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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Useful Idiot

Active member
Good for you. Here's your brownie button. Sorry but you've done nothing that a whole slew of us hereabouts haven't done.

" A lot of negativity" , damn straight there is and your avoidance of the specific issues and attempt to spindoctor it off to avoid said issues speaks volumes.

Sorry but there is *ZERO* excuse for certain crap on *both* sides , but the fact is that even a goodly portion of those issues originating with the grower are due to greedy dispensary owners , sure a producer shouldn't be be bringing moldy bud to market , bet then the dispensaries shouldn't be lowballing that same bud , buying it and reselling it.

Then we could address how some dispensaries treat the *good* growers. The folks that they might conceivably *need* down the road after this shakeout is over and all the " stars in their eyes" greedy idiots have shaken out.

I do some stuff with a couple of dispensaries , both of which are run by oldtimers from very pre 215/420 , they know how things used to be done and conduct *business* , they don't throw a front on you , they don't bullshit , they won't buy bad product.......they WILL treat you fairly and keep their word right down to the time etc.

Why? Because they remember what the consequences of not keeping ones word in this thing once were.

Dispensary folks don't have those consequences , so hence a percentage of them will act like jackasses just because they can.

Me , well I just walk on such crap.....dropped a sample at a dispensary in Oakland , they called , agreed to a donation and I drove the miles , get there and suddenly the donation is a hell of a lot less along with " we could consign it for you".........I walked without another word , when I got home there was already a message meeting my price and asking me to come back down.

Unfortunately my answer to them was " Not at any price EVER."

Here's another reason I won't do consignment , y'all start taking a scope to buds purchased from dispensaries sometime and you might be surprised and rather disgusted at what you see. Tumble my bud for a bit of sift and you'd best not try to give it back to me.

I've been at this a long time , I keep up my end and you'll *never* hear me make excuses for some of the CRAP that goes on from the growers end , and quite frankly I'm fed up with hearing all the crap excuses from the dispensaries.

Clean up your own act , 'cause in the last analysis most dispensaries are dead in the water without the good growers.

And really? We were here before you , we'll be here after the short term pirates are long gone.
I don't even live in a med state. But this fellas post just made me cringe a bit due to a recent situation. My broker so to speak gets X amount for X $$. His regular customers buy and smoke and enjoy. Seems he met some new buyer that is tryin to re sell again. He complained to broker that the few remaining sugar leafs need to be taken off before he will buy again.Would you believe my broker actually passed that complaint to me and asked me to take care of it???FUCK YOU!! Was my exact words. See if I sell you a car pretty cheap and you buy it,then you decide to sell it for a profit,YOUR buyer buys it and decides he can profit,then the next buyer complains that it could use new tires for that price???? WTF does that have to do with me??? You were happy with the car when you bought it from me!!! I don't give a damn about where it went from there!!! Sorry for the rant, But I kinda feel your pain. GREED is the game!!:tiphat:


First and for most I came here to better my self and help others while im at it, I have never ever taken any Cannabis in "consignment" I too had to donate my meds before owning my own place and i know how retarded some places can be and been disrispected plenty of times. I learn that you should never ever leave a sample.. that was your first mistake if they are interested they will get it right off your hand simple as that! a sample left would be smoked right in front of my eyes thats it.. you aren't smoking it right then and there you aren't getting my meds. but you have to know how to market your meds too... no car just sells for being pretty..... imo they have to perform specially in a market full of cannabis that must of it is carp.
I pay Cash to the ones who deserve it! simple as that. I have never owe any money in my life or anything of that matter in fact i always been the one being owed.
I take pride in my work what ever it is I do I like to see a good job get done, If I ever see a problem I speak my mind.
I have grown hundreds of Lb in my day and Im just a kid seriously this is what I love and Im pretty good at judging good Cannabis thats what I do best like it or not Im here to stay Im not going anywhere..... I believe this herb needs to be Legalized so everyone can enjoy it.
The only reason I opened up a shop was because there is way too much room for improvement and way too many people smoking shitty cannabis that has very little if any medical value! Colorado is ahead at least when i was there visiting.

You know if you leave out the braggadacio and the part where you're telling someone who has been doing this longer than you've been alive what " your first mistake was".........other than that I'm quite willing to give you credit.

So now instead of diverting into circular arguement as regards the dispensaries and making excuse for their behavior then wny aren't standing up and saying " THIS is a demonstrable code of ethics WE should be following.".........

You stated " it's up to YOU" when laying it off on the growers , conversely it's up to YOU and others like you to help clean up your own house.

See *you* if you do as you say in the above I could work with quite easily , no muss no fuss "word is bond".

The only "word" some of these other pendejos recognise is written on the side of something clicking in between their teeth.

You're young and enthusiastic , therefore it's even more on YOU............LEAD by example , we're going to get a Growers Union together , complete with a code of ethics , what's to stop YOU from attempting the same with dispensaries , and maybe just MAYBE in the end it might turn out to be beneficial for everyone involved from the old tired curmudgeons such as myself to the young folks still full of piss and vinegar.

