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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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what was the american punishment for these sadist who had EXPERIMENTED on US POW'S?!?!?!?!

Immunity from prosecution and naturalisation. Basically you guys bought them home and made them comfortable. If you research further you will also see there were 7 other units in total including the infamous Unit 100. I actually own a piece of memorabilia from one of the higher ranking officials from that Unit. those you did not bring home went on to very successful careers in both pharmaceuticals and politics.

Research the Japanese word for 'log' and you will find many references to the people they experimented on and how they did it.

As for why i'm here, someone called douche, i came.


To Douche or not to douche. But has anybody stopped to consider how the pigs feel. I mean so far I see a lot of concern about our own well being but what about Porky. He has feelings too.


I spoke to a pig this morning and he simply told me to move along or he'd section 5 my ass.

I really dont think they are that worried about it.

ben ttech

Active member
the real question is whether humanity will survive...
given our insistance on it costing less than a dollar per serving...


Registered Med User
I heard douching cuases a girl to loose good micro stuff that helps to keep the pussy healthy and free of swine flu...

h^2 O

wow this woman is online in like 1980. I wonder what porn was like online back in the early days.


I heard douching cuases a girl to loose good micro stuff that helps to keep the pussy healthy and free of swine flu...

Excellent. Shame that i have meat and veg.

porky will survive

Thank you for your optimistic words. For a minute I was thinking that I would have to put together a team to liberate Porky from the stye's of Mehico. That's a lot of pig. They are wonderful littlen oinkers and they do not mean to cause harm.

I have been looking into getting myself a minature pig. I might have to wait if they are not of pure quality.


ben ttech

Active member
one of the BIGGEST give aways that the powers that be want us death is this evident in this subject...

world studies make it clear that quaranten DOESNT stop the spread of pandemics...
it only puts a dent in local affliction rates...

we have a governments whos only method of response IS ramping of production of expensive drugs which only the rich can afford...

let me repeat... that only the LEAST LIKELY TO COME IN CONTACT with the pathogen are given the oppertunity to consume...

GIVEN they have the most money to spend...
and are the MOST enslaved by the medias hypnotic marketting...

this ammounts to the FIRST world...
which could actual DO something productive...

rushing these drugs and ability TO THE POINT of origins and propagation...
places which can least afford the service...

they let these run loose...
while they fleese their own citizens USING the news...


And at the end of a hard day terrorising the planet Pinky relaxes in his deck chair for some sunbathing to warm that virus up a bit. Maybe if he can get it to mutate just one more time Pinky's superior Sergeant Swine will be really impressed with him and Pinky maybe eligible for promotion.


h^2 O

I just realized that I know you Ben! I think we've known each other for like 2 years man. Jesus. It was the "anti-semite gun-runner" line that made it click in my head.
No - Ben's not a douche, he's just really passionate about government/global issues kind of stuff. I think he might have been drinking tonight though. Ben were you drinking dude?


i think pinky...

And at the end of a hard day terrorising the planet Pinky relaxes in his deck chair for some sunbathing to warm that virus up a bit. Maybe if he can get it to mutate just one more time Pinky's superior Sergeant Swine will be really impressed with him and Pinky maybe eligible for promotion.

may be hanging out with this guy


h^2 O

nice man. You have to. It's imminent. My state requires tons of bullshit even for rifles and shotguns. Shit, even stun guns and pepper spray. I have a samurai sword above my door. Not a real one, but a decent katana that isn't going to fall apart. Every night before bed I think about waking up n facing a zombie outbreak - getting to chop off peoples arms and legs and heads and all kinds of cool stabbings and shit. And the guy with the sword would have it made over a guy with a gun...go with a sword man. They don't need ammo. :dueling:


Active member
Health officials confirm at least 90 cases worldwide, 50 in U.S.

Thousands flood Mexican hospitals, scramble for masks

WHO notes significant human-to-human transmission, a step toward pandemic

Mexico health official: As many as 152 deaths may be from swine flu


The Hopeful Protagonist
Obama's Mexican host dies the day after his visit....wait for it......of "Flu-like symptoms"

According to alarming reports from Mexico City, Felipe Solis, a distinguished archaeologist who showed Mr Obama around the city's anthropology museum during his visit to Mexico earlier this month, died the next day from "flu-like symptoms".

Some report it as a heart attack though

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