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Why do I blackout more on vape bags than smoking?



I've known 3 people that have passed out and started seizuring because they had no o2


Active member
this happens to me and i get my Blood Pressure checked regualrly and it's normal.

i think it's low blood sugar. it never happens to me when i have food in my stomach.


this happens to me and i get my Blood Pressure checked regualrly and it's normal.

i think it's low blood sugar. it never happens to me when i have food in my stomach.

Interesting i do have Hypoglycemia " low blood sugar"...


From Wikipedia:

From Wikipedia:

"Orthostatic hypotension (also known as postural hypotension,[1] and, colloquially, as head rush or a dizzy spell and to some people "the elevator effect") is a form of hypotension in which a person's blood pressure suddenly falls when the person stands up. The decrease is typically greater than 20/10 mm Hg,[2] and may be most pronounced after resting. The incidence increases with age.[3]"

Here is a link to the article:


The effects of orthostatic hypotention combined with a little bit of hyperventilation (not out of the question when sucking on a vape whip), along with a predisposition to low blood pressure in the first place would be enough to put plenty of people (not just "bitches" dickhead) flat on their asses. Factor in the effects of the weed you're smoking and.....

... Shit, what just happened to me?

Actually this has happened to me. I was sitting on the edge of my chair vapinig some very kind bud, and watching the Daily Show. I started laughing at something Jon Stewart said, and the next thing I knew i was picking myself up off the floor. Broke my glasses and left a deep gash in my cheek, I was lucky not to have lost an eye. Funny thing is that I was still laughing when I woke up!


Yeah, that seems to be happening, a combination of factors. Nonetheless it's probably pretty bad for your brain!




I decided that smashing my head on things was probably a bad thing too.

Nowadays I try to make sure I'm sitting in a position that I can't tumble out of should I happen to become momentarily unconscious. You know, reclining in a comfy chair. I also try to remember not to stand up too quickly after I've been vaping.

Hasn't happened to me again since I've taken these simple precautions.

Safety is job #1 :joint:


Pull my finger
Ya i call the noise " the Choppers"...

I call the noise "Moon Crickets"

I have had it happen to me while smoking a long time ago. Feels like your knees are going to give out. Luckily I was holding on to a light pole.

Sometimes the variables are just right and you will feel a euphoria then pass out.

I woke up on the pavement one night after getting out of the car too fast. I didnt recognize any of my friends and couldnt figure out how I got there. But once the gears in my brains started turning again, it all came back to me. My face was all busted up. I hit the ground hard. Like I was unconscious before I ever hit the ground.


Active member
it aint just blood pressure related someone i know had some bud that was sposed to have come from scandanavia was going for 2 grand on the bar and most people who had it and smoked a lil too much passed out


Yeah well I've read about passa water soaked weed that puts people on the floor with some regularity, especially if they are indulging in alcohol use.

Passa water is a byproduct of opium processing. Apearently weed is soaked in this shit as part of the curing process. Reportedly, a few tokes off a joint of this shit will put u flat on your ass if you are drinking booze. I imagine anything worth "2 grand" could be laced with some kind of opium product. Its possible that somebody was trying to see how many drunks he could drop for shits and giggles.


I have this happen A LOT, though I don't usually pass out completely. It has happened a lot more since we got our Volcano, I just figured that was what going on.

I will sometimes get light headed while sitting even (only when smoking though), and sometimes get light headed when I stand up even if I'm sober.


Active member
no it deffo wasnt laced the guy who got was an old school jamaican and dont like tampered with weed, ive nearly passed out before smoking decent hash in a bong


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Plus, this topic doesn't seem to have much to do with being a lightweight, it isn't about the high, it's about the side effects of the smoke/vape before getting high...just wanted to see what other people thought....you know, without being heckled with high school monkey poo ;)
The weed I grow is so potent it makes my head spin & makes me feel nauseous instantly, I dig it hard, it sent a friend of mine to the hospital as he thought he was having a heart attck. yeah it changed his pulse rate, I had him sitting here promising to go home and relax but he just couldn't, I called his house a half hour later & his wife told me he'd gone to the hospital.......
Big Bob is 6'4" and a bona fide black belt, a stoner for 30+ yrs.


The weed I grow is so potent it makes my head spin & makes me feel nauseous instantly, I dig it hard, it sent a friend of mine to the hospital as he thought he was having a heart attck. yeah it changed his pulse rate, I had him sitting here promising to go home and relax but he just couldn't, I called his house a half hour later & his wife told me he'd gone to the hospital.......
Big Bob is 6'4" and a bona fide black belt, a stoner for 30+ yrs.

Hahaha riiiiight. If he has been stonin for 30 years and WENT TO THE HOSPITAL because of paranoia, it aint the weed that did it.

Or you are lying. I been smoking for 3 years, but tried all the big names in Norcal (sensi star, romulan, maui waui, super silver haze, grand daddy purp, purple kush, white widow, etc) and nothing has ever "freaked me out" to go to the ER. :joint:


>"The weed I grow is so potent it makes my head spin & makes me feel nauseous instantly"<

Yea nothing like weed that makes u nauseated. Gotta get me some of that! :yummy::yummy::yummy:
i read that certain goats pass out when scared as a defense mechanism.. no one blacks out or goes to the er room because of JUST chron. believe me i tried to od in amsterdam 3 times. so if you claim you black out or went to the er room, you might as well go eat grass with goats that pass out.


I didnt read most of the replies but if you're blacking out however you smoke it,it's not normal and you need to be checked out.Could be a blood pressure thing

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