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World record 1 plant harvest??


Active member
Hi all,i was just sat here tokin a fat one thinking about all the wonderful techniques and how successful they are in their own specific way and then wondered how much bud you could get on 1 plant at 1 time......this led me to wonder.....whats the world record for amount of dried weight harvested from 1 plant?????? Anybody have any clues?? If not, then wot was YOUR biggest 1 plant harvest??

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
it is not something people tend to advertise ( record grows) so any so called records would be at best a guess

I can get 2 pounds a plant if I veg them long enough


Active member
Yeah.......i did think about that after i posted.....lol!! 2 pounds is ALOT Dr, you must have claims right there dude!!!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
not that much, when you have ample light and you veg it for long enough

I am not talking a single bulb here, we are talking 20000 watts or so


The biggest I have seen was a 7lb plus Nevil's Haze. It would have been a lot bigger but the guy cut a thousand clones off it before it went into bud. I have grown 5 pounders. The biggest I have heard of are 10-12 pounders. You have to take into account peoples trimming practices too. Here in Nor Cal people don't leave a lot of huge tops that have a lot of stem weight. So a 8 pounder here could be a 10 pounder elsewhere where they do a looser and stemier trim job. In the Central Valley I know people are growing some of the biggest plants in the world. They get much better weather than here.


Active member
I wish we lived in a world where a record like this could be discussed openly, all we can do is speculate. I can imagine an outdoor plant in full sun growing in a family size pool filled with a nutrient rich solution... at least 20 lbs. I guess it would have to be staked.

I hope one day the laws will allow someone to go for it!
Or if someone has done it, they would be able to show it off.


Active member
I have grown an outdoor Romulan that yielded 21 ounces, and that plant is not known for it's yield.

Tom Hill

Active member
I remember when I first broke the 10 pound barrier, it was a big deal because I had been shooting for it for years and had seen it but kept falling just short - the 10 pound club is a special one. The old Salmon Creek clone did it for me first. My largest yield of well dried and well trimmed product was just over 10 pounds 2 ounces, then another 2 pounds 2 ounces of smaller buds that were stripped and went straight to the Hash tumbler. My largest bud ever with no stem showing was 6 1/2 oz. Here's some big ones. :)






Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I remember when I first broke the 10 pound barrier, it was a big deal because I had been shooting for it for years and had seen it but kept falling just short - the 10 pound club is a special one. The old Salmon Creek clone did it for me first. My largest yield of well dried and well trimmed product was just over 10 pounds 2 ounces, then another 2 pounds 2 ounces of smaller buds that were stripped and went straight to the Hash tumbler. My largest bud ever with no stem showing was 6 1/2 oz. Here's some big ones. :)






OMFG!!!:yoinks::yoinks: THAT is some CRAZY shit!


Ten plus pounds from a clone is what is most impressive. Great job Tom.

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