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Who painted the pigeons...



Meaty..I learned about disappointment on the first grow...I didn't realise all the males showed first..I thought that I was Doomed.. :chin:
Now as I plant them..I think of them all as males..and anything after that is a Bonus... :D
I Think that I can see another 2 males, at least..but Hell..thats the way it goes...
(8 COULD disappoint me :yoinks: )
If you were me.....would you plant more f2's to replace the males..or would you bang in the f3's..and go for the f4, 100% AF cross..I am dithering..

Did you manage to re-hydrate that compost?

Maybe 3... :yoinks:
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Active member
how many hour's of light do you have your light set to? i presume it's 18/6 so that means you got some autoflowering plants in there. now we need to wait for the girls to come out. oh and mossy as to your question, i wouldnt plant anymore seeds. just wait for a female and take clone's. :chin: you'd save alot of growth time and not worry about the sex.
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mossy look at those plants :yoinks: You are quite the gardener. I did manage to rehydrate that compost and its doing wonderfully :woohoo:


Yeah smOke 18/6...
as regards clones..I am thinking that they are going to be LR sized plants..
so I am not sure if cloning would be viable..because of size..
(maz x lr X maz x lr)
The ones outdoor on the receeding light pattern didn't get any side shoots at all..but these ones do..so I will have to see what else the light does..
wish it was Spring..I do prefer au natural growing..
If I can..I will.. :chin:


Hi Meaty..we must have posted together..
The plants are growing better under the lights than they did on the cold patio..and I was pleased with the growth..but I am not sort of happy with the Look of the plants..they look a bit scabby..
I suppose it is because I am used to outdoor..

Have a look at the sideshoots..and if they run true..they have another 4 weeks to grow..so it could be possible.



Active member
ohh, i didnt consider that they would autoflower so cloning probably wouldnt work. i'd plant what ever your running low on. heheh, have a merry christmas yall!


Yes mossy it has all the features, and it came with the best little scraper for kief . I'll be crossing my fingers for your babies to go female, they look nice and healthy.
Merry Christmas ! :bongsmi:


hey mossy, rember me? i see some of the "guys" r here to from NWS, nice place here,yes?, maybe chat w/ u guys soon....the sour power pic


If there is a small f missing from your funny...I certainly do.. :jump:
I never forget superb colas..it is bud envy..you know how it gets me.
Pleased to see you again M8.. :wave:
this Christmas just gets better and better.. :woohoo:
catch up when you have time.
You will find Marinjuanamat around in the threads, Ogof, Microcosmos and Slippery are around odd times too.


Yeah smOke...I had That feeling too..
and I am sure that I have one with 2 little white pistils showing... :D
there was another where I wasn't sure..an I think I see another male..
and the male that declared yesterday, is raising his neck..and his balls are coloured...
Yippee.. :woohoo: :woohoo:


SNEAKY COW... :yoinks: sneaky little witch..
This is the "male" I thought I spotted...look in the middle...typical LR style central Male bud..

she looks so typical...I didn't even check her this morning..
but look what she is hiding up her skirts..... :bis:
I got a Girlie for Christmas day....



Well smOke...I have this feeling.... :D :D

I haven't had a one that hasn't Auto'd BUT...
You know the one that was slightly older when they went in..
It is just sitting there..vegged to perfection..it is absolutely gorgeous..side shoots..lush growth..gorgeous..but I feel as if it is just sitting there..waiting for something..
I THINK that it may be a non-AF.


:chin: We shall see if it AFs or not.
They all look damn healthy with that nice LR leaf pattern, and the box you made for em looks to be working perfect :woohoo:
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Active member
they all look real good. mossy one out of that many so far is not bad number's. the next generation seems like it would be at 100% autoflowering.


They Should be 50%..
but I didn't get any Non-AF on the first batch..so I am expecting a few..
I now have them on a 25% of full dose, veg fert. It does seem to have set them away again...but that could just be a pre-sex growth spurt..
Did you fert your grow under lights HK..
I never really had to do it with my patio girls as they were all happy with just water...
on the one that has AF'd..she is in flower..not pre-flower..so do I change her to flowering ferts now :confused:

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