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Wilting leaves under 1000 hps in Veg


Active member
For what it's worth, plants always go through a readjustment period when moved from a weaker light source to a stronger one. The leaves on the plant get used to the weaker light and grow larger to accommodate. Quite often a plant will drop old leaves and put on new ones to adjust for the increased lumens. When put under stronger light the plant no longer needs the original larger leaves as they are simply too big for the plants new light source, and they shed them in favour of new smaller leaves/solar cells. For what it's worth...my two cents.

Thanks for the 2 cents. They have been in the correct system now for over a week under the new floros and still no new growth except for the grape skunk, which is the newest plant and the strongest so far. Thanks again.


As a result of usin' your dirty Tap water, you have built up a mineral residue in your medium. This buildup is wreaking havoc on the plants ability to take up any nutrition, and this is why you are seein' absolutely no growth, 'cept w/ those strains which are gluttons for punishment; and even they will appear to be responding well, when in actuality, they're hobbling along, at best,"and will themselves eventually stop growin'.

You gotta be kiddin' me tho; none of these " veteranos ( veterans for you English speaking folk ) [ AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ] could diagnose this young man's problem? Either there's alot of hate here, or some of you aren't all that! To suggest the light, the temps, or to suggest the airstones; or next the Stars even. Or lastly, one might suggest he purchase a tide chart to better navigate the "undercurrent culture," when THE VERY FIRST DIAGNOSIS. should be MINERAL BUILDUP & SUBSEQUENT NUTRIENT LOCKOUT DUE TO THE NONE USE OF RO FILTRATED H2O, and the use of TAP H2O in its place. ( At first, your garden will appear to be chuggin' along, when it's really gettin' ready to come to a complete standstill. ). With RO H2O in place your PPM's will be where they should be usin' nutrient at half strength, ( in the beginning )
I'm at a loss as to why any of you have not told him that he will continue to have plant health issues in RDWC when runnin' w/o RO H2O. His PPM should be at (zero) out the spigot, before adding base nutrient. I'm ashamed of everyone that offered to help WHO SHOULD KNOW THIS & Please let's not get buthurt over my post- i'm jus' a spectator, a noone, a nobody, who sees a great injustice, and is compelled by compassion to ENLIGHTEN.

Jus' thought i'd brighten your day....buster(s).

You are barking up the wrong tree Loverocket!

Here is the advice I gave back on the first page:

Cheers bro, I think green thumb is giving you good advice.
When I see the pics it looks to me like several things:
I see for sure some serious ph shifts (the way the leafs contort). Other factors may be the intensity of the light in their weak state, the nutrient strength etc. Hard to tell at their current state. The solution would be the same though in my opinion. I would flush them with ro (stay away from your tab unless you now the content of it) for a day, then start them on half of recommended dose, they also should be shaded a bit from the 1000, or put under weaker lights. Check your ph meter against the ph drops or ph test strips, so you are sure about its accuracy. Your humidity is also very low, at least when you took the pic, try to get it between 50%-70%. I am not familiar with your growing style, so I can't talk to what your water temps should be, but most people would probably say that 68f is a good number to aim for and anything over 70f is tempting disaster.

I'm sorry for the hps in the pic, but these are running on about 500ppm.

I hope I could help, I know it can be very frustrating when shit goes wrong!
Good luck! "

So here you go dud, where were you when this thread started???
PS: Go fuck yourself, smartass!

I just read through your post again, and I think it calls for another "GO FUCK YOURSELF" :)


Active member
So if that's the case and I have a lockout or build up then are the plants saveable? And do I have to get the RO from the local supermarket? A lot of people say to use tap because it helps clean things. I just want to make this work. I've got all the equipment running correctly and it all works very good. If its the H2O than how do I flush and what exactly do u mean by flush? Do the plants have to be out? Do I clean the buckets with a rag or bleach? Just need some nube advise to get back on track. Thanks


Well Kindman will advise you to stop usin' the Tap H2O for a day, till you find out what's in it. This is Kindman's way of tellin' you that he really has no idea what he's blithering to you about; he jus' hopes that it sounds wise and informed, or even knowledgeable, and believable. I'll have you know that you'll never get any treu mileage out of his advice. Furthermore, if he disagrees w/ you, he'll tell you to fuck off, in so many words.