Think about that and the possibilities.

We're all in this together.


Cannabis 101
Trust me man I'm trying my best to better this situation, anyone that has ever met me and known me knows that I'm a Stand up guy and I'm only trying to help the cause, I literally have put everything to the side for this herb, I like to see it grown all over one day. Our government needs to stay off it we should be able to put whatever we want in our bodies specially of no one is being hurt! Free the herb and you free the people . Sorry if you felt disrespected or offended in any way that is not the message I'm trying to get across.


Trust me man I'm trying my best to better this situation, anyone that has ever met me and known me knows that I'm a Stand up guy and I'm only trying to help the cause, I literally have put everything to the side for this herb, I like to see it grown all over one day. Our government needs to stay off it we should be able to put whatever we want in our bodies specially of no one is being hurt! Free the herb and you free the people . Sorry if you felt disrespected or offended in any way that is not the message I'm trying to get across.

I'll move along in this thread to just to avoid conflict , that's two threads that you've now tried to tell me " how things are". So somehow I rather doubt you're " sorry" in the least.

And frankly I've no time for the shenanigans and since my achilles heel can be a penchant for rather biting response I'll just move along here. Obviously I have little to contribute.


Hey there GREEN LUNG. A suggestion to you, It rather seems that you ARE the last word in that comment you left for me.

Now how do you like them apples BOY.


Apparently the fact that I stated that I'd just leave the thread to avoid conflict has made a few folks rather bold in private response.

Here's my response to them , threats and imprecations that you haven't the temerity to deliver in public in front of your peers are relatively speaking empty.

It may well be rather unwise to make a practice of such behavior , especially with those stating they wish to avoid conflict , that fact doesn't mean that said individual might not actually be rather a surprise as regards response to anything beyond the useless nattering nonsense spewed by those who will yap and not do.

And to the age specifc comments............I've got lights older than you are and they have more common sense and produce more.

You on the other hand have too little sense to be able to distinguish " assault" , from merely disagreeing with a statement on the 'net.

I stated that I'd move along to avoid the conflict because I felt it would perhaps help to foster rational discussion , if you view that simple move as " cowardice" then you're making a mistake and it would be unwise to continue with your present tactics.

Clique or no clique , you're only going to push me so far.


that's fucking funny!
i'm stealing that one bluenote

Feel free........and a facet of this that I find remarkable is the fact that the young gentleman that I ended up in minor conflict with has settled it all , and he had the balls to do that in public.

None of these entities yapping behind the scenes had that sort of intestinal fortitude.

I wasn't bullshitting when I stated that his drive and enthusiasm was a positive , I specific criticisms yes , I also gave him respect where it was due , and I am of the opinion that he'll go far and do well.

Some of his behind the scenes supporters however , for whom the criteria of whether or not one is a " grower" seems to be how many pictures you post on the 'net , whether or not you run the same ballast , hydro ,nutes etc. that they do , and whether or not you're a strain fanboi salivating over the fad of the day........well those folks not so much.

Difference will be seen a decade down the road , Dr. Dank will still be chugging along doing his thing ( I recognise the signs , your opinion may vary) while a buncha the faddist/fanboi types will have moved along to some other new and trendy hobby.

I meant what I stated......I attmpted to back off to just reading this thread because my delivery is abrasive to certain folks and it would be wiser of me to not forestall rational discussion.........*** this is an important issue***.

Please do not read anything other than that into it , if someone wishes to p.m. me on it *rationally* I'll discuss it
the other types of pms and e-mails I'll just delete unreplied to
and I would suggest that those energies would be better spent discussing the actual issues in a rational and logical manner.

The whole thing needs cleanup on aisle three , on *both* sides of the issue , and frankly if all y'all want to do is engage in petty internecine warfare and thereby enable " The Man" and his Divide And Conquer tactics. Well feel free to have at it , but leave me the hell out of it.


Active member
indoor cookies going from 32 all the way up to 4k a pop....the only bud i would pay more than 3k a pop for is Cookies or really really good OG kush..

really good indoor, strains like 4SD, chemxsour, OG Kush x Trainwreck, LVPurple Kush, kush crosses mostly going for 25 a pop from the grower direct...up to 27-28 from brokers..

for commercial indoor strains like GDP and blue dream from warehouse grows its like 2-22 a pop if you graba bunch....

theres a ton of really subpar beaster sour D indoors for 1200 a pop too...even saw some midgrade indoors for less than 500 a pop heat stressed premo but still better than mexican!

Seems like we could replace a lot of 2s with 3s and 3s with 4s and we would be at prices ten years ago...
So it seems like the market has taken roughly a 25% haircut in the past decade...
Never seen a trainwreck cross I like. Never live up to the original. Trainwreck should be left alone as far as I'm concerned.lol


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Never seen a trainwreck cross I like. Never live up to the original. Trainwreck should be left alone as far as I'm concerned.lol
Mia, sorry a little off topic, but might I visually stimulate you with mine? I hear nothing but good from the seasoned smokers who have tried it. Peace..DD



Nice Cola Doobie Duck , I mean drool-n-slobber nice. And you've got some photo skills too.

