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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better



we mods are getting sick of seeing posts that are plain old soliciting in one form or another, be it bud, clones or seeds. as you all know that's strictly prohibited by our terms of use here at icmag. we have been seeing every thing from price offers to clone scavenger hunts in the last months. that shit does not fly here, you are endangering the whole site by using it to make such posts. from now on bans will be handed out to anyone else making such type of posts.
Ya, when it comes to neo-cons like yourself, I only have a hate thing going. I doubt you pay taxes so no worries on digging in your empty pockets. Peace


I love my life
Good grief. Oz's for 120-140? I'm so glad I am where I am, it's 275-400 here.

Now that doesn't sound too liberal, warm, and fuzzy of you. Don't you B Sanders collectivists types want the lowest price for everyone?

Ohhhhh the GREED ohhhhhh the HUMANITY.

I for one will puke the next time I hear some dumdass talking about GSC or if I see another thread about it.....JEEEEEEEEzus get off the bandwagon folks.

Prices are going up slightly in my City(HUB). My city is the worst! Got stuff coming from Mendo, Arcata, Foothills, etc. Then off it goes down south, where its getting dumped anywhere from 28-35... RRRRrrRRr makes me pissed when people complain when u charge 25 for OG Kush top shelf, flushed and cured right.


I for one will puke the next time I hear some dumdass talking about GSC or if I see another thread about it.....JEEEEEEEEzus get off the bandwagon folks.

Prices are going up slightly in my City(HUB). My city is the worst! Got stuff coming from Mendo, Arcata, Foothills, etc. Then off it goes down south, where its getting dumped anywhere from 28-35... RRRRrrRRr makes me pissed when people complain when u charge 25 for OG Kush top shelf, flushed and cured right.
LOL Sounds like you butthurt because your nott running the cookies yourself? If you were you'd be easily getting about $1k more per Lb. OG is awesome when done right but the markets way too saturated with it. So regardless of quality and time if year the price has gone down a lot on her. The hype is real and it's only getting bigger. There's a reason there's a bandwagon and so many want to jump on it.
Now that doesn't sound too liberal, warm, and fuzzy of you. Don't you B Sanders collectivists types want the lowest price for everyone?

Ohhhhh the GREED ohhhhhh the HUMANITY.


I was just letting folks know the reality of prices away from the coasts, I'm not going to complain about it.
Contrary to belief, Bernie Sanders and us socialists are all for fair capitalism. Now when it comes to real neo-cons, the ones that support crony capitalism, warm and fuzzy turns into mean and dangerous.
But yes, Sanders and myself want it free being we are for single-payer health care, and most socialists would consider marijuana medicine and not a drug.
LOL I'm not butt hurt at all about not having the cookies. There are many many other genetics out there to run. That are just as good if not better. Not trying to toot my own horn, but my meds are far superior to MOST (not all) product being peddled in my area. And that is a fact. I may not have the best most sought after genetics, But its done right. Another fact In this game getting that high end price is about who you know, and I honestly don't know the people who will pay 3k and up lol.
My city is saturated with city grown premature no flush meds that has bag appeal so its hard to compete with that. Most of the good stuff that comes from mendo,arcata,etc,etc, are shipped down south. Regardless tho I'm a small personal grower who only dumps some of my meds to cover cost's. If I were in it for the $$$ I would be doing things alot differently. I was just stating its heart breaking when u know your meds are fairly high quality and people complain about paying a price when you damn well know its worth more. Makes me wanna just keep it all to myself. But then I feel its a shame if this fine product is not shared and distributed so atleast some people will have some clean smooth tasting meds. Peace yall..


Active member
Ya, when it comes to neo-cons like yourself, I only have a hate thing going. I doubt you pay taxes so no worries on digging in your empty pockets. Peace

Cash is king, why would i pay taxes for illegal aliens and hanger on's like yourself?

Just remember this dicklips. Socialism is only good till you run out of money. Please look across the pond. Now get fucked.


I love my life
Cash is king, why would i pay taxes for illegal aliens and hanger on's like yourself?

Just remember this dicklips. Socialism is only good till you run out of money. Please look across the pond. Now get fucked.

You pay taxes every day if you like it or not. You drive, you pay state and federal gas tax. You buy shit you pay state sales tax. You drink, you pay state and federal excise taxes. You own property, you pay county property taxes. etc. etc. etc.

Just because some collectivists believe that some wolves get away without paying taxes does not make it so. If we are breathing we are paying taxes, maybe not enough for the collectivists, but paying none the less are we.





You pay taxes every day if you like it or not. You drive, you pay state and federal gas tax. You buy shit you pay state sales tax. You drink, you pay state and federal excise taxes. You own property, you pay county property taxes. etc. etc. etc.

Just because some collectivists believe that some wolves get away without paying taxes does not make it so. If we are breathing we are paying taxes, maybe not enough for the collectivists, but paying none the less are we.

Well said
Where is your crown king nothing?

Where is your crown king nothing?

Cash is king, why would i pay taxes for illegal aliens and hanger on's like yourself?

Just remember this dicklips. Socialism is only good till you run out of money. Please look across the pond. Now get fucked.

You are pathetic.


Active member
... If we are breathing we are paying taxes, maybe not enough for the collectivists, but paying none the less are we...
Hello all,

Well, as an individual that pays taxes on my income...I find it woefully insufficient that some do not carry there fair share thus increasing the burden on the rest that do pay income tax in addition to the other various taxes imposed.

What gives you the right of exemption?



ICMag Donor
this is all retarded. 99.9% of people who understand these markets don't post on internet sites and if they even knew about these types of sites would not talk about it.

And I agree with the guy who said the GSC is WAY overhyped. I have the real cut and I am not impressed. It's very frosty looking,below average yield,and I have a bunch of other better smelling and tasting strains. Most buyers out there still havent even heard of it.
This thread makes me want to use this site less.


Professor Organic Psychology
There IS a pot market just like the stock market but their are too many variables to rely on an internatiinal message board. Location is the primary variable and below that is product quality. You cannot just say that. Zzz pays this much per pound. In the import days when 80% of the bud come by boat to South Florida things were a bit more organized. It was still regional though. Weed was cheaper in Miami than NYC.


I love my life
Hello all,

Well, as an individual that pays taxes on my income...I find it woefully insufficient that some do not carry there fair share thus increasing the burden on the rest that do pay income tax in addition to the other various taxes imposed.

What gives you the right of exemption?


What gives you the fucking right to DEMAND anything of your neighbor? What gives you the fucking right to use the word FAIR when describing your neighbors use of your neighbors funds?

FUCK YOU AND YOUR INCOME. Keep it all and stay the fuck away from me with your fair share, go carry your own ass and stay the fuck off mine.

Read my sig if you don't know from where my rights derive.
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