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Smoke weed and prosper
i have a new untested spot...just one for now and i might just have to stick with it, no means of starting indoors (security related) and a very unpredictible weather as of this year....so i might just try some of my Guerilla Gaiden beans. i know they are giants and some finish in October...but a have a ton of beans to put to good use.
i might plant around easter time


Always nice sunset shots mossy :lurk:
With your box and light leaks I have this stuff Gro Tape that is reflective and works for the corners and sides real well. If you already got the light I would say keep the box inside. And for the ventilation PC fans work well and aren't too hard to wire up, and are usually found at most computer stores.
Sprayed bud..? sounds nasty, would definitely want to stay away from that :yoinks:
heres another shot of the sour pheno of the med strain I'm smokin.

The different camera position really effects the lighting :chin:


Active member
thats some dank ass looking weed right there! i can imagine pc fans cooling 150 watt light's but a 600 watt bulb would need some serious venting mor like an inline blower if it was inside


Yeah you would definitely need a few PC fans if you used them.
Gantz your babies are looking very healthy, can't wait to see how they turn out. :lurk:


I did exactly the same Gantz..then I spotted the date..Still damn good looking plants though.
The cupboard SEEMS to be doing okay. I need to get the water rigged up as soon as the visitors go.
When I checked it at dinner-time..it was sitting at 23oC..so I could be a lucky B..
Oh..and talking of lucky B'S..my M8 (with the belly) just phoned to ask if I want any plants........
Remember..his girls got seeded..
well he now has 10 beautiful green seedlings growing at the front of his garage and another 14 or so growing at the back..they have self seeded..and are growing..December..would you credit it..I MUST get a photo of those.

It's FRIDAY....bring on the Buds....


I was just telling HK..my Bud is a bit crappy at the minute. I shipped most of it off site when Our Friend got busted..better safe than sorry...
Over here..if you get prosecuted..they also add an accumulator to the fine..per gramme..that you are caught with..and I had a few grammes...cough...cough
so instead of Friday Buds... :yummy: :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:
let me introduce you to the Friday Hash Smiley....... :bis: :bis: :bis:

I am saving it for Ron....later'Ron.. :joint:


Smoke weed and prosper
thanks mossy. they were great plans. i kept them small, cloned them and sent the clones to a friend. i even filmed the best of them. and get this: when 5 were left and i decided to flower them i had 2 on the left, two on the right and 1 in the middle. those on the right side turned out to be boys, the ones on the left were girls and the one in the middle took its time and decided to be a girl finally.


Man... I can't believe I was that baked..... I didn't even see the date, my bad Gantz :pointlaug
Mossy Thats too bad you had to get rid of your buds, but the hash looks tasty :yummy:
Ill get some pics up tomarrow when I get more bud.
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Visitors departed last night...phew..3 lots in 2 weeks.. :yoinks:
Love them all..but I am wrecked..plus got a stinking cold as well...
so I am staying on the settee today..drinking tea..and taking tablets.
For the first time since spring..our morning wake-up temps have fallen into single figures. When I checked the cabinet this morning, after 4 hours on, the temp was only 18oC..so it is working to my advantage.
I do need to sort the watering system out.
They are drying out faster..obviously..and I had also added extra vermiculite to the mix that they are in, so that they didn't dampen off if I didn't get the light rigged.
Ah..I will get there :chin:

Gantz..do you have genetics specific to your own country..or do you just buy off the net like the rest of us.
I can buy Spanish seed varieties over here but I have been told that they are not as good as the UK varieties...
The Guy with the head-shop is growing imports..but that could just be because he got freebies to try...rather than preference.
Do you know of any good European breeds..


I hope so too smOke..but you know my record with lights... :yoinks:
and I am not getting my hopes up with this particular plant...everytime I like the look of a plant..it turns into a male... :biglaugh: and I like the look of that plant..
HK..I only shipped the buds out for safety..we weren't sure HOW our friend got busted..so they just need collected..shortly.. :yummy:
NICE hash M8.
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Ha..the ones grown outdoor Au Natural had no side shoots..
but look at the difference the light makes..

side-shoots... :chin:
It is too cold today to get the watering system sorted out...
don't want me girls getting a Chill...so I have "trayed" them until things pick up.

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Smoke weed and prosper
mossy my friend Romania has no landraces if that's what your asking. yes there's alot of hemp around but most of it is pure hemp and about 0.03% thc...so...take a guess.
i bought only 1 strain off the net and gave it away as apresent to a friend. we were n00bs at that time...and the first pot we smoked was that Blue Mystyc from Nirvana via Dr. Chronic.
the rest of the seeds in my colection have been eyther won or given to me. i never had to beg for seeds and i frown upon such practices now that i know how much work goes into these suckers.
i can't name any good breeds because i really don't care much. i like colourful buds and healthy genes and all but some prices are ridiculous.
i haven't husr anything bad about spanish genetics but IMHO all strains deserve one shot to be at my top ten list. in other words i wouldn't mind growing and smoking all kinds of pot until i make up my mind about which is MY #1 smoke.


Active member
mossy usually the plant's that are the largest of the group turn out male. it's not always true but very common. i agree gantz. i just pray for the day i can buy a pack of skunk 1's at the grocery store for the same price as the sunflower seed's next to them.


Ha Gantz..Mossy wouldn't know what a landrace was if I was sitting next to it in a bus-stop. :confused: BUT I am going to learn.

Because I have been V short of time..I was re-visiting your crosses...for a good look...and breeding tips...because I liked the look of them.
I recognised haze, sweet tooth, and something else in your cross but I didn't recognise another abbreviation..and I was wondering if you were using a local root stock in your crosses. :chin: to acclimatise.
(In the UK..you would say that Mossy needs to know, "the far end of a fart..."
but if I don't ask...I don't learn.. :confused:)
I am a Gardener..with TOO many years experience to mention...
but this is my First season with canna.