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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better



go east young man. its a reverse gold rush and the real money is on the right coast now

Price is dropping just as much on the East Coast . Everyone and their brother is running 10k-16k with undercurrents . See zips going for $150-200 and packs for $2500-3k, nad still dropping . Same deal here unless you have quality , you aint gonna get shit.....


3rd-Eye Jedi
I can only say what I have seen here in the east coast metropolitan


outdoor cali - 1000

headband cali - 2400

star cali - 2600

local exotics - 4800 +


Personally I am doin everything I can to bring down the prices. I am NOT big pharma.I grow good solid danky meds and high end connisour,connasour,con.. U kno the good shit.
I hear a couple clubs/despensaries bitchin about it and I fuckin smile. Wheelin dealin n healin I say.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Hmmm I have no problem getting rid of Cali outdoor for a decent price.....not like the old days....my friend in Maine told me get it here and it goes for $4,500 per pack....getting it their is the trick.......working on it.


more like brokers

no, they are traffickers, or transporters. A broker or a middleman does nothing other than connect buyer and seller and collect a fee.

As soon as you move it any significant distance, you are now a trafficker, and your job is to get it there.

A broker rarely takes more than $1-200 a pack on bulk deals, whereas the transporter can easily make 2-3x that.


Price is dropping just as much on the East Coast . Everyone and their brother is running 10k-16k with undercurrents . See zips going for $150-200 and packs for $2500-3k, nad still dropping . Same deal here unless you have quality , you aint gonna get shit.....

that makes no sense.
1 lb is 16 oz

150 oz would be 2400 an lb
even 200 oz on 3k an lb would only be 3200.

200$ margin breaking down an lb to ozs in a best case scenario?
So 12$ margin for each z? nobody would waste there time or there freedom for that.

Or maybe I am just high as hell and missing something
It's odd that everyone says California is so over-saturated, everyone and their momma grows, etc. And yet still the CA cannabis market fetches 15-30% percent more, at minimum, than Colorado market's broadly speaking. Consider that you can get state-subsidized power easily in California, as well.

The bottom line IMHO: you missed the gold rush, but you can still make a living growing cannabis anywhere in the United States, from Arcata to Austin, Texas, if your shit is worthwhile and plentiful. However, since its not a gold rush like it used to be, you should move to and pick your favorite spot irrespective of cannabis markets and laws, and grow there. You'll be a lot happier that way IMO. To go big and bad in California you're still risking federal laws. So consider that when you say that you would love to grow and live in the South somewhere but don't want to risk it. You could grow 1/3 as much dope in Atlanta than Arcata and make the same money, more or less.

Lots of growers (OK, 3 or 4) I know in Humboldt cry constantly about how it's all over and they can't earn living. A few of them on this site. Let me translate that whining for you: "I bought a seven figure house with grow money, it was very easy because nobody knew what was good and what wasn't, and there were not many thugs to deal with. Now people know good cannabis when they see it, there are lots more dangerous people in the game, and prices have gone from a zillion dollars per pound to half a zillion dollars per pound. Waaaaaaaaaa. I might have get a regular job for the first time in 20 years. Waaaaaa."

Just my opinion, of course.


I love my life
no, they are traffickers, or transporters. A broker or a middleman does nothing other than connect buyer and seller and collect a fee.

As soon as you move it any significant distance, you are now a trafficker, and your job is to get it there.

A broker rarely takes more than $1-200 a pack on bulk deals, whereas the transporter can easily make 2-3x that.

What the fuck is your point?

Is it bad for someone to grow cannabis? Is it bad for someone to smoke cannabis? Is it bad for someone to broker cannabis? Is it bad for someone to transport cannabis?

Are the shipping companies of the world traffickers and therefor felons in need of prison?

What is the true evil you see out there? Someone doing an honest job for an agreed upon price or at their own risk? Or is the real evil small minded fucks and PIGS that have nothing better to do than stick their fucking snouts in other peoples NON VIOLENT, NON HARMFUL business?



Price is dropping just as much on the East Coast. Everyone and their brother is running 10k-16k with undercurrents . See zips going for $150-200 and packs for $2500-3k.

See, we know thats not true cause all you guys are still coming out west and buying things for that or more...and nobody doing cross country is making less than 1k per lb, the standard is 2... Even though price is on the decline because of our failing economy, I don't know one non mmj state where you cant get 4-6k per for good ins. Herbs are selling more than ever, gold rush aint over its just an overcrowded market right now, anyone who's taken an economics class can tell you it will stabilize eventually.


See, we know thats not true cause all you guys are still coming out west and buying things for that or more...and nobody doing cross country is making less than 1k per lb, the standard is 2... Even though price is on the decline because of our failing economy, I don't know one non mmj state where you cant get 4-6k per for good ins. Herbs are selling more than ever, gold rush aint over its just an overcrowded market right now, anyone who's taken an economics class can tell you it will stabilize eventually.

OK, heh:blowbubbles:


Just Say Grow
im already starting to see a ton of the immigrants to cali's green rush realize that the grass aint as green as hightimes and those stupid pot documentaries made it out to be...slowly peeps are starting to move back to where they came from and i think in the next few years cali will be right back to where it was before the economy tanked and everyone decided to start croppin...we dont have room for sub-par cultivators in a market driven by connesiuers, i swear the bud was consistently better quality up until about 3 years ago...


Active member
yea quality is slacking for the most part...alot of guys are like "why should i trim this up nice or run an extra week if im only getting 24 a lb"....etc....shit that used to sell for 32-36 all day.

prices basicaly dropped off about a grand give or take all over the place....east coast is no longer 55 its 45...cali is no longer 35 its 25...(indoors)

outdoors is whats fucking up the market...but most outdoors coming out right now is 7 month old weed that has lost some of its bag appeal. its been buried for the last half year and alot of folks are complaining it looks "old" even with those fancy nitrogen vac sealers....

but real talk, not making this up. i have seen good indoor bud sell for 4k in the past month here in CALI flood central. so i know for a FACT that if you have top quality elite hard to find strains you will do alrite. if you are growing some regular old green buds from greenhouse seeds or some shit, good luck getting more than 2400....


I love my life
..we dont have room for sub-par cultivators in a market driven by connesiuers, i swear the bud was consistently better quality up until about 3 years ago...

This is a really good point that people should think about. If your cannabis is to be consumed in CA it is going to fetch a lower price and have to be of a higher quality than almost any where else on the planet.

If your cannabis is consumed in other places it can fetch a higher price even with lower quality.

This is because PROHIBITION leads to higher price and lower quality. CA and CO are the LEAST PROHIBITIVE of cannabis in the USA and the quality is high and the price low.

More production less prohibition and less regulation and prices will continue to head for the floor as quality heads to the heavens.

For those of you in this thread and community arguing for rules and restrictions, you are helping to support price and lower quality, while simultaneously supporting a huge WASTE on government overseers.
