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Woman Killed with Tire Iron, Killer's Note: 'Go Back To Your Country'

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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Shaima Alawadi Dead: Iraqi Woman Who Was Severely Beaten In California Home Dies

EL CAJON, Calif. — A 32-year-old woman from Iraq who was found severely beaten next to a threatening note saying "go back to your country" died on Saturday.

Hanif Mohebi, the director of the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he met with Shaima Alawadi's family members in the morning and was told that she was taken off life support around 3 p.m.

"The family is in shock at the moment. They're still trying to deal with what happened," Mohebi said.

Alawadi, a mother of five, had been hospitalized since her 17-year-old daughter found her unconscious Wednesday in the family's house in El Cajon, police Lt. Steve Shakowski said.

The daughter, Fatima Al Himidi, told KUSI-TV her mother had been beaten on the head repeatedly with a tire iron, and that the note said "go back to your country, you terrorist."

Addressing the camera, the tearful daughter asked: "You took my mother away from me. You took my best friend away from me. Why? Why did you do it?"

Police said the family had found a similar note earlier this month but did not report it to authorities.

Al Himidi told KGTV-TV her mother dismissed the first note, found outside the home, as a child's prank.

A family friend, Sura Alzaidy, told UT San Diego () that the attack apparently occurred after the father took the younger children to school. Alzaidy told the newspaper the family is from Iraq, and that Alawadi is a "respectful modest muhajiba," meaning she wears the traditional hijab, a head scarf. http://bit.ly/GYbfB7

Investigators said they believe the assault is an isolated incident.

"A hate crime is one of the possibilities, and we will be looking at that," Lt. Mark Coit said. "We don't want to focus on only one issue and miss something else."

The family had lived in the house in San Diego County for only a few weeks, after moving from Michigan, Alzaidy said. Alzaidy told the newspaper her father and Alawadi's husband had previously worked together in San Diego as private contractors for the U.S. Army, serving as cultural advisers to train soldiers who were going to be deployed to the Middle East.

Mohebi said the family had been in the United States since the mid-1990s.

He said it was unfortunate that the family didn't report the initial threatening note.

"Our community does face a lot of discriminatory, hate incidents and don't always report them," Mohebi said. "They should take these threats seriously and definitely call local law enforcement."

El Cajon, northeast of downtown San Diego, is home to some 40,000 Iraqi immigrants, the second largest such community in the U.S. after Detroit.

Mom Beaten To Death With Tire Iron - Killer's Note: 'Go Back To Your Country'

A 32-year-old woman from Iraq who was found severely beaten next to a threatening note saying "go back to your country" died on Saturday...Alawadi, a mother of five, had been hospitalized since her 17-year-old daughter found her unconscious Wednesday in the family's house in El Cajon, police Lt. Steve Shakowski said. The daughter, Fatima Al Himidi, told KUSI-TV her mother had been beaten on the head repeatedly with a tire iron, and that the note said "go back to your country, you terrorist"...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young turks.

nothing to say here other than horrific.


people are brainwashed into thinking there are terrorists. Americans are retarded! 911 was an inside job, to invade iraq's oil and take away americans freedom n put fear into them. fucking idiots go and kill a mother of 5 with a tire iron and call her the terrorists..lol god damn this world is twisted!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
American's are brainwashed to think brown people are terrorists and want to kill them.

All around tragedy, but to be expected when American's are bombarded with War on Terror propaganda constantly.

If we go to war with Iran I would very much imagine that we will have internment camps for Arabs like we did with the Japanese.

Land of the free.


Active member
Racial tension is a predicator of social and civil upheaval...

In other words, people run back to race right before the shit hits the fan.

It goes something like this



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
If we go to war with Iran I would very much imagine that we will have internment camps for Arabs like we did with the Japanese.

Considering that we have had something going over there for over 20 years, why would you expect this to happen now?


May your race always be in your favor
F'ed up situation. There is a very thin veneer of civility in America and it's getting thinner since we elected a black man. ate groups are increasing. Some people are just plain old fashioned ignorant, and there's nothing you can do to convince them otherwise.


Active member
terrorism is this countrys last worry. Ignorance should be number one.

we create terrorists every fuckin day.


el cajon is a hell hole. way too many tweekers and hot as hell in summerl

Not to mention it's right next to Santee, home of the Museum of Creation. Also home to.. what was his name? Metzger... real racist. And! Home to the Unitarians, one of the grooviest, way out there, alien-worshipping sects I've had the pleasure to interact with. Not at all like those Heaven's Gate people, they were really weird.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Considering that we have had something going over there for over 20 years, why would you expect this to happen now?
I'm talking if we invade Iran. We've been poking them with a stick for 20 years. 20 years of couched antagonism and surrounding their country with military bases. That's not the same as rolling US Army tanks through their streets and occupying the country.

If we invade Iran with as combustible as the Middle East is right now. I would imagine there would be a shit storm unlike we've seen in a very very long time.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Not all of us are, fuck you.
That really should have been phrased. "Americans are brainwashed to think brown people are terrorists and that brown people want to harm them because they hate our "freedom"."

Obviously not all do. I'm an American too. That's a gross generalization of the collective hive mentality here.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Cant we all just get along?... pray for peace!

It would be nice.

American's are brainwashed to think brown people are terrorists and want to kill them.

All around tragedy, but to be expected when American's are bombarded with War on Terror propaganda constantly.

If we go to war with Iran I would very much imagine that we will have internment camps for Arabs like we did with the Japanese.

Land of the free.

and they are proud of it. I told an evangelical christian on face book that they were brained washed. The person told me maybe my brain could use a little washing, too much questioning is sin because it is questioning Jesus.

I really miss the "What would Jesus do?" Christians and the "hippy" Christians. They were totally cool. Who cares if they believed in a talking snake and zombie god. They just spread the love part.

I can not imagine the person committing this crime not being a christian and/or white extremest/supremacists. In my opinion these people are not christian. I am not either, but I dont claim to be, not even a little.

What I took from the bible after reading it, was that Jesus was a totally nice guy. He did not preach judgement in the book. He said leave that up to god. The Humans Job is to love. Instead of violence use love and forgiveness. For on your deathbed you cant take back the wrongs you have done. Even if you are forgiven you have to deal with these facts on your death bed, and the temporary hell that comes with it. Jesus believed through forgiveness two enemies and the sons of two enemies can be friends. Making a chain of good things, and not a chain of murder and vendetta.

To me that is wisdom I can dig. Does not mean I have to worship though. side note: Jesus and Buddha would be best friends.

Like these guys.
This video would piss off the christian right so bad, but if they just hear the song and never knew there was a video, then it's all good.
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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I can not imagine the person committing this crime not being a christian and/or white extremest/supremacists. In my opinion these people are not christian. I am not either, but I dont claim to be, not even a little.

Well, considering the 943 women killed in Pakistan last year to mitigate stains on the family "honor", perhaps Crusader Rabbit's comment on misdirection has some bearing. I think that you need to open your mind to the possibility that not all crime against ethnic groups is perpetrated by conservative whites.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Anybody who bases their life on the teachings of the bible has clearly not read it carefully.

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