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working with dubi's g/p haze x thai F3s


Stems Analyst
bonsai crew getting full-plant pollination by a vigorous and
quick-to-flower (NepalHaze x GreenHazeThai) male hack i made...


These are my keeper phenos from last spring's grow:
left, PHxT @ 54 days
rear, NepHz @ 54 days (mother of my male, for bx'ing)
front, GHxT @ 54 days (sister of the male's other parent)
rt, GHxT @ 19 days (this one will be getting GHxT pollen, for bx'ing)

the two GHxTs are the same keeper pheno.


EDIT: these two will also be getting full-plant pollination from the
same NHxGHT male...


left, JohnnyBlazeF2
rt, F13xJohnnyBlaze
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, The Ghost of
Look at that JB F2. Clone straight to 12/12?

Did you chop the male up and flog the ladies with his dismembered corpse?


Stems Analyst
Look at that JB F2. Clone straight to 12/12?
Did you chop the male up and flog the ladies with his dismembered corpse?
the JB Fdos was a little clone of this...

...that i kept over the summer.

re: chop up. i hope my edit to the post makes more sense now. :biggrin:



Stems Analyst
Happy New Year!

Didn't find a good oldtimemoonshine male, but did find a nice NepalHaze x GreenHazeThaiF3 (that I'm calling "thai-nepal haze") male from the cross; made last spring.
He showed hybrid vigor, robust green haze in appearance, but nepalese-acting in putting out a good amount of pollen before three weeks of of 11.5d/12.5n light schedule had gone by.

The keeper nepalhaze (these seeds can still be found on some seed sites, under Ace or cbg) lady I used in the cross above took around 12.0-.5 weeks to finish with an even tighter 11d/13n light schedule- she leans towards the hazier side. Her faster nepalese-leaning (8-9wks) sister was kinda nice right after harvest, and turned mongy/muddled... never to get better. The keeper on the other hand was mongy after harvest, but then turned exceptional after a >2mo. cure.
(it had all the best parts of (green) haze, but with the sharp pointy bits filed completely off, very clean high too)
Such a nice ginger-snap cookie taste through the vape as well helped make her a fave.

All these bonsai girls below were hit, full plant, with pollen from the "thai-nepal haze" male a bit over a week ago.
Seeds are developing quickly. Hope to get some into the server fund.

Here's a clone of the same nepalhaze keeper used to create the "t-nh" crosss, i.e., a bx to the mom...

(temps haven't gone below 65F, even at night. she seems to purple on her own)

This is my keeper GHxTf3, whose brother was used to create "thai-nepal haze", hit by the same "t-nh" pollen...

(a bx to an aunt, so to speak)

The keeper (vine-like) PHxTf3 hit with the same t-nh pollen as above...


All three of the above bonsais were at 9 weeks of 11.5d/12.5n when they were pollinated; kinda late, but I was waiting to see what the OTM males were going to do. Which was nothing.
The girls are at day 73 today.

This bonsai is from my greenphenoF13 x JohnnyBlaze ("Bacon Mint Gum") cross. She was hit with t-nh pollen at 4 weeks of flower, around a week ago. Like Flo, you can start harvesting her at around 5.5 - 7.0 weeks, but this time she's all about the seeds...

She's very HOGy... heady aroma of bacon, cedar, sweet mint (e.g., wrigley's spearmint gum). At times the cedar pungence lets you know that it's part of the cat-piss/sour/skunk/citrus/etc. continuum.
Harvested after 9 weeks can lead to a dreamier high. Earlier is crisper, double-espresso energy, but still fun and social.
btw, both the F13 and JohnnyBlaze strains were created using the same B130 blueberrySativa male... so it's a little bit less of a poly-hybrid?

I've got a handful of thai-nepal haze females at 5 weeks of flower, recently up-potted to 3 gal. smart pots. We'll see how much the nepalese comes through (esp. re: flower time) in those...

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Nice work LowFalutin your crosses look nice, love to see them outdoor soil in a good climate ;).



