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Will California Vote to Legalize in November 2010?!

Will California Vote to Legalize in November 2010?!

  • Cali Resident: YES!

    Votes: 76 22.1%
  • Cali Resident: NO!

    Votes: 55 16.0%
  • Cali Resident: Undecided

    Votes: 7 2.0%
  • Non Resident: Yes

    Votes: 169 49.1%
  • Non Resident: No

    Votes: 17 4.9%
  • Will be too stoned, unregistered or busy trimming.

    Votes: 20 5.8%

  • Total voters
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I really hope you pass it guys, best of luck from Norway. Politicians over here are awaiting the results of the Cali vote before ratifying our fucked up drug laws.

I just know that if this thing passes then im heading over there asafknp to visit.


whether they vote or not the bill wont pass not because people dont want it to but because theres far too much money in it being illegal. i can see the feds changing votes or finding way to influence votes at the last minute. theres no way this will pass because it will spread like wildfire across the world. i want it but my bet is against it ever happening unfortunately.


that said for those of you who want a yes vote go out and influence as many as you can to go and vote!! this is probably our only chance!!


Active member
No, it says "same space"...that is different-- If you are in a room smoking, and the door is closed, that is not the same "Space" as the kiddies in the next room--:tiphat:

Sounds like a semantics issue a judge will decide when he decides whether or not to take someones kids away. Poorly written. What other medication can you not do with your children in the room?


this medication fumes all over the place. i dunno about you but ive been in a small room and felt stoned being around smokers im sure a kid would feel the effects too is that what you want?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
This isn't the bill about medication... this is the one that states grass is a drug, and is thusly in need of regulation.

A vast majority has claimed that 19 doesn't effect medical patients in the slightest.

If you're medicating, you should be okay to smoke in the same space.

If you're smoking pot, you aren't.


Active member
this medication fumes all over the place. i dunno about you but ive been in a small room and felt stoned being around smokers im sure a kid would feel the effects too is that what you want?

If I so decide yes. A child is the property of the parent to raise as he/she sees fit and unless their is a compelling threat to the childs safety and wellbeing the government has no business telling parents what to do or not do. To boot, I have been in a room with 10 people vaping and not felt the slightest.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
If I so decide yes. A child is the property of the parent to raise as he/she sees fit and unless their is a compelling threat to the childs safety and wellbeing the government has no business telling parents what to do or not do. To boot, I have been in a room with 10 people vaping and not felt the slightest.

Apparently you have been somewhere besides the US for the last 25 years. And no, not even a fucked up parent has the right to get their kids stoned. I suppose that you have the right to have sex with them since they are chattel. Jesus, no wonder these laws exist.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Apparently you have been somewhere besides the US for the last 25 years. And no, not even a fucked up parent has the right to get their kids stoned. I suppose that you have the right to have sex with them since they are chattel. Jesus, no wonder these laws exist.

Raising your child and having sex with them are two entirely different issues.

If a parent doesn't have the right to get their kids stoned, who does? Is a responsible parent smoking with their twenty year old kid "fucked up" in your eyes?

Get real.

I don't even believe the shit that comes out of people's mouths anymore.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Raising your child and having sex with them are two entirely different issues.

If a parent doesn't have the right to get their kids stoned, who does? Is a responsible parent smoking with their twenty year old kid "fucked up" in your eyes?

Get real.

I don't even believe the shit that comes out of people's mouths anymore.


Raising your child and getting them stoned are also two different issues. A so-called "responsible parent" getting their 10-year old stoned is seriously fucked up in my view. Since my wife has worked in the school system for 20+ years, I have seen so-called parents do astounding things. Legislation is aimed at the lowest-common denominator. And yes, I think I deal in reality exclusively. On the other hand, I see little but utopian dreams out of you.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Raising your child and getting them stoned are also two different issues.

Perhaps in your head.

I don't see cannabis as some evil that needs to be kept from everyone.

At some point children grow into adults.

Whether or not they act like it is up to the winds.

A child raised up thinking that cannabis is a plant that can be used or abused has a much better chance at not abusing it than a child that was raised believing it to be a very dangerous substance because the schools told them so.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Perhaps in your head.

I don't see cannabis as some evil that needs to be kept from everyone.

At some point children grow into adults.

Whether or not they act like it is up to the winds.

