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Why masks are bad for your health


Well-known member
because "freedom" huh? you'll run into the wrong (right?) person some day, and learn things your daddy never found time to beat into you. just a matter of time...

Always thought that boogie was fortunate to have an opportunity to work for a family business.


Active member
Ahh yes, the "good ole days", when America was at it's best! Personally I think it was the terrible parenting, from your generation, that fucked everything up. :)

You might be right about that. My boomer generation is probably the second worst generation of parents.

I was recently driving home and saw a car parked outside of a local private school and one of the parents had written on the windows “Kindergarten graduate”
”Congratulations” and some other celebratory stuff. That’s your generation Boogie, celebrating graduating from Kindergarten! Everyone gets a trophy, everyone gets a diploma…..from Kindergarten. LMAO
What other nations celebrate graduating from Kindergarten?


Well-known member
I could not be prouder of my little graduate.


He looks just like me.


Well-known member
You might be right about that. My boomer generation is probably the second worst generation of parents.

I was recently driving home and saw a car parked outside of a local private school and one of the parents had written on the windows “Kindergarten graduate”
”Congratulations” and some other celebratory stuff. That’s your generation Boogie, celebrating graduating from Kindergarten! Everyone gets a trophy, everyone gets a diploma…..from Kindergarten. LMAO
What other nations celebrate graduating from Kindergarten?

My generation is fucked no doubt, many here won't believe it but my parent's were very old school, they taught me about work ethics and the value of a dollar. I honestly don't get along with many my age because my views just don't align with most. It only can get worse from here with the upcoming generations. Sadly you can't even spank kids today without fear of going to jail, it's a mess and im glad I don't have kids.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
My generation is fucked no doubt, many here won't believe it but my parent's were very old school, they taught me about work ethics and the value of a dollar. I honestly don't get along with many my age because my views just don't align with most. It only can get worse from here with the upcoming generations. Sadly you can't even spank kids today without fear of going to jail, it's a mess and im glad I don't have kids.

I feel this man. I'm a millenial as well, but remember my schooling and upbringing being very different than many of my peers. I even remember being taught how to balance a checkbook in school (totally a useless practice now, but practical for the times) as well as basic agricultural tasks, I don't see those kinds of practical things being taught now. I was on a date with a girl the other day and she was a stereotypical millenal, but very attractive so I tried for longer than I should have. I remember talking about how I enjoy building bikes as a hobby, which she thought was pretty archaic and not good for the environment, then the talk got to simple tasks like changing a tire and she actually didn't know how to so I asked what happens when you're stuck on the side of the road with a flat and no one to help, the response was a condescending laugh and "Psh, I have roadside service on my insurance." This pretty much sums up our generation and ended the date, I left the overpriced bar, rode my bike to a dirty pub where beers weren't $12 and hung out with some people that didn't make me feel ashamed of my generation. There are still a few good millenials out there, just as there are a few good boomers out there, it just seems that the loud ones don't belong to those groups of people.


Well-known member
My generation is fucked no doubt, many here won't believe it but my parent's were very old school, they taught me about work ethics and the value of a dollar. I honestly don't get along with many my age because my views just don't align with most. It only can get worse from here with the upcoming generations. Sadly you can't even spank kids today without fear of going to jail, it's a mess and im glad I don't have kids.

i have two boys, both now out of school. they can still spank kids in local schools with written permission from parents. i got called to their school once because they would not do what they were told by teachers. moron asked me what i did when they acted like that at home. i told principal that i beat their ass like a yard-sale drum. idiot said "oh, we don't do that here!" i told him "i guess they are in charge then..." and left. end of phone calls from school.


Well-known member
In our home, we kids were taught to be self reliant. Mom taught us to think for ourselves, to be observant,
challenge ourselves and authority, always question, question, question our perceptions etc. How to use
the library and to source different/opposing views/ info then form/ draw conclusion/ opinion. She taught
us about our environment, the local flora/ fauna, gardening, how to be kind, nurturing, patient and all that.
Mom's was the science/ mind/ body/ spirit teacher. She also taught us how to maintain our own bodies
(brush teeth, shower etc.). Oh... and she taught me to sew :)

My pops, he taught us the practical side of things.
How to balance a check book (while no longer a 'thing', checks/ balances of assets never cease :) ).
He was the "how to DIY" guy. Using tools/ which tool for which job, everything has a place/ everything in
it's place, all household chores were covered. How to hunt/ fish + clean what you brought home, store it
properly and how to cook those things. We learned to build/ tend and properly extinguish a fire... how to
ice skate, roller skate, throw/ hit/ catch a ball etc, etc. Change a car tire, change cars oil etc.
Oh shit... I just remembered our first time at the shooting range! Ha, fine memory indeed.

My folks were not raising children to remain dependent as children but rather they were raising future
adults and wanted to arm us with as much as possible for us to be independent, free thinkers.
Both folks instilled values/ principals/ moral code of ethics/ right/ wrong etc.
Not one of us needed it beat into us either... imagine that. :chin:
Kids mimic what their environment exposes them to.
Were we disciplined? Hell yes! Ever beaten? NO.
Looking back... I had a great childhood.

Next Gen in our family are millennial's but were taught by their folks who of course, where taught by ours.
They sure aren't lazy living in mama's basement waiting for handouts.
Following Gen... Centennials and I'm telling ya... they don't fuck around.
Go getters who aren't waiting around expectantly, they get out there and are creating their own lives, yes siree!
But... hey, that's just our family 'tree'.
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Well-known member
Disclaimer: I did not read the link but the title and then a reply got my mind a wonderin'...

Perhaps, the 10yrs. later "death" from mask wearing during covid is a death of spirit?
Just another unexpected 'gift' from giving in and following the masses to ones psychological demise,
simply for not standing ones ground when repeatedly presented w/ bogus MSM "science"?
Once one acquiesces to the mass hysteria... then has 10 years to consider that ya caved...
could very well do some squirrely stuff to a persons psyche. JS

Wearing masks as a medical person IMO; is practical yet not proof that masks do not cause injury.
How many medical workers did contract infections, respiratory issues etc., w/ not knowing how/ where
it was contracted pre covid? How many studies were done on this matter prior to covid?
I didn't go a googling though, just thinking out loud and presenting ideas is all.

As I've been told by friends who are in the medical field and have always worn masks is:
They are removed often and are a 1 time use then toss into the trash scenario.
Certainly greatly different than how the GP during covid used theirs.
And again... JM02

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