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Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Legislation


Overheard In Madison Offices Today

Overheard In Madison Offices Today

Very interesting day in Madison today. A very moving memorial in the rotunda, followed by visits to offices to spread the word.

My biggest take away would be these two statements, which we started to hear frequently as the afternoon went on:

"Hello, come in, yes, we've had a lot of people in here today about this bill"

"Even the ACLU was in here today lobbying for it"

I'll post a better recap when I get the chance.


Here's What I'm Thinking

Here's What I'm Thinking

After visiting Senators and Representatives in WI., I've come to this conclusion -

Some of these politicians are under the false impression that their personal position weighs more than the position of the MAJORITY of their constituents.

To be fair, I have also met just as many open minded "fence sitters" who are doing their due diligence and representing the will of their constituents.

I want to address the first group, and I think the key to addressing this group is the word MAJORITY!

We have the MAJORITY! Everywhere. Documented.

So my approach was to play the majority card when visting with the politicians that think they know more than their constituents.

I talked about voters and taxpayers, not people. I addressed the numbers and what the majority thinks right now.

I mentioned that there are some who may consider the definition of political suicide to be: coming out in favor of "the evil mj".
However, today's reality may very well be that the new definiton of political suicide will be: "going against the wishes of the majoirty of the voters, the taxpayers, your constituents."

I liked it!

However, the results seemed to suggest that the impact I had anticpated was lacking (understatement).

Some of these people are really standing on their own personal moral high ground and can't be swayed.

But that does not change the numbers.

They are in the minority, we have the majority.

The solution seems to be simple math to me -

If this group of politcians does not understand or believe in the will of the people, the majority, . . .

then the majority needs to remove and replace these ego tripping sanctimonious politicians ASAP!

Let's git er done!



Patient Grower
Not only do we have the majority on this issue, we have a 'veto proof' super majority. 81% support doesn't leave many more people to get over to our side as there will always be nutcakes that can't be convinced regardless of the evidence.


Here's What You Can Do To Help - The Time Is Now!

Here's What You Can Do To Help - The Time Is Now!


Detailed instructions, links, letters, etc.

Time to mobilize the militia!


I saw it for myself. This thing is at a tipping point. We can tip it if enough of you stand up and raise your hands. Let your voice be heard.

What can you do? It's all laid out for you in the above link.

Do it now.

Thanks in advance.



Looking For Links Help

Looking For Links Help

One of the politicians that I visited with yesterday requested more information on two subjects:

The need for having dispensaries.

The need for caregivers and patients to have the ability to grow for themselves.

Get this - she appeared to be against both options??? Go figure:dunno:

Anywho - please hook me up with any good information that you are aware of.

I bet she does not think that I am coming back to see her!

Thanks in advance.



Research Reveals Senator Carpenter's Position - No Growing!

Research Reveals Senator Carpenter's Position - No Growing!

First link is to Senator Carpenter's Ammendment to Bill SB-368

Second link is to the bill



Condensed version:

His amendment proposes to remove all language regarding "12 live plants" and "cultivation".

No patient growing meds

No caregiver growing meds

If you can think of anything you would like to pass on to Mr. Carpenter :whistling: you can contact him here:




This Resonates With Me

This Resonates With Me

"If you do something, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act will likely pass, so pass this along like you'd pass along the bong.

If every person for the cause knew two people who chip in, there is no doubt this will pass. "

Quote from Madison Norml info page.

To read more and see and action checklist: (C'mon, do it)


Just do it. Now please.




"If you do something, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act will likely pass, so pass this along like you'd pass along the bong.

If every person for the cause knew two people who chip in, there is no doubt this will pass. "

Quote from Madison Norml info page.

To read more and see and action checklist: (C'mon, do it)


Just do it. Now please.



Well said and quoted.


I heard reports and read on the blogs that some politicians just down right walked away refusing to discuss "marijuana". Wisconsin lawmakers are out of touch, I think they are all elected and WILL have to answer to the people! It seems like they do not consider patients equal to "constiuents"; where are all the doctors?


Playing the FDA , AMA, DEA card

Playing the FDA , AMA, DEA card

I heard reports and read on the blogs that some politicians just down right walked away refusing to discuss "marijuana". Wisconsin lawmakers are out of touch, I think they are all elected and WILL have to answer to the people! It seems like they do not consider patients equal to "constiuents"; where are all the doctors?

Leah Vukmir's office was locked but there was plenty of information slid under her door.

where are all the doctors

One senator I talked said "I am going to get my facts from the people at Marshfield Clinic. You've heard of them, right?"

Wel, she's also going to get more medical facts from me too!

Other "brush-offs" I reveived:

"Well, you know, FDA blah blah blah."

"Well, you know, AG, DEA, blah blah blah"

Well, you know, AMA, SMS, blah blah blah"


Check out these links:

confusing testimony by SMS rep DR. Miller


Video of Dr. Miller giving Leah Vukmir an answer she was not looking for:


