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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
^true flower farmer, goes to show that the 80% to 20% price vs quality really is true.

im not specifically happy or thrilled about all the outdoor that floods out of my region, as i started growing doing small production indoor high end herb, and now have gravitated to bulk production of open sun commercial strains because simply thats where the most demand is. for every 1 guy who pays extra for good indoor herb, theres 10 others who want the cheaper ticket blue dream. i have homies who still swear by the "connoisseur quality over mids bro" mindset but 1, they have to sit on their product longer and make less $$ off boutique, and 2, they are quietly brokering blue dream on the side to help subsidize their low revenue off niche!

and outdoor quality has really increased in the last few years…most has very good resin, smell and tastes, and strong stones that get you just as high as indoors. i will smoke 250 an oz indoor OG and then smoke some random 100/oz outdoor bubba or sour from a friends garden and still get a great flavor and stone off the open sun herb. i was smoking on my own chem4 and royal kush open sun herb for months and had zero complaints. my two main jars right now are the royal kush thats almost 6 months old, and some fresh GSC and i enjoy both of them equally….you can get some impressive flavor and quality in the great outdoors.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
we all need to stop letting it all go so cheaply. even the outdoor. if the wont pay don't give in say ok see ta later. At some point they will start paying the higher prices but all of us need to stop letting them have it so cheaply. it wont ever change until we change. that might mean we have to hang on to some longer then we would like. I would bet that as soon as the D's ran out they would be paying what we wanted. that's there mission to find and buy B grade at the lowest cost. That same 1000$lb cost 3500 in NY. The GG goes for 4500lb in NY ....

mojave green

rockin in the free world
that might mean we have to hang on to some longer then we would like.



Active member
we all need to stop letting it all go so cheaply. even the outdoor. if the wont pay don't give in say ok see ta later..

Frosty. perhaps you should get a job with somebody who actually knows how business works. "We all" are not going to be doing anything. There is no "we all." Do you think grain farmers or tomato farmers set the market price for their goods?

Weed is an agricultural commodity like any other. It can and will be produced for a fraction of current prices.


Registered Non-Conformist
Retro said it.. "Adapt or perish. " That is My conclusion about life in general, much less the Cannabis Market.

I had a few good years - living as an "untouchable," as My Brother called Me. No one had sway over my schedule/lifestyle except the vagaries of the Medical Club's Market right down the street, and the one in SF that I dealt with for years. The Ocean's Moods were known to Me on a daily basis - and I was out hiking with the Edible Mushrooms and mesh bags to carry them in - Pipe and lighter in the other hand.

I saw Brokers selling whatever was cheap-to-them, and coming over to my abode to pick up what they referred to as "the good stuff." One ounce at a time, even though they were comfortable paying Me @240$ an oz - to keep Me going. It just wasn't enough, when the Medical Clubs saw such an influx of substandard but cheaper buds - with the same Names as the ones that I sold them, BUT KNOCKOFFS at best.. They saw a chance to make more money off every ounce.

Things change. For those still able to do the thang where I was, good on Ya - Appreciate Your life, and Be nice to others. Have a Heart. Break the Mold.

In a Midwest State where Indoor quality is very rare. Working in a Hydro Shop, I see a cross section of people's goods. Most are Mids, due to the dryness (Low RH) of peoples' grow rooms - heat in winter and AC in summer do this. Also, a Bigger-is-Better ethic that is only sometimes right. Not to mention, a prideful disregard of what is really happening in the garden - aka Broad Mites - infesting the area, as We speak - unbeknownst to most.

I see Big "Tobacco/Pharma/Cannabis" about to take over all they can. Some new battleground states are - at least right out the gate - calling for NO PERSONAL CULTIVATION. This does not bode well.

It's obvious where "They" are going with this.

Think "Prairie Plant Systems" out of Canada - They got a contract to produce Cannabis for the State of Michigan. The Legislation was signed off on the very FIRST day back to session after the New Year - while the bill to (Re)allow dispensaries languishes on the desk of the Michigan Legislature. For Months. And Grannies with Chemotherapy appetite problems are forced to go to the Border of Detroit Proper to get medicine... Very dangerous place, for anyone.

There are some people who enjoy ruffling feathers Here. I feel for them - and I hope ALL Of us never experience incarceration. It is a horrible way for Society to handle its' Miscreants (such as Myself) - For that I will look for other Cannabis-Related Business opportunities. No Problem.
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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Rare Genetics and don't give them out.... how is there a niche when everyone grows the same 'Elite" cut? Everything is so similar in flavor, structure, High that you might as well get the most bang for your buck...

If you have that strain no one else has and keep it that way.... your paper will stack just fine because people will be in line to scoop up your work..

All in all....Everyone has a different idea of what is "BOMB"

Truth is only a small percentage of whats out their is truly elite...the super dank is bought up by your team and no need to be sold at clubs...

Sharing Genetics is starting to bite people in the ass ...


Registered Non-Conformist
Elite starts out Elite. Others copy it. As is evidenced by the Girl Scout Cookies Strain.


Seems like the recent states that are going to recreational, medicinal marijuana want to take the growing out of the patients hands. And into the super greedy state agency's hands. MONEY over patients needs.
people who put there lives into there art deserve to make a beautiful profit.
people who don't risk shit deserve exactly what they get. put your whole life on the line in a state like IL to produce medicine that saves live. deserve more than a living they deserve a fortune.


Registered Non-Conformist
Good knowledge + demand + successful endeavors (hard or at least smart work) = good Money. It's the 'Merkin Way.. What's the problem Here..? The Pigs (Politicos / LEO's) and their greed.


Active member
20packs, twister trimmed
27 cookie ID
23 bluedream ID

BackyardFarmer has the right mindset, put together an impressive portfolio + business plan and pitch yourself to someone that wants to spend $20+ million. I'll be doing that while investing my cash into the up and coming REAL commercial dudes.

WE all know that legalization is coming quick and big business is gonna cash in VERY successfully. Mostly in hemp enterprises I think. But (hopefully) the regular joe investor won't realize it until it's too late.


Just moved a few indoor OG's at 28

everyone is saying the california outdoor market will be weird this year cuz of the drought, but lots of people are still planning to blow it up this season so i dont see how it could be any better.

meanwhile in sacramento new laws are on the horizon and some folks think 2014 is the year for "legalization", although nobody is quite sure what that will mean.


I'm pretty sure that 2014 legalization is completely out of the question. About a week ago on the news they said the current initiative didn't have enough signatures or funding to actually get it on the ballot this year and they were gonna wait for '16. Personally I don't think CA is gonna do it then either, did you hear Jerry's little speech on it the other day?

I think we have it good now why would you want to put money into the hands of the greeeeedy d-bags that have been trying to keep it illegal all this time?
Yep jerry brown wasn't to down for legalization on meet the press. I don't know why anybody would want legalization....or should I say big business corp weed. A ounce and under is less than a traffic ticket. If you get your rec you can have much more. The only people effected are growers who go huge, I mean fuck it is legal!!! There's never been a business that got better by having the govt and corp America take it over. Look at Washington their "legalization" sucks. Ultimately legalization will take growing away with laws, fines, restrictions, and greed. Right now it's made (grown) in America. With legalization give it 10 years or less and weed will be outsourced and outlawed for home growing.