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Wishes to BOG



OH wowwww

Wish I had that cut! She looks like a helluva keeper! Hows she taste??

Thanks for sharing, thanks for caring THC4SIM...



Come on back BOG! I still have lifesaver and LSD on my wish list.


grapepunched said:
Hey thanks everyone for keeping the BOG spirit alive!!!
Thanks Elemental, I appreciate your compliments and I hope you get to try some of BOGs Bubblegum variations, they are very tasty and potent... Some of my favorite herb for sure...
I see you are chanting, that's wonderful! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Thanks for the pics SWind and Lt.Dan! BOG would be proud.


always my pleasure GP,many good vibes to you and to Mr & Mss B.O.G.


We don't necessarily want BOG to breed seeds again...
We just want to see him posting every now and then to know he is well and share a word with him... He is really an inspiration to ME!



I remember BOG's posts as always upbeat and happy.
...seemed to lift the spirit of the whole OG...

I miss that.


Active member
I think it was Bog's post's that got me on to IC

Would love to see some of Bog's strains back on the scene!!
Come on Bog i know you read some of these, get some more quality beans on the market!!!


Active member
I caught the tail end of the Bog era.Plenty of oppurtunty to get seeds but didn't..DUH!! I did trade for some boggle gum and grape punch and lifesaver.I grew some Sour Bubble F2's and can't wait to grab some more sour bubble seeds.Bog we need more like your kind bro..Best to you and yours..
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Active member
Long live BOG, here is his Lifesaver I grew many moons ago... Still have the same pack of seeds....

And some delicious bogglegum!!!

Peace and love to you BOG,

Nam myoho renge kyo!




Babombeez, you should pop those seeds!!!
Nice pics everyone!!!!!!! Keep the BOG spirit ALIVE!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!



I send my spirit out to BOG...
We miss his spirit here...

Oh BOG, your presence is truly cherished and missed...
Your posts were always so upbeat and fun,
you made growing seem like the smallest task,
you gave me the strength to know that ANYONE could do it,
you pushed me to BE A FORCE in this world,
you TAUGHT me to know myself and my plants,
you gave so much to this community>>>

and we will never forget!!!
(((positive vibes to you the Bushy one))))

I don't care if you ever spread another seed, but
it was your ability to OPEN MY EYES to the real world...
it was your ability to spread JOY and HAPPINESS to MY LIFE and
so many more...
it was your gracious offerings of knowledge to those seeking guidance and advice...

I merely wish to tell you thank you again,
I want YOU to remember those old times BOG,
the years of happiness you HAD HERE....

I want you to remember the smile on peoples faces you met...
PEOPLE you HELPED learn to be self-sufficient and self-reliable...
REMEMBER the MAGIC of living life and the fact that we had to live life everyday like its our last...

BOG you taught me about myself, about who I AM and what I want to do to MAKE A DIFFERENCE... you inspired me to help others and to overgrow...

I guess I just miss you.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

And like the Cherokee Indians say,,,

"Never say goodbye, only until we meet again"....



yo, BOG. Remember me? :)

I like you, buddy. Stay up there, You would be my friend if I had the chance.


:canabis: I also wish Bog the best and would love to read his stories and see his girls growing .I was lucky enough to have been helped by him with my BMR in 04 05 peace to you sir .silvercloud :rasta: