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Why Do you like sativas?


Bubble Puppy

I love the clear headed thinking ,no body load buzz.Has to be just the right amount though.Too much and your out in space...


New member
some people will get paranoid on any sativa.. even some indicas.. i found these types do well on Satori, by mandala.. its a nice uplifting type high with out a lot of paranoia.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
...the "party atmosphera"....is a good reason...isn´t it? :D

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Nothing beats a Sativa high. It just feels so special and It gives you playful energy. You have to smoke it to truly understand :).


Sativas are great for the daytime. They're also generally tastier than indicas. I'm partial to citrus flavored herb.


Active member
whats the longest anybody let their sat. ladies go indoors? i've seen a friend take some mexi's 14 weeks and yessir it was perrrfect... but man 3 months is some waiting time...

I took my Sativa to 75 days but... I kind of preferred the psychedelic high that it had around day 45. I find a calming, anti-anxiety kind of high relaxing, but the earlier stuff gave me much more euphoria, and I love acid/mushrooms/salvia so I am quite comfortable with that feeling! So FUN! Zooooooooooooooooom.........


Well-known member
It's for me working mans weed. When you need to get sht done there is nothing better.
Now if I can find this cut of pukeberry I just had a bag of. It would be my holy grail. I can work my ass off and it had no crash. The no crash is what did it for me....
Because I can feel my brain cookin inside my head. Because of the hallucinations (auditory AND visual) The "beaties" when your heart starts to pound. And that jelly feeling you get in your stomach that makes you laugh your ass off.


Active member
wow-where to start?
"once a psychedelic, always a psychedelic"
to be like a child-innocently looking onto the world with wonder, awe, and a wide perma grin
full of boundless energy-damn its good to be alive! lets create something type of buzz
sour diesel is a tease and if you can go 11-12 weeks waiting for it, I don't see what all the fuss about 2 more weeks is-once you've got bored with the really good diesel buzz, and want some adventure, a real sativa will provide it


Well-known member
Why do I like Sativas?

Let me count the ways...Sativas get me high, Indicas give me a buzz.
With a Sativa I can plant in Feb. and harvest 5 lbs in Oct. They take their own sweet time, but I'm not in a hurry. Indicas need to be planted in April and seldom yield more than 2 lbs.

Mold and WPM don't eat Sativas like they do Indicas. Sativas are as close to idiot proof as you can get. And lastly Sativas are made for Hawaii's growing season. They have been here for 60 years. And if it ain't broke...don't fix it.


Alchemical Botanist
I could run a marathon but choose not to. I never get paranoid/anxiety.


Sativas and i get along very well. Me? I do run the marathon after smoking or vaporizing some good sativa buds. :dance013: :dance013:

The incredible -high- of a well grown sativa keeps me energized and able to function. All of this even if the world has gone to only two dimensions with some reality bits shuffled about. Intellectual, musical, kinesthetic.... these are all positively influenced from sativa buds.

Indicas tend to leave me feeling burnt out and sleepy and tend to have a low ceiling for me. There are some good ones that have very impressive physical body highs and good clarity, but that's not most of what i have seen floating around.

Sativas :thank you:


Registered Med User
wow yall got me bout ta crack a sativa bean and throw it in with my indica flowerin tent...


C99, lemon thai, nepalise (which I got the other day), and a few others make me feel smart...I can get high without feeling burnt. These are as good as herb gets, imo.
Other sativas like Ak47, even the 77+ day pheno, are racey and make me uncomfortable...many hazes do this to me also.
Some strains are awesome, relaxing and productive while others make you feeling like you had too much coffee ( even though I have never experienced this...my caffeine tolerance is through the roof).


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
one thing that can be kinda overlooked....from a grower's perspective, there's a pretty good chance you'll be putting something out there few others in your area are. it takes finding the right plant to make use of the floorspace as effectively in the wieght/time ratio as a hybrid or indica, but if you do...folks tend to recognize something that not only punches them in the buzzhole, but does so in a way different than the last 50 bags they've had.

from a smoker's perspective, have enough and you could probably convince yourself you are god ;)


Active member
for me that it makes me actually enjoy my high and not sleep trough it or be so filled with the struggle to stay awake that I don't enjoy the high
and that they make me think a lot, go up in what I'm doing, energizing and feeling on top of the world, see the world from a different persective and open me up, make me feel in touch with nature and the earth, make me understand and see trough other people's behaviour and see the beautifull paterns wich aren't really paterns(no order, only chaos but a chaos so beautifull that no order can top it) for example in the growth of a plant/tree
I used to be too much down to earth, I couldn't see behind what I saw, now I can atach much more emotion to what I see

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