Stems Analyst
Nice work LowFalutin your crosses look nice, love to see them outdoor soil in a good climate ;).

cheers porn. outdoors would be good. :biggrin:

btw, i was recently digging your mextiza cross work over on those threads.
my "bacon mint gum" seems to share similar qualities with that strain,
but being such a poly-hybrid it'll be hard to tell what the
BaconMintGumxThaiNepalHaze offspring will be like.
both HOG and the nepalese seem to have dominating qualities...
hopefully their presence in the cross can tighten up the variation a bit.

btw, the same Nev'sHaze-leaning JohnnyBlaze father I used to make the BaconMintGum cross (F13xJB)
is the same one that made this crazy pheno of JohnnyBlazeF2 (I call "Green Blaze"),
here full-plant pollinated by the thai-nepalhaze...

she was around 5.5wks into flower when pollinated, and is at 7.5wks now...
hope the offspring pick up her tendency to frost all over, stem to stern
but, ahem, flower a little faster
and, double ahem, bulk up a wee bit

i also hit a couple of buds on my most indica oldtimemoonshine with the thai-nepalhaze pollen...

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Glad you found interesting parental plants in all the lines LowFalutin :)
What's your plan next with them ? Pollinate them with the Nepal/Haze/Thai male ?


Stems Analyst
first thai-nepal haze down...

first thai-nepal haze down...

Glad you found interesting parental plants in all the lines LowFalutin :)
What's your plan next with them ? Pollinate them with the Nepal/Haze/Thai male ?
hola dubi-
they were already pollinated by a brother of this, first to be harvested,
thai-nepal haze lady...

...which looks like she leans toward the thai and nepalese?
took it yesterday at 75 days. a quick wet bud test in the vape today
shows she carries over the ginger-snap cookie flavor of her nepal haze mum, only sweeter.

all the thai-nepal hazes look like they will be finishing soon,
faster than their nepal haze mum clone also in flower.
the nepalese really seems to help bring the flower time down and bump up the bud size.
interesting flavors and effects too.

I guess you wont be sharing any of those 20 seeds. That's a crazy plant.
jeje. i hope i actually get 20 seeds.
i'd like to get F2s made soon, that would be shareable.
hope the unique light balsa n' cedar aroma carries over from the JBf2.

the seeds from the other plants hit with the thai-nepal haze pollen are about done.

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Stems Analyst
all thai-nepal hazes are finished

all thai-nepal hazes are finished

all finished in under 80 days, from seed, after a good veg;
which was slightly faster than their Nepal Haze mum (just harvested), from clone.

here's a thai-nepal haze that looks like it has the light green from her GHxT F3 dad,
but with a stumpier and floppier nepal stem structure...

(another t-nh in re-veg, right)


(close-up of t-nh)

a very citrusy GHxT F4 remains in flower, but not much longer.
it was made with the same GHxT F3 male used to make the thai-nepal haze.
seeded bonsais were pollinated around 7 weeks ago,
so they're pretty much done now (seeds starting to fall out).


Green Haze 19 x meao thai
Purple Haze 23 x meao thai
Nepalese Highland x Green Haze 6

Purple Haze female 23
Bushy structure with medium internodes, medium-low vigour. Earthy, woody incense aromas. Medium-small ovaries.Medium flower/leaf ratio forming small relative dense flowers.Medium-low yield. Medium resin production. Red/purple colours at harvest time. Slighty faster flowering purple haze. Very clear effect, correctly focused, almost no body effect.

Green haze male 6
Bushy compact structure, medium-low vegetative vigour. Her hybrid offspring have shown the desired fruity incense aromas and powerful electric haze effect. Good flower/leaf ratio. Green colour in the flowering.
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Stems Analyst
after 7.5 weeks cure...

after 7.5 weeks cure...

Big thanks to ACE collective and Cannabiogen for providing the spices...

1/5 of the NepalHazeF1 x GreenHazeThaiF3 cross ladies launched so
far have given me one of the best highs i've ever had-
humongo haze extrospective euphoria... lightly held in fun-lovin' restraint by the nep...
like an exceptional cut of NevsHz, so rarely found these days.
Fresh mountain breeze taste through the vape.
Also, this pheno is more powerful than either parent-
it seems as though the pure sativa of the GHxT amped the haze side of the Nepal Haze up a notch.

All five girls finished in 75-80 days, a couple even with dreaded amber trichs.
I'll run a few copies of the keeper cut next time to find her optimal harvest window.
If I can get it to finish in the 8-9 week range... wow.

More thorough report after more curing.
Reveg is coming along nicely.
And 25 seeds of the NHxGHT cross left to explore.

