruppa? watched boz scaggs last night, drummer was ok.:tiphat:

Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich had some legendary drum battles, back in the day.

Neil is more technically sound than Bonham and Moon. IMO.

Lombardo plays faster.

If speed is your thing, there are some metal drummers out there faster than Lombardo. The guy from Kataklysm, and Gene Hoglan come to mind.

lost in a sea

i don't think great artists can be compared but jimmy bower's probably my favourite since he's the only drummer i know the name of..


There is nothing quite like the Buddy Rich vs Animal drum battle. Moon was a madman in life and behind the kit and had a style that was as unique as he was.
As far as chops go some of these gospel drummers are just on another level and then there's guys like Mike Mangini and Johnny Rabb who are on another planet.
Derek Roddy, Max kolesne, George Kollias and Gene Hoglan are some of the best extreme style drummers out there.
Dave Lombardo who may be doing a project with Hank 3 soon is the master of the skank beat.
Steve Gadd and Jeff pocaro are two of my favorites also.


Sly Dunbar has had dem girls shakin dat ass for decades
Leroy Horsemouth Wallace deserves also a mention. Amazing live performer

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