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Why Do ALIENS only abduct white people?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I wonder if they ever throw us back and say, in Alien-speak,

"Another stoner."


you hadda ask....... :nono:


Dog Star

Active member
What you think about this video???


"Leaked" footage: UN discuss UFO pyramid over the Pentagon

You heard for FRBs or fast radio bursts,those one inside pyramide have home that
is 1.2 billion light years away as source of FRBs they listened from this object
is same as those FRBs that are 1.2 billion light year away..

man.. if they can travel so distant than its not weird people tought for them before
in hystory that they are Gods,faires,demons or angels,etc..

technology they possest is still out of reach of reasonable understanding even for
modern man that actually possest some of own created technology..
just imagine how before in history they was amazed with close contacts
of 3rd kind..

Today humans have advantage they know some shit about tech while before
it was everything miracle and like WTF moments for them... ,

faires or ,little leprechauns,demons and angels we can translate in todays aliens..

am liked when US army recently showed those "tic-tac" shaped object and military
personel voice explained in background to his colegues that this is tech we dont possest judging by how object is moving and what manuvears it made..

thats a impressive conversation and you actually encounter they bring proper
conclusions.. they dont think its angels or faires that fly like this..


Well-known member
i'll put forward a serious answer here
media is white dominated, just a straight forward observation
and historically more white people stories/interviews were covered by the media
as time marches forward more people of color abductions will be told


i'll put forward a serious answer here
media is white dominated, just a straight forward observation
and historically more white people stories/interviews were covered by the media
as time marches forward more people of color abductions will be told

that is interesting observation.....

how about this one to bolster the idea somewhat,

have you ever heard of or noticed, most almost all alien abductions, happen at night...
when is the last time you heard of a space ship landing and/or beaming up and abducting during broad daylight hours....eh ??

so it is a given this occurrence is at night,
people of color can easily hide under the cover of dark night
whereas whitey can not....hence whitey is easier for the pickins...lol

it is safe to assume, that non dark skinned peoples
are easier targets at night, for abductions....

have you ever seen the inside of a bran new space ship ?
lotsa stuff to look at there....lol
I remember the jetsons as a young boy....ya astro

-axle b robot


i'll put forward a serious answer here
media is white dominated, just a straight forward observation
and historically more white people stories/interviews were covered by the media
as time marches forward more people of color abductions will be told

i agree.

im sure if you went deep into the New Guinea highlands or the Congo basin than you would here stories of abductions by different 'spirits' or something like that.

so for me, the interesting question is why people have experiences all over the world that they cant explain, leading them to use words from their culture to try and describe it. Aliens, faries, angels, spirits all seem to be the same thing interpreted through peoples cultural lens.

They can come on there own, or through meditation techniques... and eveything from plants to toad secretions can open the doors to these entities

what are they and where do they come from?

that is what I want to know



Well-known member
Premium user
OK, since no one ever believes I'm from outer space anyway, I'll provide the answer for all to know and not really worry about exposing my true identity as one of the aliens you are discussing.

We did abduct a black guy once. He pulled a knife on our pilot and space-jacked the saucer. When we finally recovered the stolen space ship, it had been taken to the custom shop and had spinner wheels and a grill put on it. And, the entire ship smelled like a pine tree air freshener.

That was the last black abduction.


Dog Star

Active member
^^^ That's some fucked up shit right there.

Agree with you bro... am was reading a bit on these and those number of 8 million kids that miss every year looks more wicked than
any horror story or horror movie scenario..

and there is a sect that gives sacrifices to Moloch,they exist from old times... you can google a bit,there is satanists and all kind
of groups that work inbetween in this awfull project..

Just wish that rage of a God good angels falls on them for their actions on Earth and humanity..


OK, since no one ever believes I'm from outer space anyway, I'll provide the answer for all to know and not really worry about exposing my true identity as one of the aliens you are discussing.

We did abduct a black guy once. He pulled a knife on our pilot and space-jacked the saucer. When we finally recovered the stolen space ship, it had been taken to the custom shop and had spinner wheels and a grill put on it. And, the entire ship smelled like a pine tree air freshener.

That was the last black abduction.


ahahaha.....ok I admit, that funny.....lol

I think there was a tv show about this type of irrational behavour
(the chrome grill, and spinner caps)....I believe it was called
"pimp my ride".....haha

complete with a 2 piece mustard yellow suit, a green fedora with a purple band,
and a rhinestone incrusted walking stick, with a walk of stagger and pride....lol (gangsta)

but on a more serious note, an abduction is an abduction
whether black, white, or mexican.....lol

sometimes, you can ponder about a lot of stuff, for a long time
(twists up another one)....and you come up with some crazy shit at times...
for example how about alien abductions of cows....?
ya, that IS a real thing.....lol

cows have been found semi slaughtered in pasture, surgically removed organs, and evidence of probing....
while cows give us a big mac, and milk for our cereal, they are considered sacred in some parts of the world

alien cow abductions, and church.....haha
and whether or not the milk is white or chocolate, its still milk !!

true story,

-axle b robot
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Dog Star

Active member
There is definitly cause they can land anywhere on Earth..

but a interesting thing is that in USA is a huge number of sightings or abduction phenomenon happends compared to other parts or lands of Earth globe..

Arent there some unofficial and ex-official goverment workers that wistle that
America already cooperate with few alien spieces???

I know for Ex-Yugoslavia that military crafts MIG-21 was chasing some UFOs but
offcourse they was too slow for them and could not find nothing reasonable to
explain this phenomena.. it was while communist was rule..


I think there’s another more likely explanation than aliens abducting these people. I think it’s people abducting people. Asshole people abducting special people. Scientific research people, government people etc are the “Aliens” and people with special abilities is who they abduct, looking to parasite off them and steal these abilities or the secret to them.


Active member
I think there’s another more likely explanation than aliens abducting these people. I think it’s people abducting people. Asshole people abducting special people. Scientific research people, government people etc are the “Aliens” and people with special abilities is who they abduct, looking to parasite off them and steal these abilities or the secret to them.

Put down the joint, your cooked lol :laughing:

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