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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

irobot sd

Liquor is legal do you see liqour stores giving any away for free? Your getting personel & emo. Youre barely talking about bottom shelf retail prices yet alone Wholesale. Nothing to discuss step it up or shake.


Nobody said free , but reasonable , like3 a $ 20 beer at disney , you sneak your own.


I might have gotten upset aty all the pissed off coments , but im not asking for anything for free .... lol weed isb too expensive $50 to $60 a day.I can get a $200 lb in N.M , b ut im ok .

Im sticking up for the little guy . In other states where its totaly iligeal its cheaper , same growing cost + mjorte risk . Who cares about purple or kush.

Who is asking for anything for freee ? Im not a hippy , just a sick guy .
Not asking for sympathy , just sticking up for america .

My opinion isnt uninteligent , not if your a smoker.
You get 2 decient joints in a gram , & $3 a joint doesnt seem unreasonable.

My opinion is so little that it doersnt effect the 3000 watt grower , just the big guy.


Active member


lol , its the american way . Like it or leave it .But im no hippy , this is how america thrives.The american economy ! The american consumer can buy from buisneses with price caps.I,ve sent my out door back east , & put someone out of buisness.Smokers in a little town pay less , I hate the bguy that I under cut , but I still lowered the prices in a little town . My outdoor is better , & cheaper than his . My buddy makes out , & I screw the guy that I think is dishonest.


I dont carer if you agree with me , but dont call me a troll for not agreeing .Take it or leave it , im saying my thing

Most people agree , most people are smokers .weed is too expensive .

Im not exactly saying F.U dealers..........Im reaching out to the little guy , that can buy , or not buy .The power is in your hands .

Espesialy buy from the small american farmer , not the fat cat.

No dought buy quality , but it can be found with the little guy.


I am disabled , & I have nothing to do but grow my humble little home grown , lookn for libs , & cyans or sitting on the internet.
Ya homebound , vbut patriotic from a military family.

Standing up for the country that I love is the bmjost interesting thing I can think of right now.

Iran hates liberty , peace you grovy fellas.


But please iuf you disagree , then plkease pm me , & disagree with me politley , im open mindeed .
But logic thats what I respect .I m9ight not agree but I will listen with an open mind.I respond to logic.


I step on the big guy , & stand up for the little guy .................................ban this hero!!!!!!!!


someones bound to read this ,hate me , it will shed light on my cause ..........afordable weed for all + plenty for the grower .A sweat l,iving , mabey not cadilacs but plenty.


Cant beat your little click , wish I was in your little click lol.Can I follow the leader too ........ hate me kiddys lol.

not evan one person knowes they are paying too much , your not out raged at the prices ....Im not scared or hurt

Stand up there are real ways to lower the whole sale price , your the real coustomer , you have the power ,They wouldent hate me so much if i wasnt a problem , who cares how much extraq money they want to get out of you .

I dont get nothing , but satisfaction, screw the man ,screw the fat cat.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
No props to JKing, but you'd better read the cannabible carefully before talkin shit...is that your sweet tart, rainman?

So let me see if I get this one right ?? If ppl say what they want OR what is really on their minds they better be careful or what??
Not only do we get shit from our Gov but we are getting shit from who the fuck ??? PLEASE!! anyone can say whatever they want about cannabis that is the beauty of cannabis no one is out there holding you down right LOL ffs get a grip.. it weed....:woohoo: headband 707:dance013:


Non medical states charge less , why would they get butt hurt if im wrong . I smoke a thousand $ worth can you afford as much as you have to pay to smoke as much as you need , let alone , what yoiu would like to smoke? Why cry theres nothing but demand?????????

You have the power to set prices.


im out but if any of you smokers catch this plkease consider , & of course think foer your self. There are lots of 3000 watt or less growers who can relate. have njo fear onlyt realy rich cash cropers will bitch , & they are not on your side.They probablyn dont smoke , & make fun of regular people who smoke.

I get nothing , ONLY want to help.

Also if you find the right person they have the time to care for each , & every individual plant , harvesting it only when its ripe .Better weed if they know.Cash cropers make cash no matter what ,personal growers take pride , harvest only when ripe . They are morer likely to select the best , disregarding the rest ......flowering time yei8ld , + other things you dont care about
Theres damn good weed out there , people donbt care , they want tro make $ The best weed youve smoked is out there just look .
Its just a trainwreck bunch of posts.

