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with or without...makeup


lots of these celeb chicks look pretty crappy if you take away professional lighting, photographing and make-up.

And even if they look naturally beautifull, lots of women hit the wall HARD once they get older. I saw some pics of marylin monroe when she was older and that shits was straight scary.

Im just glad im a man, we age like wine. Women age more like milk. You can have guys in their 50s who still look amazing if they took proper care of themselves. Women age way worse. Pretty brutal but its the way it is.
100%. Very FEW women have the same appeal at 30 that they had with 20.


I read somewhere that chicks wear makeup and don high style to dominate lesser chicks, any truth to this?

Its all theater, right?

In my opinion, if applied artfully, make up is very attractive.

Men wear makeup too, right?
No. Some weird biological units pretending to be male, heterosexual homo sapiens do, though.


Active member
men only put on makeup in my house once. they they get removed.FWIW ask potential roomates if they dress like a woman. or be prepared to be shocked at midnight. what a physcho nutjob . caused all kinds of probs till i was ready to kill him . he called cops for his safety. he was removed for his safety. no more roomates ever. its now another grow and hermies are killed .


Active member
Makeup today is very hard...at least for the average guy to discern...

I think there is everyday makeup...and looking like a rockstar makeup?

Very few women leave the house with nothing on their face.


Storm Shadow

Well-known member
This thread is funny...You can tell there are alot of guys who dont get None...who act like they know :)

Little Did they Know....Little did they Know.... There is zero difference between men and women

Well except Men for the most part are way less confident...and for the most part way more violent


This thread is funny...You can tell there are alot of guys who dont get None...who act like they know :)

Little Did they Know....Little did they Know.... There is zero difference between men and women fem

Well except Men for the most part are way less confident...and for the most part way more violent
Zero difference between man and women? Let me guess, your gender studies professor told you so!?!

30!?!?! You've got a long, lonely life ahead of you!
Nah Rives, you misunderstand me. All things being equal, a woman is more attractive at 20 than 30.
Very different for a man, whose life experience, confidence, power, money, status make him more attractive.


Active member
i think 30 is prime time for a woman myself. its when they hit 60 they fall apart. me i will look good till i croak .prob about 68 lol


well I love bare minerals and it has spf 15...its very light but does conceal some imperfections....soooooo fukin what? I have my eyelashes tinted too.....soooo fukin what? does that make me plastic and have no self esteem....mmmmk if that's what you believe. LOL. oh and faaaaak me, I get highlights every 8 months....OMFG!!! I'm a complete phony!
interesting thread

interesting thread

Just taking care of yourself...is a good thing....my wife gets highlights every 3 months, nails & toes every 2 weeks, and does the bare minerals daily.....I see nothing wrong with any of that......just taking care of your self and looking good.

well I love bare minerals and it has spf 15...its very light but does conceal some imperfections....soooooo fukin what? I have my eyelashes tinted too.....soooo fukin what? does that make me plastic and have no self esteem....mmmmk if that's what you believe. LOL. oh and faaaaak me, I get highlights every 8 months....OMFG!!! I'm a complete phony!
Zinga....great story

Zinga....great story

Reminds me of a big get together with about 300 people, about 2 years out of college...lots of coeds running around in very nice bathing suits...some hanging out....or stuffed in too small of a suit....I was there with a buddy and we were trying to meet as many of them as possible....and there was some just smoking ladies there....then this lady must of been about 24-25 which was about my age at the time...was dressed in cut off shorts...not real short either, a tank top...not real fancy or anything....and a baseball cap with a pony tail....hardly any make-up....just the mineral stuff.....but let me tell you....In my opinion she was smoking....I could just tell....my buddy says "why you hanging around her?....she is nothing special....and I said...you just cant see the natural beauty in her.....anyway this event went well into the evening and everyone was pretty gassed at the end....then someone said lets go to a club...there were about 30 of us by the end of the night...we all went home took showers and met at a club...it was about midnight then....and when that lady showed up....every guy in the place noticed her.....she had it going on........dressed to thrill...understated makeup....but...no ball cap and those eyes were just to die for........of course.....to me I got intimidated...by her beauty at the club.....I had it going on with her at the BBQ....but to this day never saw her again.

Of course now I am married....but love looking back on those memories.

