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weekly wassup

weekly wassup

so i got some minor issues with my babies. gave them their first nutrients a week ago, schedule says i have another week before i should feed them again. already put a bit of cal mag in the water. twice. they liked that a lot, and last week were looking very good, very rapid growth, got my humidity dialed in a bit more, along with the temps. nothing above 90, nothing below 50, humidity is 50%-90%. there is an air stone below the roots.
THE PROBLEM is some of the leaves, on 4 of my plants, are bending into a U shape. this is not looking natural, and on one of the plants the tips of the leaves are a bit yellow. only on one of the fucked up a bit looking babies though. any ideas on how to fix this, or what is going on? what causes leaves to curl up in an system like im running.
ALSO, how much longer before i put them under a 600w hps? im thinking another week? the roots are like 8+ inches long, and they plants are just sprouting their first set of 5 pointed leaves, or their 4th set. also when they go under the 600w im putting them into a rooting mix and into 6in puts. :hide:





thanks, really is amazing how everybody tries to help, as always, thanks. :deadxmas:
building has been slow, getting a "chill" electrician is nothing easy. got an old contact from the restaurant biz thats going to help me out with 2 plugs i need to rewire, for 15 amps, not going to over load a circuit, but what are some of the other ways people have started fires or heard of them getting started? once this is done i only need to cut passive air intakes, a few random here and there's, and im good to put plants in. 1 more week, or 10 days max, and this will be finished. got my fan mounted onto my filter like a pro. CRUCIAL VENTILATION TIP FROM A NEWB: get some insulation tape at the hardware store you get your ducting at, its like a roll of 1/4in foam sheeting with an adhesive backing. put it onto all the equipment that you buy, makes a really good air tight seal. and at the grow shop they sell these metal belts that you can adjust with screws, so dope. got one in a second. and 8in vortex fans are not that quiet, im going to have to do something about that, make a muffler, insulate the hell out of my fan, i dont know, but its a beast.

damn its no joke when people say start up costs are huge. i dropped 1500 on a 1200w system, almost all equipment i needed. then i take my financier with me to the hardware store, the dirt store, and the hydro shop, and boom, another 1500 in dirt, nutrients, and random shit needed to build the room. and im not even done yet.
So the dirt i chose is a somewhat local company company called wizards specialty soils. got good reviews at the grow shop. ill give it a run and see what i think. im going to mix it with more pearlite, and a bit of peat moss. i also got a box of bat guano for when i flip them, inless yall think i should add it before. im going to take my babies out of the submerged root hydro/aero system they are currently in to 6 in pots in rooting mix, get a root ball in them, then transplant for a second time into their final pot, 5 gal, with this soil mix in it that im talking about, and then shortly after that ill flip them, around the beginning of 2010. so i already got this soil i was told the plants could go straight in to, but they get the rooting mix in the 6 in pots first. soil will be mixed with a lot more pearlite, bit of worm castings, bone meal, blood meal, and peat moss, and dolomite lime. should i add the guano to that mix also, and if so how much? bone and blood meal are miracle grow organic.
NUTRIENTS........ didnt have a clue what to get in relation to my soil, so i listened to what my buddy said the nor cal folks say: beastie bloom, overdrive, chaching. sounds very snappy and funny. any way, i didnt see overdrive, and all i did see in the nutrient salts at the grow shop were open sesame, beastie bloomz, and chaching. got a pound of each, costs over a bill for all 3. good nutrients? also i got a bottle of botanicare calmag +, which i love. ph up and down is still no the needed list. any thoughts on this subject, or past experiences would be so useful, basically all the soil and nutrients boggles my mind and was picked up randomly. kindave... what you got to say.....

otherwise im tearing apart another closet in close proximity to this one to put my ballasts and rez into. also i needed to get into my roof to crawl around, lay ducting, fix a leak , see what was up there, and run the lines to the grow room for the lights. kindave fun cutting dry wall that your landlord owns:xmasnut:

also im cutting a wire out of the wall, that is on a different line than the one thats going in the grow, and putting a plug in this closet for the ballasts.
Q: hope it is OK to cut and splice a longer wire onto the cable that comes off the hood. its too short by like 5-10 feet, and im thinking when the electriction s=comes over ill get him to cut the cords, add either 10 feet of 15amp wire, or a plug on each side of the cut? im sure somebody else has done this before, its chill right?.......................
safety first!