A child raised up thinking that cannabis is a plant that can be used or abused has a much better chance at not abusing it than a child that was raised believing it to be a very dangerous substance because the schools told them so.

Try to stay on track here. What I was addressing was the idea that a child (not a 20-year old) is the parent's property and can be done with as the parent sees fit. It is a small leap from this to "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it".

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If a child could be construed as property, it'd be the property of the womb from whence it came before it was ever up to popular auction.


Active member
Apparently you have been somewhere besides the US for the last 25 years. And no, not even a fucked up parent has the right to get their kids stoned. I suppose that you have the right to have sex with them since they are chattel. Jesus, no wonder these laws exist.

The decision of what to do with my children is mine and mine alone until there is a danger to their safety or wellbeing and if I choose to smoke or vape or consume edibles while they are in the room thats my choice.

Ya, I bet they'll house them with the parents that gave their kids a beer or glass of wine at dinner.:nono:

Wait... a man of reason? Why hello over there :wave:

Raising your child and having sex with them are two entirely different issues.

If a parent doesn't have the right to get their kids stoned, who does? Is a responsible parent smoking with their twenty year old kid "fucked up" in your eyes?

Get real.

I don't even believe the shit that comes out of people's mouths anymore.


Another man of reason? Well hello to you too :tiphat:

Raising your child and getting them stoned are also two different issues. A so-called "responsible parent" getting their 10-year old stoned is seriously fucked up in my view. Since my wife has worked in the school system for 20+ years, I have seen so-called parents do astounding things. Legislation is aimed at the lowest-common denominator. And yes, I think I deal in reality exclusively. On the other hand, I see little but utopian dreams out of you.

You aren't the only person ever with family who has worked in the school system so don't pretend to have a monopoly on having seen fucked up shit friend. I bet your wife has taught children who seemed perfectly normal who when they went to sleep at night their father came into their bed, or beat them, or yelled at them and demeaned them. There are always bad parents but just because someone medicates or gets high with their kid in the room doesn't mean they are bad parents. Furthermore, utopia can never happen unless you aspire to utopia. I hope for the best laws because that is my job as a constituent and voter.

Try to stay on track here. What I was addressing was the idea that a child (not a 20-year old) is the parent's property and can be done with as the parent sees fit. It is a small leap from this to "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it".

Perhaps you choose not to read what I wrote. My sentiments preclude such a situation in that if such sentiments were uttered they would reflect that the parent was not fit to be such.


Active member
I don't think underage smoking belongs in Prop 19. It would never pass today, and never in the future. So if we want Cannabis to become legal, have sane laws, remove the negative stigma, we are going to have to make some compromises.

I am not saying I am for under age Cannabis usage (unless of course, prescribed by a doctor). Though, I do see some truth behind a parent that would rather explain alcohol and cannabis in the safety of their own homes. Rather than have their kid learn from some looser on the streets. If the kid is interested and wants to ingest cannabis or alcohol, he/she will do it anyway. Might as well be in the safety of the people who love them most and will protect them.

So in my opinion, a future law that would keep underage usage illegal, but only give a very minor slap on the hand of the parent that was caught giving it to their kids is how I would like to see it. Basically, illegal, but enough room for responsible parents to-do what they feel is right.