Its just a trainwreck bunch of posts.

1st) you a sick guy
2nd) your a dealer
3rd) your a grower
4th) your a broker/exporter
5th) you can get a lb in new mexico for 200....of course its mexico's brick weed...so your supporting the drug cartel's...which fuel the violence in Mexico & US.....

Buddy...you make very little sense.....so you want lower prices...so you can sell for more profit?....really?

As a grower....I take my responsibility as a provider of medicine to sick people very serious....and provide the highest quality medicine available for a very reasonable donation....

Nothing and I mean nothing is more competive and free market for Medicine than California.

im out but if any of you smokers catch this plkease consider , & of course think foer your self. There are lots of 3000 watt or less growers who can relate. have njo fear onlyt realy rich cash cropers will bitch , & they are not on your side.They probablyn dont smoke , & make fun of regular people who smoke.

I get nothing , ONLY want to help.

Also if you find the right person they have the time to care for each , & every individual plant , harvesting it only when its ripe .Better weed if they know.Cash cropers make cash no matter what ,personal growers take pride , harvest only when ripe . They are morer likely to select the best , disregarding the rest ......flowering time yei8ld , + other things you dont care about
Theres damn good weed out there , people donbt care , they want tro make $ The best weed youve smoked is out there just look .


Active member
I'm now convinced that anyone who thinks prices should be lower is NOT A GROWER...
Nobody gives a dicks shake about someone buying 1/8's and shit every day to blaze 4 joints.............I paid out the ass for bud when I was just a toker buying 1-4oz at a time...why shouldn't anyone else? Tokers can't control the price....the people who buy the pounds control the prices by causing price competition amongst growers...
Asians will set up a bunch of locations in your city and sell GDP
(probably cut at 40 days beaster style) for extra low prices to cut everyone's hustle....it happens everywhere.:dueling:

If you knew what it took to have lbs for sale (indoor or outdoor) you would realize that prices are are already too low if anything....
People think they're entitled to a great bargain just because they smoke bud?
I mean WTF outdoors for 12-1400? Indoors for 22-25?....you gotta be shitting me.
It's already way too cheap.


I dont carer if you agree with me , but dont call me a troll for not agreeing .Take it or leave it , im saying my thing

Most people agree , most people are smokers .weed is too expensive .

Im not exactly saying F.U dealers..........Im reaching out to the little guy , that can buy , or not buy .The power is in your hands .

Espesialy buy from the small american farmer , not the fat cat.

No dought buy quality , but it can be found with the little guy.
Looking at your posts, and reading your arguments, I can tell that your education is a little lacking. My advice to you is take a micro and macro economics class. You say your for the little guy, buy local right.
Well you just pulled a big F*CK Y** to the home market where you sent your weed. You pulled all that local money back to where you are living and screwed the local economy. You sir are the biggest hypocrite of all.
Not to mention that not everyone grows outdoor or prefers it. Not to mention that the free market will push out the shitty dealers (such as yourself.) If we let people like you run the industry we would all be smoking commerc or regs.


Well-known member
Cheep weed is great ,poor people deserve weed more than rich elitests.Grow your own , & smoke it yourself or sell it cheap , & undercut the market .

too bad the cheap price is only at the wholesale level the end users are still paying top dollar its just the growers that are getting price squeezed and that sucks


New member
Producing quality weed is something that requires hours of intensive labour, effort, knowledge, and money. If you want to enjoy the fruits of such labour, you've gotta be willing to pay a reasonable price for it.

Sure, cheap weed sounds great. But most growers are not "rich elitists," and thus need to be able to make some money to make it worth all the effort. You pay for what you get.

you can get a lb in new mexico for 200....of course its mexico's brick weed...
lol... in NM people call that shit "dirt weed." Really, it doesn't even look like weed.

Medical Marijuana just started up in this state, so the growers aren't really producing that good of smoke (inexperience?). Still prefer importing from the PNW - you guys know what's up! : )


Active member
He made a post every 10-20 minutes every hour starting around 12am-ish to 6:30am. In alot of those he said, ill see you tomorrow, but kept posting through the morning. There are mental issues there, hes trolling.

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I saw 2 ogk's for 2800

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