Mrs. babba. i cant surely see your point there, but in defense, women who haven't been "dolled up" have always caught my attention much more than barbie girls. there is just something intrinsically beautiful about a girl with soft skin, dark hair, and light eyes that does it for me. and ive always noticed girls that wear makeup on the regular have much more to cover up after awhile.. like 30 somethings that have acne still cause the makeup they slather on is soo thick their skin cannot breath and it traps dirt in. whereas untouched skin stays smooth with less imperfections.

my opinion is based on a lifetime growing up in a female ruled household. single mother and 3 sisters. who all vary to extremes.. one is au natural, organic toothpaste, doesnt shave her legs.. the whole nine.. one wheres makeup for special occasions, parties, weddings, n such. the other wont leave her house without at least an hour in front of the mirror. i tend to respect the middle one the most because shes not on the extreme of either side.

that being said. i guess i dont mind it.. but have set my personal standards to where i prefer my women not need it. just use it as an accentuation for the right occasion.


ICMag Donor
Mrs. babba. i cant surely see your point there, but in defense, women who haven't been "dolled up" have always caught my attention much more than barbie girls. there is just something intrinsically beautiful about a girl with soft skin, dark hair, and light eyes that does it for me. and ive always noticed girls that wear makeup on the regular have much more to cover up after awhile.. like 30 somethings that have acne still cause the makeup they slather on is soo thick their skin cannot breath and it traps dirt in. whereas untouched skin stays smooth with less imperfections.

my opinion is based on a lifetime growing up in a female ruled household. single mother and 3 sisters. who all vary to extremes.. one is au natural, organic toothpaste, doesnt shave her legs.. the whole nine.. one wheres makeup for special occasions, parties, weddings, n such. the other wont leave her house without at least an hour in front of the mirror. i tend to respect the middle one the most because shes not on the extreme of either side.

that being said. i guess i dont mind it.. but have set my personal standards to where i prefer my women not need it. just use it as an accentuation for the right occasion.

Yea zing, I hear ya, women that wear too much makeup are silly, not sure why, do they not look in the mirror? hehe
I only wear make up on special occasions, if Im hanging out at home, its sweats and no make up! lol
But everyone is different, thank god,how boring if we were all the same...one of the best times Babba and I have are ppl watching, just commenting on them and stuff hehe

Zero difference between man and women? Let me guess, your gender studies professor told you so!?!

Nah Rives, you misunderstand me. All things being equal, a woman is more attractive at 20 than 30.
Very different for a man, whose life experience, confidence, power, money, status make him more attractive.

Tloft you must be pretty young, I think women get more comfortable with their skin as they get a little older, more confident and life experiences....idk thats just what I think...

well I love bare minerals and it has spf 15...its very light but does conceal some imperfections....soooooo fukin what? I have my eyelashes tinted too.....soooo fukin what? does that make me plastic and have no self esteem....mmmmk if that's what you believe. LOL. oh and faaaaak me, I get highlights every 8 months....OMFG!!! I'm a complete phony!

Yea litebuzz I love BM too, its a nice cover up, doesnt look all cakey and funky. Eyelash tinted huh?...thats cool I think, then you dont need much mascara or none at all??..Ill have to look into it..is it expensive and do you have to keep doing it?

Capital G

Never was a fan of makeup....its always reminded me of the circus clowns. I think women believe it looks cute cuz women tell each other it is....men will say anything to get some bush. I feel deceived by it and avoid chicks who aren't secure within their own skin. If I'm gonna have a real relationship with a chick I'm willing to accept her flaws....women should want a man who is capable of accepting her for who she really is. I think women need to use the KISS method!!!


Tloft you must be pretty young, I think women get more comfortable with their skin as they get a little older, more confident and life experiences....idk thats just what I think...

I wouldnt dispute that Mrs. Babba, but im not attracted by it, iam primarily attracted by signs of health and fertility, AKA her youth and good looks.
Im not in a commited relationship atm, and thats the script all of you seem to be arguing from.
Like i said to my last gf concerning hanging breasts and other ravages of time on women: Its completly different if we spend the last 20 years together and you gifted me with three children while we got older together.
But the social expectation i see all the time heaped on us man in the MSM to pick up two time divorced single moms at 35 when WE often just peak in our attractivness is ridiculous.
I had two longer relationsships with women 10 years my senior when i was younger. I dont care for the physical and emotional baggage, you can keep it. Your stupid choices, your problems.
Dont even get me started on single moms.

Back on topic:
I, and alot of guys i know, see excessive makeup as false advertising, and a stupid allocation of ressources.
If you put even half the time and money spent on it in eating right and doing sport you would be so smoking hot you wouldnt need makeup. And you could still apply some.

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