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Who painted the pigeons...



Well smOke...therein lies my problem...cough...sigh... :chin:
You see..Our Friend..was actually going to teach me lights..
but his bust has stopped that..
So I suppose that I shall just have to mope around plantless and bereft for months..with a "lip on"..and moan and things.... :confused:
You know how it is..I will probably just whinge until about March...
..unless..you or HK are prepared to stick around for the whole 8 weeks..incase I get into difficulties.... :yoinks:
I know I cause you more grey hairs getting me started..but hell..I did you proud in the end... :joint:
so this should be easier...surely... :confused:
and HK could step in if the stress gets to you.. :D :D :D :D


Active member
mossy im always around to give my 2 cent's. ask any question's you feel the need to. what kind of light's do you have?


TFFT...phew.... :respect:
Sunmaster cool deluxe. Metal halide grow lamp.
600w conversion.
I think that it has the red and the blue in it...
I had to buy a different transformer thing too.


Active member
nice light man!!!! 600 watt light's have the most lumen's per watt compared to any other bulb's. your going to need a big grow cab and some serious ventilation to keep your glowing demon at bay, but it's very possible and you will get excellent result's if done right. search ic mag for some 600 watt grows.


Same here Mossy any questions you have I am happy to help you with during your indoor grow. :lurk:
As Smoke was saying you are going to need a good amount of space for your 600w, but I can't wait to see how all the genetics do indoors. :chin: I'm thinking you are going to be smoking on some VERY nice herb in a few months...


Here is 1, I made earlier...ha ha
First problem..light leakage on the side panels..any suggestions... :chin:
as you can see from the inside..I can clip or stick anything on..


Custom User Title
If the thing is glowing because the plastic is kinda transparent, then I'd get some black/white poly or several layers of mylar up around the inside walls. If it's just through the cracks, you could staples some felt/mylar/poly on either side, including door hinges. I taped black felt on either sides of the hinges on the doors of my cabinet and it works out great.

If you can get the ventilated properly that'd be an awesome grow cabinet. What are your plans for ventilation?


Cheers bounty29..I just got the bulb yesterday..I haven't got any ventilation yet.
On its first run..it didn't seem to get TOO hot..and it was okay this morning...but we have a hellish cold wind blowing..and the cupboard is outdoor..so I haven't hit the ventillation problem YET..
I will go visit our local head-shop and see if he has Mylar..if not I may have to mail order.
I have a couple of windscreen sun visors..with the reflective side..so I may have to temporary rig..
I have slight leakage 'round the closure joints..but the main show is on the thinner side panels.


Custom User Title
You can get like an 8'x6' square of mylar for about $2.13 at Wal-Mart. The emergency blankets for camping and stuff are made out of mylar. I've seen rolls of it for sale at grow shops and it's always ridiculously inflated prices. If you do go the mylar route, you might want to use spray-adhesive to keep it on, just so that it stays nice and flat.


Cheers Friend..I am always interested in money saving...I have seen threads saying about the mountaineering blankets. I will have a look.

Once I have the sides light proofed, I may hit the heat problem. At the minute..I think the wind is hiding it.
Temporarily..I can just open the doors a bit..and vent.
I have just checked..6 hours on and the cupboard is 23 oC inside.
Ah..just another thought...the ballast/transformer is NOT inside the grow cupboard..so I do not have that heat..
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smOke..cheap house..million dollar view...
But you know Mossy..ever practical..we are in a basin..surrounded by mountains..so I am pegging the sunsets... :D :D
My "growing" season comences when the sun is setting just to the left of My Mountain..and the end of the season..bit further to the left.
I have it on disc...saves buying a calender...



bounty29..I had 2 new reflective car sun visors..I cut them up and just taped them in...and it seems to be working.
As soon as the holiday is over..I will get some more and cover the panels. The light has now been on for 12 hours..and the temperature is still only 22oC inside the cabinet..I could be lucky... :woohoo:
Cheers Friend. IOU 1.

I kept the light tucked up high until I saw how much heat it was putting out..now I know...
How far above the tops of the seedlings should I have it...... :confused:


Active member
i didnt consider you would have your box outdoor's. you would be able to easily cool in the winter but it will be impossible in your summer month's. for example if it's 90 degree's outside it will be 90 degree inside your box plus the heat from the bulb helping out. but you would be able to use this one to keep you growing in your off season month's.


Ha smOke..you should know Mossy by now..I won't be using the cabinet if I don't need it...'Lectric costs money... :yoinks:
My season starts..'bout March..early..
season ends..'bout a month ago..
sooo..1 grow a year :chin: ...the sun can do the rest...ha ha...TIGHT..

Last year I had the geraniums on the patio from March..
(I will throw the Geraniums out on the patio first...and if they don't freeze to death...neither will the canna... :chin: )

I was surprised that the new seedlings germinated..I only put them in the soil about a week ago..and they have just been outdoor until I got the light yesterday.
A "natural" December germination is odd..they must be hardy little buggers..I could never get anything to germ in the UK until Feb.
smOke..HK can you imagine how many of those little Mothers I can get under the patio table come Spring.. :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:


Guys..just a thought..
I know I haven't seen this done but.... :chin:
say my daylight hours and temps are good come March...
could I put the plants on the patio by day and use the cabinet as an overnight top up...give them a few hours Extra light..


Smoke weed and prosper
it will work don't worry. on my first grow i also let my girls out of the box to catch some rays.


Cheers Gantz..
I like my girl to be natural if I can...and I get the sun for free..
They are good looking girls..what kind are they..they look like Big Bud..

:fsu: Everyone...check out this thread..and spread the word..this is the bud I told you about a while back..that looked as if it was sprayed..
LOOK at WHAT they are putting in it...SCAREY.. :yoinks:
If I hadn't grown my own this year..I would have been smoking that sh*t..
I need to warn my Bought bud friend too..
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Smoke weed and prosper
Bbg x Hz/SK
Swt#3 x Hz/SK

they were my first plants. they were incredible. now i only have 3 Bbg x Hz/Sk seeds left. i'm waiting for a time in the future when i'll be able to safely grow and multiply them.


They look really good...I can see the need to reproduce them..
Are you going to try next year.
I will give you the nod when I am planting..that way you do not get distracted..and leave yourself short of good bud.. :D