VERY IMPORTANT LAST QUESTION! so i have a few hundred for a dehumidifier. looking around i found out how they are rated by how many pints per day they draw out of the air, whether or not they had a pump to pump water to your rez, (something that you can buy for $30) and other mundane features. what i also saw for a very comparable price, around 2 hundred, were portable air conditioners. 12000 btu, 65pints per day, some even had a heater i also. anybody ever used one, and how does the venting work out? says it has 1 5fot long 4inch vent, but i dont want to vent hot grow room air out of the room, and through their piece of shit im sure carbon filter, when i have one 10 times bigger than i need. if i point the out vent at my filter, and leave the air con in the grow room, will that work? and if i dont need air con, will these units only dehumidify with out the air con on? and why the low price, the grow websites that i use sell them for $500-$600, and these are very cheap sites. should i get one, or just get a 65 pint dehumidifier? please advise, this needs to get ordered this week. as always stay safe, share the knowledge, and peace brother and sisters.
so im getting broke again, maybe i should borrow another grand. totaled up my purchases, about $2600 so far, and i still want to build a veg cab, and get a dehui or an air con, and a sulfur burner + about another bill in hardware for this grow. any way i got all my nutrients and additives now.
What im using: Fox farm open sesamie, ff beastie bloomz, ff chaching. extras: Botanicare CalMag +, using it a lot. botanicare silica blast, just started using it. didnt understand that you gotta balance your nutrient solution before you add it to the rez. and then i got some clearex for once i start using the soil. also i got a bottle of worm tea, and ill get more when needed. but my babies are still in the aero garden, so im feeding them aero garden food, and supplementing it with a full dose of worm tea, 1/4 dose silica blast, and 1/2dose calmag. got my PH at 6.0, got my ph meter working in week 3! also today my last bean sprouted in the paper towel. that makes a 100% germ rate. but when i say that its does not mean that i will order from nirvana again. out of 28, i made sure every seed had a tap root showing before i put it into the coco. so i got 100% of the beans to show roots in paper towles, but once they hit the aero garden, a lot of them didnt keep growing. i have 2 left that i dont know if they will pop out of the coco, and i have 16 babies swaying in the breeze. temp is 65-85, RH is 55-90%. what yall think of my food menu?


Active member
Sorry to say it but maybe make a list before shopping? It seems like you bought stuff randomly without really knowing what it is.

Those nutrients are bloom enhancers, not a basis for a nutrient regimen. such as pure blend, or flora nova. I use pure blend pro veg, then move on to bloom when I switch to flower, most of the time adding cal mag. Seems like you should research the nutrient aspect of growing then make a decision on some good nutes. Not trying to be a douche, but having the right nutes will go along way to keeping people happy, especially if you have a "financier", the room is getting there

Another question if you bought the soil to run in soil, why start them in a aerogarden? Its just more stress when you transplant instead of putting the seed right in a cup of substrate.


Lammen Gorthaur
Cut the carpet out. The carpet has mites and will serve as the breeding ground for still more bugs. On top of that, it will be ruined anyway with the inevitable spills and thrills.

Lots of power in this grow and it looks like it could go places. Congratulations on your ingenuity and keep on rocking on... :window:
i have made at least 10 lists already, i just keep making more of them. its more i only have an idea of what im buying, and dont really understand how it works or rather what it does. but i already got all the above additives, cost me about $250. the FF bloom enhancers are for after i flip them. the botanicare shit i got is for when things are not looking right. i also got PH up and down from advance. the reason i started in the aero garden was that i had it lying around, and i didnt have any other lights to throw some babies under. i have gotten it to work very well, ill throw some pictures up tonight. within the next week ill take them from the aero garden and into seedling soil mix in 6" pots. ill get them used to soil and start giving them a bit of food. im planning on leaving them in the 6" pots under a 600w hps for at least 3 weeks, then they will have a bomb root ball. that puts me at around the first of next year. then ill transplant into 12" pots, get them over the stress, take my cuts, veg for a week, and flip them sometime in january. coming up fast.
the soil i bought i was told would work by its self for a few weeks of veg, im really not stressing, its good soil i got, and the babies are not going to see it for another month. by that time they will be sexed, veged, cloned, and wanting to flower. i got this.
thanks for the kind words & advice, man i really didnt want to have to do that, i feel bad as im cutting 10 different holes in the wall and roof, and rewiring half the up stairs. also its new carpet, put in just before i moved in, and i haven't walked in there with shoes on. also all walls and floor have mylar/plastic on them. im adding a second door, with a zipper and plastic, to create a sealed environment. hopefully. really think its crucial to rip the carpet up?


