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Why do I blackout more on vape bags than smoking?



Blacking out - the other part of getting high. :abduct::yoinks::abduct:

Only 1x did I actually fall down (and break glass lol) only to wake up going...wtf...wasnt I just standing...how did I get here and why does my butt hurt....Turns out I had completely blacked out! Every other time is only halfway there.


Seriously... get a checkup. The one thing cannabis affects in the short-term during usage is blood pressure (down, due to vaso-dialation) and heart-rate (up, to compensate for the increased vascular volume).

If you're saying you black out during/after one vape session it might be something more than getting high after a couple tokes/draws.

I've not heard of many people that pass out unless they're realllllly baked, and that's more a 'time to fall asleep' type thing.

Get a checkup, even if you're 20 and feel invincible.


seriously, no good can come from backing out while smoking...don't even think for a moment that it's the weed that is making you pass out, you seem to have underlying problems...stop toking until you figure oout what the issue is...hit your head once too often and they'll call you punchy when and if you become an old man...


the only time i blacked out was after taking a hit, holdinng it in, and standing up after sitting on the floor.

on vapes it might just be taking huge hits i dunno i dont black out i just feel it coming on a little then it passes. i always thought it was lack of oxygen from taking hits


the only time i blacked out was after taking a hit, holdinng it in, and standing up after sitting on the floor.

on vapes it might just be taking huge hits i dunno i dont black out i just feel it coming on a little then it passes. i always thought it was lack of oxygen from taking hits

Ive kinda had that happen when sitting take a big hit then stand up quickly. Almost like a nitrous effect but never passed out but can see how one could though....lol :abduct:


Active member
ive almost blacked out when i took a hit then stood up quick and like ran across the room to blow the smoke out of the window haha. my knees were wobbling

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
the only time i blacked out was after taking a hit, holdinng it in, and standing up after sitting on the floor.

on vapes it might just be taking huge hits i dunno i dont black out i just feel it coming on a little then it passes. i always thought it was lack of oxygen from taking hits

There you have it... it had little to nothing to do with what you had in your lungs... it had to do with what you didn't... Oxygen. Then you stood up forcing blood away from your already oxygen starved brain. Your brain shut your ass down so it could continue running the body like it did before you cut off its supply.
Yeah man its all about blood pressure, before smoking make sure you have eaten everything your body needs, if you still notice your blood pressure being low go to a doctor and tell him you've been blacking out.
what do you mean by blackout? like a blackout w/ alcohol except without the hangover?
One time i did kinda blackout, i sorta tipped over like a tree and a buddy grabbed me, that was the only time though and i always thought that it could have been from the blunt we were smoking. i dont do tobacco do well


Active member
That's not right Frog, once in a great while a little head rush maybe, but not blacking out, or close to it.
Go in for a checkup, or for starters sit in one of those blood pressure meters you see at the grocery, that will at least give you an idea if your blood pressure is way out there or not.
SUGAR. I've had a dozen morons pass out infront of me and everytime using pop or a sugary substance brings the body back to normal.

eat more sugar when you're high.


my blood is fine just had a physical

blacking out = completely blacking out

almost blacking out = rubbery legs, wow-a-wow-a-wow-a noise in your head, loss of balance, slightly black vision

usually it is when high/lack of food/standing up/holding hits
it is probably an o2 issue


my blood is fine just had a physical

blacking out = completely blacking out

almost blacking out = rubbery legs, wow-a-wow-a-wow-a noise in your head, loss of balance, slightly black vision

usually it is when high/lack of food/standing up/holding hits
it is probably an o2 issue

Ya i call the noise " the Choppers"...lol... Yup the tunnel vision too.. Rubber legs. My wife has had the same thing happen too...I'm 38 and remember it happening in my 20's too.. I think its more of a lack of oxygen...


I'm past the 'ball size is linked to toke size' stage. Plus, that vibe from the other guy wasn't a good one to be on this site...Don't really care how much my body can handle, it's out of my control.

Plus, this topic doesn't seem to have much to do with being a lightweight, it isn't about the high, it's about the side effects of the smoke/vape before getting high...just wanted to see what other people thought....you know, without being heckled with high school monkey poo ;)

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