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Wilting leaves under 1000 hps in Veg


Active member
Unless I missed it, how are you guys telling him what ppms to run without knowing what nutes he is running??

Different stages of growth require different levels of nutrients. This is regardless of Nutrient brand.

Welcome to the party:tiphat:



Active member
I would drop the ppms to 500. You shouldnt need the calmag either your tap should take care of that. Do you have a chiller?
They need to recover it would probably really help to just let em suck on plain tap water for a few days.
Good luck

Thanks for showing up green. No chiller. I will try a few days of water. Today I am picking up a 6 bulb quantum t5. only $150. Ill put them back on the veg side now with the right light and tap for a few days. still no change yet.


Active member
I really need to know if I should add the cold water, 45 degrees or 68 degrees with hot and cold water? The 68 is very white looking. Its from adding hot water to the cold, I think its oxygen bubbles so maybe that's good?


Active member
Ok it took me a couple days to get the new veg light and system fixed and cold water to set over night to warm up to 65. Im up and running, I put them in the veg side again and with the new T5 quantum badboy and after 24 hours ive noticed a difference. They have perked up again. Tonight I will fill the 55 gall drum I have so it will warm to 65 by tomorrow. I will add 1/4 strength nutes and no cal-mag. PPM 198 PH 5.48



Active member
Different stages of growth require different levels of nutrients. This is regardless of Nutrient brand.

Welcome to the party:tiphat:


That is not true. That is why I was trying to welcome everyone else to the party :tiphat:

If he was running Lucas, every one of those answers would have been wrong. That is why you can't try and fix a problem without asking the right questions. Just trying to help with that problem in the growing community


Active member
And putting them under a 1k is no problem whatsoever as long as they are fully rooted. Some people might argue that it is a waste of electricity (I don't necessarily agree) but it definitely won't have any adverse effects unless you have it all up over them.. Which wouldn't cause drooping


Active member
And putting them under a 1k is no problem whatsoever as long as they are fully rooted. Some people might argue that it is a waste of electricity (I don't necessarily agree) but it definitely won't have any adverse effects unless you have it all up over them.. Which wouldn't cause drooping

So do you think its still the problem of too much nutes?
i think the problem comes from the roots, not enough air in the water. I got the same on my last grow. When the leaf stem is purple, it's because the roots are drawning. Check the roots...
I guess that this occurred because when you changed your lighting for 1k HPS, the temp in the room has increased and so for the water temp. Warm water needs more added air and you maybe have only the bubbler in the main rez. So you have to remove all the water and let the roots in the air directly but only for the first night. When the 1k bulb is on, put back your nutes with enzymes (that kills the rot), the light quite far from the plants not to burn them, and an air hose in each bucket, so that the roots touch direcly the bubbles.
However, they won't recover as if the problem had not appear, and put them in flo only when they have made new white roots and look healthy.



Now in technicolor
Your temp looks good. Let's see..

is your pH meter calibrated? It looks like the cheap kind—do you trust it? Check the pH of your tap water and then check your city's site to see what the pH of your tap water should be as reported by your city/county. We get a pamphlet with this info in the mail every year.

Lower PPM to 800-900 (minus 200 ppm tap water)

Add calmag at 5ml per gallon. Ideally you want 10ml per gal but that's for water that doesn't have much cal/mag in it. Shake CaMg+ well before use. Perhaps try a few buckets with RO/distilled water to rule out your tap water?

Does the res stink? Root shots would help. The problem to me in the first pics looks like root issues. When I had those symptoms, it was either overwatering, underwatering, or root rot. But your latest pics don't show these symptoms. Still: Check the roots, take pics, smells, colors all that.

Are the leaves dry/crisp instead of soft/waxy/shiny?

The twisting leaves look like a pH issue. Maybe not that the pH is off but that it's going up/down too quickly. Is it? How often are you checking it?

Try lowering pH to 5.2 and keeping it there if it's spiking up too fast.

also regarding ppm, remember that the more light a plant has, the more ppm it can handle. When I moved my plants from CFLs to 600w to veg, they had nute deficiencies at the same ppm. When I moved some plants from 400w to CFLs, they were getting burned. Keep this in mind when switching out lights.

What nutes are you using? What pH up/down are you using?

Hydro is very fast but wait 48-72 hours between changes to see results. As stated above, the crappy leaves won't recover, so you'll need to wait for new growth. It may take awhile if the plant is stressed. My biggest problem early on was only waiting maybe 8-12 hours and concluding that X or Y solution isn't fixing my problem. A lot of my issues were very low calmag but my tap water is 40 ppm.


Active member
Alot of the same questions keep getting asked about air. I have a commercial 3 air pump with 6in air stone in each bucket. Ill be be back later with more updates.


Well-known member
Im not sure the commercial 3 is big enough. I used one before and I believe your gonna want another one to get more DO. That will help


Active member


Hey guys hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Thanks for the advise everyone. 2 days ago I bent them all over to see if they would turn up. I was going to do this anyway once the reached a foot tall. The grape skunk is growing way faster than all the rest and has been since I put it in. I think the lifesaver seed and the 2 dcuogk seeds are not going to make it. I have clippings and clones I can replace them with soon if needed. Everything has turned up and looks ok though. The GP has crazy new growth but nothing else does. I also think that when i put them under the 1000, that system wasn't cleaned very well before they got put in. I think the air pump there in now is extreme compared to the flower room pump (which i will change out before these move back in) Heres some pics. PH stays 5.5-5.8 and i have move PPM down to 5-600. PS: the 3 seedlings have been growing forever it seems. I shouldn't have popped them so early.



For what it's worth, plants always go through a readjustment period when moved from a weaker light source to a stronger one. The leaves on the plant get used to the weaker light and grow larger to accommodate. Quite often a plant will drop old leaves and put on new ones to adjust for the increased lumens. When put under stronger light the plant no longer needs the original larger leaves as they are simply too big for the plants new light source, and they shed them in favour of new smaller leaves/solar cells. For what it's worth...my two cents.