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Severe Allergy to cannabis



texsativa, thank you so much for that link. i learned alot. im gonna let you all know how the test results go at the alergist.


texsativa, thank you so much for that link. i learned alot. im gonna let you all know how the test results go at the alergist.

My pleasure.


pSi007, smoking weed doesnt cause it. smelling weed in a bag and marijuana plants causes it.

well then chalk yourself up on an isolated incident. i spoke of fungus on unsmoked herb as well as reactions to smoked herb. thanks for your advice.

"Your condition certainly does not sound like aspergillosis. "
you are wrong.

anaphylaxis is the same thing as allergic reaction. you are using the layman term.


pSi007 said:
well then chalk yourself up on an isolated incident. i spoke of fungus on unsmoked herb as well as reactions to smoked herb. thanks for your advice.

"Your condition certainly does not sound like aspergillosis. "
you are wrong.

anaphylaxis is the same thing as allergic reaction. you are using the layman term.

Thanks for the discussion. Well, I'm aware of the term anaphylaxis, as well as allergic reactions, and also the pathophysiology of each. An allergic reaction would be a Type I hypersensitivity. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction, involving systemic vasodilation and can result in shock. His symptoms certainly don't present as anaphylaxis.

Aspergillosis: It usually results from some immunodeficiency, such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, or HIV, leukemia, etc. Systemic aspergillosis is not that common, but it surely happens. A normal immune system should clear the aspergillus and systemic infections should not be seen. If there are systemic aspergillosis symptoms, one should suspect some immunodeficiency, like HIV/AIDS.

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , year 2008:

Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA): In almost all cases, ABPA represents a hypersensitivity reaction to A. fumigatus; rare cases are due to other aspergilli and other fungi. ABPA occurs in ~1% of patients with asthma and in up to 15% of adults with cystic fibrosis, and occasional cases are reported in patients without either of these diseases. Episodes of bronchial obstruction with mucous plugs leading to coughing fits, "pneumonia," consolidation, and breathlessness are typical. Many patients report coughing up thick sputum casts, usually brown or clear. Eosinophilia commonly develops before systemic glucocorticoids are given. The cardinal diagnostic tests include an elevated serum level of total IgE (usually >1000 IU/mL), a positive skin-prick test to A. fumigatus extract, or detection of Aspergillus-specific IgE and IgG (precipitating) antibodies. Central bronchiectasis is characteristic, but patients may present before it becomes apparent.

Allergic Sinusitis (AS): Like the lungs, the sinuses manifest allergic responses to Aspergillus and other fungi. The affected patients present with chronic (i.e., perennial) sinusitis typically requiring multiple course of antibiotics that are of only limited benefit. Many of these patients have nasal polyps, and all have congested nasal mucosa and sinuses full of mucoid material. The histologic hallmark of allergic fungal sinusitis is local eosinophilia and the breakdown products of eosinophils, Charcot-Leyden crystals. Removal of abnormal mucus and polyps, with local and occasionally systemic administration of glucocorticoids, usually leads to resolution. Persistent or recurrent signs and symptoms may require more extensive surgery (ethmoidectomy) and possibly local antifungal therapy.

According to literature, the hypersensitivity to Aspergillus results from the colonization of Aspergillus in the respiratory system. In people with chronic asthma or cystic fibrosis, the immune system in the respiratory system is compromised, which can lead to the colonization of Aspergillus...opportunistic.

For the original poster, he did not seem to have any chronic immunodeficiency, such as chronic asthma. Rather, he said his allergic symptoms result in the presence of cannabis plants. That is why I said it does not seem to be Aspergillosis.

Hope you understand, I didn't mean to come off as a Devil's Advocate to you or to upstage you. Just offering my opinion. Without labwork and a complete history and physical exam, it should all be taken with a grain of salt...

In any case, he should contact a physician who specializes in allergies so that he can receive testing to find out what specific allergen he is allergic to. Aspergillus could be that allergen, but it doesn't sound like it.
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i got an appointment on the 17th to get the tests done and i will have the results the same day. i will make sure i post the results as soon as i have them. it seems like my breathing is the worst its ever been. last night i took a puff of advair 500, a pill of singular, and a couple puffs of albuteral and it doesnt even seem to be working at all any more. im so sick of this. it seems like sometimes the medications make it worse. im gonna smoke some weed in a few hours to see if it helps. it seems like weed works better for my breathing that any of my medications. i just cant smell the weed in the bag before i smoke it.
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**AWD** Aficianado
TK you should look into a Volcano vaporizer, it made all the difference in the world to my lungs.
I was a light joint smoker, maybe 2 day and still running and heavy lifting would leave my coughing a bit.
I find the dryer the bud the more sneezing I get, quality of bud is also a factor in my case, well cured moist bud never gives me a Rx.

Texas Sativa great responses :joint:

Keep us posted, I have been making pills for family memebers using herb and olive oil, the results have been inetresting for all involved, maybe try that and give your lungs a break for awhile.

I sneaze alot when braking up Marijuana.Kinda strange why I even blew some of the table yesterday be accident due to my sneazing.Lol.Kinda strange nothing happens when I smoke it.


I think you are allergic to dust, or pytherins, or mold we hear of all the deadly molds but some are allergic to the more common types. I personally am allergic to molds,mites..ect
and some pot does indeed make me sneeze and wheeze.


killer info you posted there, Texman.! bravo!
I guess i went a little too far to say 100% its asp fungus. you are right to question that. i guess that i have seen this maybe 3 times in my life and it did turn out to be asp fungus. so my note was semi-partial, being that, it was my own exp and i`m not 100% sure of all effects of the different forms of molds and fungus. i would not call it malpractice, rather, lack of experience. I have heard of conditions which arise, of which, a reaction to asper fungus is like pepper spray hitting the lungs. its fast and within 15 min, the person goes into a form of shock.

one thing i cannot account for is the fact that some people can have a reaction just being around a person who has smoked a joint. this is excessive. I have NO IDEA why this happens. anyone want to elaborate?


the vertict is in. this is what im allergic to

dust mites
grass-common grass mix
weeds-sorrell/yellow dock, ragweed, lambs quarter, mugwort

so, are anything in those types of weeds related to marijuana at all?
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thanks for the results tree k I think I may have an allergy problem similar to yours. I would think that if I were to brush up against almost any flowering resinous plant i'd have a reaction.
What type of tests did you have done?


the type where they prick your arms with a bunch of needles to see how you react to each substance.


i am wondering, how can a reaction occur from being around a person who has smoke cannabis?

I was born a fighter, i turned into a lover b/c i felt the effects of cannabis rather than the gears of war and pride. have these people who have a reaction around cannabis been around people that smoke cigs? what is the difference and is it an aquired difference? i done understand in the world why ganja can hurt people... PLEASE ELABORATE!


pSi007 said:
i am wondering, how can a reaction occur from being around a person who has smoke cannabis?

I was born a fighter, i turned into a lover b/c i felt the effects of cannabis rather than the gears of war and pride. have these people who have a reaction around cannabis been around people that smoke cigs? what is the difference and is it an aquired difference? i done understand in the world why ganja can hurt people... PLEASE ELABORATE!

It's probably a genetic predisposistion.


so is there anything i can do about this? i was thinking about getting allergy shots in the future to lower or stop the weezing effects from marijuana but what would i tell the doctor? because in order to get the shots they have to inject you with the same substance that your allergic to, to get you body used to it. how do you guys think i should go about this? i posted this earlier but let me post it again. these are the weeds im allergic to.

weeds-sorrell/yellow dock, ragweed, lambs quarter, mugwort

do all these different types of weeds have the same substance in it that they will inject me with ? if so would that include marijuana also?
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Resident pissy old man
One thing that you guys need to realize is that cannabis contains up to 200 different terpenes. These are likely the cause of the sneezing. I too suffer from it, primarily when I am trimming dry weed. Terpenes are responsible for the flavor and odor in cannabis, but may also act as an insect or animal repellent. Certain strains may contain higher quantities of the terpenes that cause you an allergic reaction. Limonene, a terpene found in both citrus and cannabis, may be partially responsible. Citrus peel is used as an insecticide and insect repellent.


so is there anything i can do about this? i was thinking about getting allergy shots in the future to lower or stop the weezing effects from marijuana but what would i tell the doctor? because in order to get the shots they have to inject you with the same substance that your allergic to, to get you body used to it. how do you guys think i should go about this? i posted this earlier but let me post it again. these are the weeds im allergic to.

weeds-sorrell/yellow dock, ragweed, lambs quarter, mugwort

do all these different types of weeds have the same substance in it that they will inject me with ? if so would that include marijuana also?

You can always try...
eat a half gram every other day. see if it helps. building immunities from the inside out is the way to go. i'm allergic as shit and if i wasent always so stoned i'd remember to do the same. ate weed for years and never had a problem. then i stopped selling 3-4 years back and devoloped it a couple years later.

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