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Who painted the pigeons...



Same back at 'cha WAMEN..
No fooling a wily old Greyback eh smOke...
I think that I have 2 pegged as male already..but..because the growth is much denser under the lights, I am reserving judgement..

They went in on 20th Nov..but took about 5 days to germ as they had no heat.
The larger one is slightly older as it was a late germinator from the other batch.
One on the end looked as if it had been nibbled..when I had a look..there was a sodding caterpillar on it..(a V dead caterpillar now..CHEEK OF IT :yoinks: )

Now for something special..... :bis: :bis: :bis:

ME F3'S GERMINATED.... :kissass: :kissass: :kissass:
MOSSY WIGGLE..............


Active member
that's deffinetly a male, good to hear you got your seed's working. notice you got a little algae growing on your perlite and vermeculite. they say if you can grow algae you can grow anything. :wave:


Looking good Mossy glad to see your F3s working for ya. The box may be giving the plants more stress causing them to turn male, possibly from less light? :chin: After a few more show sex we will see..
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Get two birds stoned at once
With growth that dense I would not think they were stressed much.


F3's...5 out of 6 germed..so far.. :woohoo:
I harvested them according to colour..so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I keep the variation....but if not..who cares..as long as the bud is tasty.. :yummy:
I think that the males are just going to show first...fingers crossed..
it is just about time for LR males to show up..another 4-6 for the girls..
BUT..I think..to my "eye" that the older seedlings are showing stress.
I did drop the light a bit..so I could have it too low..
Or..with the rapid growth spurt..they could have exhausted themselves
I have moved the lamp back to the original position..and I am considering giving them a 50% dilute veg fert feed...unless anyone has noticed anything I missed... :chin:


Hey mossy those babies are looking wonderful. Hope you receieve plenty of females (and the autum colors) :joint:


Cheers Meaty..I've got me fingers crossed too...
Gantz..when I germed the seeds they were outdoor..no heat. I didn't know how fast I could get the light up and running, so I did 50/50 compost/vermiculite mix.
I needed light well draining soil to prevent dampening off. Now the cabinet is set up..it is too free-draining.
As soon as they sex..I will transplant to a denser mix and start to feed.


Smoke weed and prosper
interesting...i didn't recognize the white pebbles (never saw vermiculite in any store so i never interacted with it)
ever thought about using cocopeat?


Remember when I said I killed the first grow. I had them in choir..cocoa fibre..but I changed to a universal potting compost..incase it was the choir that killed them. I was eliminating possibilities.
(It was the light...that done it..too strong)
I prefer a relatively neutral medium...then I know what I am ADDING to it..
Vermiculite is kinda like small pumice stone or pea gravel. It adds nothing to the soil but air and drainage.
Seeds and clones in particular prefer V free draining soil.
For seeds in Spring..I add 30% vermiculite..but for a winter germ, 50%..
dampening off is probably the biggest problem in a cold, overcast, low light hours germination.


I am So excited..
they have just come and cut the flaming pylon down, the one that was spoiling my view..it is Gone...Yippee

There is a Santa after all..and I didn't even ask... :D
Just need to sort that Plane out now and I will have perfect sun-sets..
Some of the best things in life are free.. :D
HK..I will show you my Christmas selection box tomorrow....
:yummy: :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:


MOSSYS CHRISTMAS SELECTION BOX.. :canabis: :canabis: :canabis:
Can you remember how this grow started off...
May 06..all me seeds set to germinate in the chinese cartons..
Here are me chinese cartons now.. :joint:

:kissass: :kissass: Cheers Guys...
I probably could have got there without you all.... :yoinks:
BUT it would not have been half the FUN... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

:listen2: I know I only started with 6 lots of seeds...but the Swazi was the one that smOke and Slippery rescued from the mutant grow lamp.. :D :D


Whoa dude looking great, a good read right to the end!! :lurk:

Keep keeping it green man, and enjoy your harvest!!!!!!! :yummy: :sasmokin:


Cheers BeAn...
Merry Christmas to you too..and thanks for reading.
You have just inspired me to change my signature to a seasonal theme..
then I don't miss anybody out. :D :D


Nice Gantz...
I thought I was clever getting it in Red...normally, if I press buttons..it does something Nasty.. :pointlaug