I say take care and remember, you'll always have serious issues, & and or, serious challenges until you bring RO H2O into the dynamic. You cannot build a stable nutrient base w/o it, (and here's the disclaimer) however, you jus' may achieve different results. This has not been my experience nor that of others, tho.

Finally, i really have no time for the "advice trolls," so at this point, i will not respond, nor acknowledge 'em, i have no interest in hearin' my advice prove treu. I offered it FREE, as the truth should be.


You are an idiot LR, I advised him to flush for a day and stop using tab unless he knows whats in it. Try reading intead of insulting everybody with a broad brush! Also, flushing for a day and resuming feeding at half of recommended nutrient strength, along with giving him advice on environmental factors is pretty much all we can do over the internet, especially since we can not actually see what is going on with his grow, you smart-ass!

Now, I have my own gripes with the advice that is given here (on this forum), it is often based on many assumption, and more often then not not all factors are being looked at in a holistic fashion. Some think the water is the answer too all problems, some think the ph, some the humidity etc. We need to look at all of these things together in order to get a better picture of what is going on.
Everybody that has grown for a while has had their ups and downs, that is just part of the game. And most of the experienced growers know when their plants are happy and when they are not, but diagnosing over the internet is at best hard.

I'm typing this for everybody on here, not the ass from up above, he is a loser that doesn't even have the courage to hang around for the replies to his initiated bullshit!


PS: GWE, I'm sorry bro, but I had to say something.


Active member
So if that's the case and I have a lockout or build up then are the plants saveable? And do I have to get the RO from the local supermarket? A lot of people say to use tap because it helps clean things. I just want to make this work. I've got all the equipment running correctly and it all works very good. If its the H2O than how do I flush and what exactly do u mean by flush? Do the plants have to be out? Do I clean the buckets with a rag or bleach? Just need some nube advise to get back on track. Thanks

Ok lets get back to what im supposed to do. Does everyone use RO? For those who dont what do you do about build up?


Active member
Todays pics

Todays pics

Ok i have noticed alot of new growth. Heres the pics. No RO yet I have no way of getting it unless i go buy 30 gallons at Family Fare. No thanks on that.




Again Kindnan reiterates that he suggested that you stop using the (Tab) H2O, and flush. My? is: FLUSH WITH WHAT? The very same tap water you used to 'cause the MINERAL BUILDUP? Well, if you must know, you need to invest in a RO H2O system. HYDROLOGIC STEALTH RO 100 or 200 (at your local HYDRO STORE) is a worthy product. Water from any other source, means you'll BE WORKIN' ALOT HARDER & NOT SMARTER! It appears that you've purchased everything to make this work efficiently 'cept a water filtration system.

You know, if you want your garden to recover, i say don't flush, jus' start administering RO H2O immediately. PM me if you would like a tutorial - i have one given to me by someone who knows.

So, i'm an idiot, according to KINDMAN. It really jus' gets better. Entertaining, i mean. W/O profiles like KINDMAN we wouldn't have the luxury of wading thru the sludge of misinformation that he and so many others, offer so expertly, and since i expose his failed attempts at being your saviour - he calls me names to relieve the lack of selfesteem within.

Cultivation of cannabis is an art form. Master it!

Low IQ seems to be the problem with Loverocketer. You may also just be a teenager trying to act big. Either way, you make no sense bro. Go back to school and learn to read!


Ok i have noticed alot of new growth. Heres the pics. No RO yet I have no way of getting it unless i go buy 30 gallons at Family Fare. No thanks on that.



GWE, if you have no access to ro, let the tab water sit out for a view days I guess. I used tab water for my seccond grow years ago and had nothing but problems, so for me it has been ro for years brother. BTW, I'm sure you were able to read what I advised you to do, use ro unless you know the make up of your tab water.
I don't think you should stress your plants by bending therm etc. get them healthy first!
BTW, symptoms like yours can have a multitude of causes, there is no 'magic solution' like ro for example that will fix all problems, only loud mouths like loverocketer woud suggest dumb ass stuff like that.
Not rinsing hydroton well enough has given me trouble a view times in the past that looks just like your problem.
Offgassing is another serious problem that will retard the plants and manifest all kinds of deficiencies until they die.
Personally I think that Loverocketer may have been affected by offgassing as well, he surely is showing the symptoms:tiphat:
The question that I have for you is, why did you choose a growing style that requires a good amount of experience, and not start with a simple ebb&flow or a top feed set-up?


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