Nowhwere near yours but here's a PineApple 'Wreck from this last Guerilla typre effort.........

I'll see if I can dig up a photo of the Crystal Locomotive , the lady who doesn't like 'Wreck crosses might like that one , though I hear what she's saying , there are a lot of crosses that don't stand up with the original E-32 cut.


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One of my breeding projects during an outdoor torture test late summer/ early fall .

T'Wreck gettin' down the Track with a High Altitude Attitudinal Sativa..............note the six fingered leaf bottom left , this cross produced a lot of those.


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Active member
Beautiful cola Doobie! Thanks for sharing!
Likewise Bluenote! I would definitely be down to try some of that, you obviously know what you're doing! I miss growing outdoors, indoors is kind of weird, but cool!
And unfortunately for everyone, I have a shclong. lol
Funny story how I got the name....


Beautiful cola Doobie! Thanks for sharing!
Likewise Bluenote! I would definitely be down to try some of that, you obviously know what you're doing! I miss growing outdoors, indoors is kind of weird, but cool!
And unfortunately for everyone, I have a shclong. lol
Funny story how I got the name....

Dude , color me *very* embarassed and if you wish to smack the hell out of me for making the assumption I don't blame you a bit.

The P' Wreck runs decently indoors , responds nicely to LST as you saw from the photo and makes even more resin indoors but indoor yield isn't what I like , but the results/effect sure are , the second cross is out of fashion in todays marketplace , most folks want couchlock instead of an energetic Sativa with no ceiling. It does need some calming down though , something I've found with certain 'Wreck crosses , and I recently just flat out culled a Candy Kush ( which was a clone only 'wreck cross) I mean CULLED as * it didn't even make the Hash bucket* they went on the brush burn pile because of the absolute *worst* " speed and paranoia" effect I've *ever* seen all the way back to the early '70s , when I say bad acid in vegetative form I'm not bullshitting. Couple that with my doubts as to the genetics and I just tossed the weird bastards , and I swear from the way it grew that someone gene spliced in some weirdharold low leaf species of Ivy , freaking Sativa vine with minimal very small Indica style leaf.............very very weird plant.


Active member
MIA it was an anomally pack...friend didnt even know what strain it was. it was sold as Corleone Kush, relabaled to Candy Jack, and then relabeled again to "ghost og x trainwreck" lol..aka GHOST TRAIN

it was some of the best nug ive seen this year...super frosty, big calaxes, nice density, and excellent trainwreck taste and smell. the only thing was that it looked like OG kush! it tripped alot of people out who were expecting a chemdawg smell but got butterpopcorn and pine from the trainwreck, and im talking strong TW smell not the light hazey lime smell that some subpar polyhybrids have...

still have no idea what it is, but i snagged a cut!


Active member
Cool Cool no worries BlueNote i get that a lot.lol
It's of my own doing, not on you.
I hear you on the trainwreck. The weird thing about trainwreck is it will get me really fucking high the first three or four days I smoke it and then it's like bam won't get me that high anymore. Weird tolerance issues.
Other than that it's gotta be one of my favorite all time strains.
Don't really see it around much these days. Had a cutting of it maybe a year ago but culled it cuz my ish was messed up....

I just haven't personally seen a cross to my liking. One you got sounds really interesting, and judging by your standards I believe every word you say.

Waiting on cookies, hopefully.


MIA it was an anomally pack...friend didnt even know what strain it was. it was sold as Corleone Kush, relabaled to Candy Jack, and then relabeled again to "ghost og x trainwreck" lol..aka GHOST TRAIN

it was some of the best nug ive seen this year...super frosty, big calaxes, nice density, and excellent trainwreck taste and smell. the only thing was that it looked like OG kush! it tripped alot of people out who were expecting a chemdawg smell but got butterpopcorn and pine from the trainwreck, and im talking strong TW smell not the light hazey lime smell that some subpar polyhybrids have...

still have no idea what it is, but i snagged a cut!

Have you seen th Mendocino Madness/ Corleone Kush and the cross to Casey jones and LemonStomper that have been running around up here?

Folks are crossing the Corleone Kush , the Louis 13th and the Lost Coast OG over a lot of the older genetics.

Right now I'm looking for the Skywalker cut for a breeding project , but there's a lot of crap floating around being called various types of OG.

Right now I've got several Kushes , but no OGs, and I've cut several strains from "name breeders" for various reasons , I mean I'll put up with finicky if the yield is there...potency was always good to great , nice taste etc........but certain strains seemed like they were looking for a bridge to jump off of from the time you cracked a seed or cut a clone.

I'll try the Madman , Deadhead and Skywalker cuts but overall I've been a rather dismal failure with OGs , but I'm a stubborn old coot , I'll just keep trying a few here and there for my head if nothing else.