Well, its off topic but, think of it like this.. Your offspring are your Genetic property for 18 years. But children do not belong to their parents.. thats just silly.. Once you have a child in a hospital and assign them a SSN, they are now a State owned citizen. A child of the country, if you will.. a quick example would be a "Automobile". You purchase a new Automobile from the dealership, but once you register it with DMV that "Automobile" now becomes a "Vehicle". two entirely different things in the eye of the law.. a Automobile has no licensing vs. a Vehicle that is State Property.. No matter how much bling you put on that vehicle, it is still under the DMV guidelines. Once you register it, you give the state permission to do what they will. Hence police commandeering, smog control, etc... that is what gives them the "rights" to do what they will with it.. your car/truck is a tool the state allows you to use on their highways to go and make tax money for them.. hence its a fucking tool..
now back to the topic at hand. This prop 19 will NOT bring in 14billion in revenue for the state, if any tom, dick, & harry can grow it.. its honestly one of the easiest plants to grow, so why would you pay for it if it is legal to grow?.. Me and my neighbor can provide enough for the entire block from our 5x5 space.. so.. thats just retarded to think the underground Cannabis market is going to bring in some great revenue..
Prop 19 has way, way, way too many gray areas in it to be taken seriously.. And it is amazing my mental-state listening to all of you in favor of a shitty bill.. Saying it is the foot in the door for world wide legalization. Hahahah,, JFC. you have to be a comedian.. that is like saying if you made guns illegal in Nevada the rest of the world would follow suit. Hahahaha.. Woot.. i needed a laugh.. shit..
And for the person who said that i made the case for legalizing it. saying decriminalization would give the power to mafia or gangs.. thats just stupid non-sense. If you decriminalized it.. everyone could grow it, smoke it, etc.. If Gangs or Mafia wanted in on it, FINE, where is their profit? they can not justify a cost due to having to pay border patrol off. They have no weight to throw behind their enterprise.. thus bankrupting them into other criminal activity. You think El'Chopo is in favor of making it legal?.. go ahead ask him,, i'll wait.. (la'la'la'la-la'la'la).. What did he say? thought so..! My point in my fist post was that by decriminalizing cannabis, it would take away 50% or more of the Mexican cartel cash flow from cannabis exports alone. Now if you make Cannabis Legal in California, what is stopping El'chopo from sending over a few hundred Cartel members into the United states and setting up Cannabis store fronts, whos entire scope is to launder money from Meth, kiddie fucking, slavery, heroin, and worse.. Why would Californians want to welcome that kind of cartel activity.. Maybe the rest of the country or world dont realize the horrible cartel problem to the south of USA. Mexico is Out of control (FACT). If you can honestly sit there and say that legalizing it wouldnt bring about any of the above mentioned, then you might be miss informed or ignorant or you just have no clue about human behavior.
Now for decriminalizing cannabis. You say that cartels would own that.... how?.. If something is legal like a tomato, how can a mafia control its cost or locality? If someone tried to push Mexican cannabis on me, for a cost that i didnt want to pay; i would just tell them 'no' and move on to the next vendor, or grow it myself..
And for the issue of Smoking in the same space as a child or someone under the age of 21. The Law enforcement officer is the person on the scene. It is up to THEM to feel the situation out and take action. Once the officer takes action the damage is done. If they take the child from your custody for even one day, while you petition to have your child returned, the damage is already done. Fucked for the child, parent, and law agency involved.. Hell if cops make mistakes like breaking in a house and shooting up kids inside, mistaking it for a drug house.. what will happen now?..
We already have Macro control of cannabis, no need for the law to turn it into a Micro control event.. /sigh..
My ideal situation for Cannabis would be to keep it out of the Cartel, government, corporation control. If any one of them are in control of cannabis, we the people will loose. fact!. If you dont or cant see that far, im sorry. but trust those of us who do, and have a lean, i'll hold you up.. PEACE, Love.....



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
You aren't the only person ever with family who has worked in the school system so don't pretend to have a monopoly on having seen fucked up shit friend.

Perhaps you choose not to read what I wrote. My sentiments preclude such a situation in that if such sentiments were uttered they would reflect that the parent was not fit to be such.

I don't recall ever aspiring to have a monopoly on seeing "fucked up shit". However, every time I've ever heard anyone trying to play the "their my property and I can treat them however I want" card, it is related to an abuse situation. My point was that the state has a markedly different view of the situation, and they will prevail. The other element is that these people seldom recognize that it is detrimental to the kids - it's usually how they were raised too, and considered to be just part of growing up.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't think underage smoking belongs in Prop 19. It would never pass today, and never in the future. So if we want Cannabis to become legal, have sane laws, remove the negative stigma, we are going to have to make some compromises.

I am not saying I am for under age Cannabis usage (unless of course, prescribed by a doctor). Though, I do see some truth behind a parent that would rather explain alcohol and cannabis in the safety of their own homes. Rather than have their kid learn from some looser on the streets. If the kid is interested and wants to ingest cannabis or alcohol, he/she will do it anyway. Might as well be in the safety of the people who love them most and will protect them.

So in my opinion, a future law that would keep underage usage illegal, but only give a very minor slap on the hand of the parent that was caught giving it to their kids is how I would like to see it. Basically, illegal, but enough room for responsible parents to-do what they feel is right.

So responsible parents doing what they feel is right should be illegal.

That's the antithesis of Prop 19 isn't it?

Once again... It is LEGAL for parents to buy their children alcohol in some states.
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