Active member
Glad to see you took at constructive criticism instead of me being an ass, I just know how it is in a hydro shop trying to grab everything in one trip, and sometimes settling. Either way you are off to a good start, best of luck. The only thing I suggest is reading up some FAQs on nutes on icmag since they would help you making sure the first run goes as smoothly as possible even tho there is always a learning curve

And dont put a piece of cloth between the light to diffuse it, just start the lights high and bring them down over a week or two. The cloth would just be a pain to hang, and a small but possible fire hazard if something went wrong. I just like to keep all flammable materials away from all hot/electrical items.
ya fun is a word to use. its a lot of thought. on that subject, got very medicated, and decided the carpet goes. ripped that bitch up. hope i can pull out my reconstruction skills when i move, i want my deposit, for the moral of it. babies are no longer all that small, in fact they are over crowding the trey they are in, gotta remedy that asap. but the grow room has yet to be finished, so hopefully tomorrow night i can give it a dry run. then the next day transplant into 6in pots. roots are like a foot long. soil mix is already been moist for a few days, ph at 6.3. the solution they are in now is 6.1. all is good.
here are some pictures from 3 days ago, or at the 3 week mark.

and then here is a picture from tonight. took it with the lights off so its a bit shitty.

and then there is no more carpet. woot.
week 4:
this is some hard work. finished with school for a bit now, been working like im on wall street. ran the duct from the fan to the first hood, insulated it, attached the 2 hoods together, insulated that, and now i have a temporary exit vent into my room. my bedroom is 86 currently, im going to be cozey this winter. got the floor put in, 2 layers on 4mil plastic, with a 10 inch lip around the room, then mylar. transplanted out of the aero garden today, probably 3 days late, but they will survive, hopefully. soil they went into is 2 parts miracle grow rooting mix, 2 parts canadian rooting mix that was dank and from the hydro shop, and 2 parts worm castings, watered with worm tea, about 1 gallon water and tea per 6 pots, but soil had been moistened for a week prior, so it was optimal. home depot tomorrow, gotta finish up the ducting, make a passive air intake, what should i use to light seal that?....... a little electrical is left, and im going to need to make a muffler, its a bit loud with the vibrations. hope i get over time pay.

only 1 600w hps is running, about 3 feet from the plants.

komrade komura

Active member
Hey west..looking great mon.

....have you found anything for spinning the position of the plants?

I am looking for something and reckon you may have done some research.

Is the fan making all the noise?

Just wondering whatcha using for security?
@ komrade komura, ya i have these 10 fingers that do a good job at spinning plants. 6 months ago i decided that aero phonics were out and dirt was in, a big part of that decision was because pots are easier to move and spin around the room. i got square pots, cuz it is a square room. spinning plants is something that will come naturally to you, not at all an issue, but they are heavy and so start doing back excercises, even for a room this size. took 20 gallons of rooting mix for 16 6" pots, porbably about 10 gallons of water. ya i have done research, way too much. what you want to know? fan is making some noise that could fuck with your head if you really dont give a shit. its the vibrations amplified because its a wood studs that its mounted to. sounds like a loud bathroom fan in a few parts of the house, something i have to deal with, tinker with, and live with. its a work in progress. security, i would not recommend that you rob me, that would not work out in the long run for either of us. get long sleeves, and have a lot of tricks up them.

komrade komura

Active member
Hey West...thanks for the info. Just looking to make it as easy as possible and saw a cool spinning light fixture on Urban Grower....got me thinkin (never a good thing...hahaha)

Have you considered a thick rubber gasket for the fan...auto parts?

