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Bubble Clone perfecting...


So i built a 40 site bubble cloner and and had success, but of only like 5. Room temp water, a lil light, and they were about .5 - .75 in above water level getting splashed, 15 on 15 off. Tried with a heater, and more water. Less success.

So what are the top tips for a bubble cloner? I have two of the large green wands, and also a bubble bar, a plenty large enough pump for them, and a heater. Should i submerge the stems or let them hang? What temps am i shooting for?


ICMag Donor
do not use a timer. jsut keep them getting splashed constantly. do not submerge teh stems but make sure they are getting splashed often.


if using a bubble cloner the stems have to be submerged in the water for the cuttings to survive, when they have a good root system the bottom of the stems dont need to be in the water then as the roots hanging down will be taking up the water, keep the bubbler on all the time as you will get roots faster with the water being oxygenated, and also, be very careful with your heater, if the room is cold then use a heater but if the room temp is ok, dont use the heater, they can cause more problems for you, i would only use a heater in the winter months if i was taking clones, in the summer you really dont need 1, im pretty sure the safe water temps are about 18-21c, if the water temp go's above 24c then that can or will cause root rot or slime on the bottom of the stems, change the water once a week and adjust the ph, mine is usually about 6.0 but using the bubbler makes the ph levels rise but if your changing the water once a week it will be fine, best of luck m8. :)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Yep, dome definitely not needed, they get enough moisture from the bubbles below.


Word. Im in the middle of rebuilding my room right now - and after i get it done imma take 40 more clones. I orginally was told to keep em above water and splash on it but noticed in pics people had em submerged. I sure hope i have better success this time - tho i think i'll be set on nug for a minute...


Now in technicolor
No need for a dome and stems should be submerged. Give them 24/7 low light. I also put rooting hormone into the water.
No need for a dome and stems should be submerged. Give them 24/7 low light. I also put rooting hormone into the water.

I've read that the roots grow best during the dark periods? hmmmmm where was that now i'll see if i can find it. Anyway i run mine 18/6 and dont have problems cloning.

The dome is whatever works for you....some ppl use domes with great success others kill their clones and prefer no dome...try both see what works in your situation :D good luck


Active member
hey bro, here are a couple pics of the one i built and used
with great success for nearly a year.

it's smaller than yours and simpler but it worked very well.

btw, you are NOT supposed to have your stems submerged.



Active member
...like i said already, i used that bubbler with nearly 100%
success for almost a year before i found something better.

and when i say better, i don't mean greater ratios of success,
it'd be pretty hard to rival near 100%.

no, when i say 'better', what i mean is it's cheaper in every way,
first to 'build' and then to run.

it's simpler, no moving parts to fail, period.
(once you put cuts in you can almost forget them)

and it's also physically smaller, i can fit twice as many
cuts in the same space as before.
(actually, my bubbler had 18 stations and i can fit 2
cloners in the same space and each holds 27 cuts for
a total of 54 cuts in the space where i could only do 18)

anyway, here are a few pics and a link to the thread where
i learned this wick style method and if you read through
it and follow the instructions (really simple shit), i promise,
you won't be sorry, if, that is, you are looking for a reliable
method of cloning.

good luck, i hope this helps.


btw, these are pics of MY stuff, not random pics, these cloners
work like a dream!


See thats what i dont get... why im i getting mixed results on stems... Obv it doesnt matter - i've seen both work. But whats better? Whats faster?


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
Try both, see what works best for you.
I always submerge my stems and have almost 100% of them rooting in about 2 weeks. Small CFL (26w) hung over the bubbler. No dome. I use cheap rooting powder when i do my cuts and fill the bubbler with tap water and about 2-3 drops per gallon of superthrive.


From what I've read...and moreover what works for me is having the stems just above the water level so that when the air bubbles reach the top and burst a fine mist gets splashed on the stems. This way they are not constently submerged in water and they want to root to get to the water. Almost like dangling a carrot in front of a mule or something. It will work either way, but I have had great success this way with water temps about room temp.


Active member
i leave my cuts in that wick style cloner for 14 days so
that when i pot them up there is already a well developed
root system.

as far as using a bubbler, this guy below has the right idea,
in my experience, leaving them submerged leads to more

From what I've read...and moreover what works for me is having the stems just above the water level so that when the air bubbles reach the top and burst a fine mist gets splashed on the stems. This way they are not constently submerged in water and they want to root to get to the water. Almost like dangling a carrot in front of a mule or something. It will work either way, but I have had great success this way with water temps about room temp.

that's the thing with bubblers, you have to get them dialed in and,
if you don't use it for a while and then put it back in action,
you may have to go through the dialing in process all over

with these wick style cloners all you do is make sure the
res doesn't dry up, you want to keep it about an inch deep,
and keep the res temp around 80 - 82 degrees, easy to do,
either with a heat mat or putting a single low-watt incandescent
bulb below, and if you do those 2 things, you WILL get rooted
clones, guaranteed!

btw, due to circumstances in my personal life i haven't
run my cloner since Feb. but i need clones now so i filled
one up with 27 cuts last night, if you're at all interested,
i'll take a series of pics every couple of days to show how
they do.

...oh yeah, lol, here's a couple pics of a clone cab i built
specifically to house 4 of these cloners with space below
for short-term vegging, note that my design passively
captures the heat from the bulbs used below to veg the
already rooted clones.



In water, out of water, doesn't matter. The secret to bubble cloners is low light levels and proper water temps. Search for the thread by Cortez on bubble cloning. He did a lot of experiments on what works and what doesn't.
The other secret to cloning is to find the best method that works for your situation. There are people that can't put roots on a cut in a bubbler to save thier life, but soil they rock. Myself I can't clone in dirt for nothing, but give me a glass of water or a bubbler and I'll have roots in under 10 days. My light is a 11 watt cfl about 18 inches away and thats it.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
There are a million ways to clone in the Naked City. If yours isn't working, try another way.

I could never get a bubbler to work when used "correctly." Killed everything I put in it. Combined with my old tray method, using rockwool, gel, and clone solution, I haven't lost a clone in years.

Hang in there. Took me months to root my first clone successfully. CLONERS- a collection of various methods