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Big thanks to you LowFalutin for sharing your breeding experiences :)

I'm glad to see you are taming and lowering down the flowering time of the wild haze thai tropical genes :yes:

The purple one in the post #49 looks more influenced by nepalese in the colors, and the last 2 pics look like a green haze thai dominant hybrid, both share the same kind of twisted haze hybrid pistils.

Sounds like you are also enjoying the breeding process ;) Keep up the good work with the sativas!


Nice report [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LowFalutin :tiphat:, gonna have to check out your other threads when I have some time. I love Sativas :woohoo:


Stems Analyst
last of the GreenHazexThai "F4" buds...

...continued the clean groovy high of the lighter green GHxT F3s.
I've got a nice amount of "F5" (F3bx1) seeds for further explorations and

and a clone from the keeper cut of the NepalHaze x GreenHazeThai hack
being flowered outdoors, my first time ever flowering OD...

here are some sample notes on her as she was curing...
(harvested in Feb.)
weeks 1-5: kinda mongy, some sativa effect
weeks 6-7: 10,000 volts of jitter-joy!, clean, clear
week 7.5: a little stonier
week 8.5: a little clearer, less strong
week 9: a little clearer
week 10: a little more clearer
week 11: even a bit more clearer, cleaner

none of the other NHxGHT cuts/phenos delivered the jitter-joy of this one.
and this one only delivered it at the 6-7 week cure mark.
all phenos were harvested at under 80 days, after a veg, from seed.
i'll try harvesting earlier samples this time, to see if we can get to, and
keep, this cut's exhilaration more optimally.



Stems Analyst
hit this cedar incense and wine barrel-aroma'd pheno (AKA suede) of a JohnnyBlaze F2...

...with GHxT F3 pollen late last/earlier this year.

the offspring from that JBF2 x GHTF3 cross is on the right (10 weeks veg from seed)...

...and smells like lemon rind and a bit of cedar wood- soooo more-ish.

strong aroma on it too, even in veg. almost seems like a recreation
of the lemony NevsHaze that Red used to create the Johnny Blaze, with
a dash of HOG cedar (at this point, at least).

looks like it's going to be a male, so i've got a bonsai clone (above, left)
from my keeper GHxTF3 mum for hitting with pollen-
creating GHxTF3 x (JBF2 x GHxTF3), but using two different GHxTF3s.
should be a nice quasi-backcross.
they'll get flowered/pollinated this fall.



ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi LowFalutin,

I'm glad you found a Nepal Haze x Green Haze Thai keeper with the desirable effect you were looking for .... haze and sativa haze hybrids need a good cure to really show off their potential, early samples in the first weeks could be a bit dissapointing, need at least 1.5-3 months to fix properly all the terpenes and to produce a more focused effect.

I like the idea of crossing Green Haze Thai with JohnnyBlaze, the addition of a touch of indica blueberry along with the neville haze should produce some interesting genetic combinations and good heterosis. Thanks for the updates!


Stems Analyst
keeper Thai-Nepal Haze cut, @ 1 week flower

keeper Thai-Nepal Haze cut, @ 1 week flower

Hi LowFalutin,
I'm glad you found a Nepal Haze x Green Haze Thai keeper with the desirable effect you were looking for .... haze and sativa haze hybrids need a good cure to really show off their potential, early samples in the first weeks could be a bit dissapointing, need at least 1.5-3 months to fix properly all the terpenes and to produce a more focused effect.
I like the idea of crossing Green Haze Thai with JohnnyBlaze, the addition of a touch of indica blueberry along with the neville haze should produce some interesting genetic combinations and good heterosis. Thanks for the updates!
thanks for stopping by, dubi.
here's the keeper cut of NepHzxGrnHzThai,
after a week of 11 hrs. direct sunlight/
13 hrs. dark room light schedule...
(just brought in from the rain)

this grow of keeper will be about finding optimal harvest times.
i'll begin taking sizable weekly samples at week 6 (for a reference)
for drying/curing.

it's the only pheno to, at least at one point, deliver crazy-level euphoria.
the other phenos, most of which i still have in jars, offer various levels of
warm cup-of-coffee-like coziness, "caffeination", and a little trippiness-
after a good cure.

the nepalese, even diluted down to this level, seems to have an influence...
in both reduced flowering time and effect.



Stems Analyst
keeper Thai-Nepal Haze cut, @ 2 weeks flower

keeper Thai-Nepal Haze cut, @ 2 weeks flower

11d/13n light schedule
using natural daylight
and a darkroom

it's been a cool, wet, cloudy week


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