Particularly interested in whatcha doin for light tight. I ain't got that sorted out in my robe conversation yet.

Need a really good hidden lock mechanism.

Great to see some plants in their home.
ya i saw those spinning lights, but the fixture for 3 lights ( what i would want) costs about 1500. there is a company in Seattle that makes them and i think has a show room. cost too much, and air cooled lights are not that big of a deal,easy enough to work with, i really like them. i can put my hand on the glass no problem, and im thinking its easier to deal with than some 300 pound spinning fixture. fuck that. but ya i watched that episode, and went ADD for an hour or 2 until that fuck it bell went off. ya i dont know what kind of ducting skills you got, but there is this foam shit on a roll, with a sticky side you can expose. put it in the middle of and metal on metal seal. so... on the flange of the carbon filter i put a strip of "insulation tape" (thats what its called) then i mounted the fan onto the carbon filter and screwed it onto the wall, then i used foil tape and sealed it up, then a added this 1 1/2inch metal belt around it all, and that is solid. real solid. this insulation tape is way better than a rubber gasket, its actually what you want. like 11 dollars a roll. light tight? bend ducting at 90 degrees and that traps a lot of light. i have the grow room door open at the moment, that is my passive intake. im still building this fucker, and figuring out how my air is working. i got a good idea, but i cant explain whats going on here, its something i hope you can understand. my current temps are 80-88 in the grow. got their first feeding last night. everything is growing very nicely.
things are going great. started feeding open sesame. got a bottle of black strap molasses, great shit, recommend it to everyone. this is a week after i transplanted. and they have another 10 days before transplant and flip. fired up the second light as i finally finished the electrical for this grow. 2x600w lights on one circut, and the vortex and whatever else can go off the socket i have in the grow. i dont like electrical, always shock my self somehow or other.

i put the ballasts in a towel closet, and ran the wires off them into the grow through the roof. here is my electrical closet that has been a pain in my ass for the last month.

and here is the other side of that wall, where i already fixed things back up, and that sketchy out let no longer works. so i have 2x 15amp breakers for this grow, im set. and in the summer i can run the air con off the electric for the baseboard heat. any hu, here is where the power for the ballast closet comes from.

and here is the exit vent from the grow, venting into my room at 87f, with passive 50degrees going into the grow from the attic. got some dry wall work to do tomorow, i know, but i have my bedroom lights off by the time the grow lights go off, its not a problem.
going to go on a little vacation. stressful having somebody else babysitting for ya. whatever, i got somebody to raise the hoods, the plants are about a foot tall right now, and i have about 4 feet of growing space, so a long as they dont grow more than a foot in the next week im good and when i get back they will be under 2 feet. ill clone them, flip them, sex them, and then transplant them. that way i got half my total space for them to stretch in. i think my room is dialed in, but i know in the back of my head that there is always small things i gotta do. shit i do have some dry wall to patch up. whatever, temp is now never above 80, or below 70, RH is 45-50%, and PH is 6.3-6.5. plants are looking healthy.


New member


"going to go on a little vacation. stressful having somebody else babysitting for ya. whatever, i got somebody to raise the hoods, the plants are about a foot tall right now, and i have about 4 feet of growing space, so a long as they dont grow more than a foot in the next week im good and when i get back they will be under 2 feet. ill clone them, flip them, sex them, and then transplant them. that way i got half my total space for them to stretch in. i think my room is dialed in, but i know in the back of my head that there is always small things i gotta do. shit i do have some dry wall to patch up. whatever, temp is now never above 80, or below 70, RH is 45-50%, and PH is 6.3-6.5. plants are looking healthy."

How was the vacation??? And the ladies? How they doin? I'm about to go on vacation myself in a month and wanted to flower my girls once my hps and fan, etc got here, which they did yesterday. Problem is, I have nobody to babysit. So, I'm gonna have to leave em to veg another month before switchin to flower...oh well. :whistling:


New member
totally ot, but
they really send those like that in that kinda package? Thats sketchy as shit. Why not a daisy or tomato seed package or something. damn...
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