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Who is the oldest and youngest ICMAG member


I'm all of a biological age of 56, but my wife of 35 years contends I act like I'm 17!

Three grown kids, all doing well, and I sure would like to see MJ get legal.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Alright, I know I had already posted his picture here once before on IC Mag somewhere....


Just stay out of his way when it's prune cobbler day. He'll tear your ass up with those well groomed fingernails.


Active member
I'm all of a biological age of 56, but my wife of 35 years contends I act like I'm 17!

Three grown kids, all doing well, and I sure would like to see MJ get legal.


E.D. age.....erectile dysfunction at your age and THANK GOD for Viagra and similar drugs sooooo us old farts can still do it now that the damn kids are gone! It does work as my Hot Hubs is 61. Great modern pharmaceuticals.

My son Ed who is a nurse also is mad that I named him ED and now it is an embarrasing medical diagnosis.

But love and sex is great at any age!

The young here go EEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!

It is reality though!:woohoo:


Active member
Alright, I know I had already posted his picture here once before on IC Mag somewhere....


Just stay out of his way when it's prune cobbler day. He'll tear your ass up with those well groomed fingernails.

OOOHHHH He is soooo cute.....can you hook granny Madre up with him????


Resident pissy old man
Well pops is our resident old crotchy member....I dont think theres anything older then him! [those are his words, not mine] the youngest!??? ...hmmm there are too many to pick just one!! lol

Just because I was born 3 years before dirt was invented doesn't mean that I am old!


Resident pissy old man
E.D. age.....erectile dysfunction at your age and THANK GOD for Viagra and similar drugs sooooo us old farts can still do it now that the damn kids are gone! It does work as my Hot Hubs is 61. Great modern pharmaceuticals.

My son Ed who is a nurse also is mad that I named him ED and now it is an embarrasing medical diagnosis.

But love and sex is great at any age!

The young here go EEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!

It is reality though!:woohoo:

Tell your son that there is nothing wrong with erectile dysfunction. It saves us old men from fat ugly old women!


old enough to smoke and die for my country.

aint old enough to drink.

fearing the day i'll be considered an old fart. just being old would be nice. being an old fart, eh i can hold out another 50 years for that.
Just because I was born 3 years before dirt was invented doesn't mean that I am old!

No, it doesn't. The fact your tequila and taco farts wiped out the dinosaurs does make you the first weapon of mass destruction.
Tell us the truth, Pops, weren't you the first not to drag your knuckles in the dirt? Or was it you were the first to lose your prehensile tail because you hoped it was your penis and wore it down to a knob masterbating? The fact it was long enough to wrap around a tree branch should have clued you in that it wasn't your johnson! It must be your off spring that moved intelligence further down the road. I still hold it against them for skipping my little lane off the road. On my lane, we were the first to prove you shouldn't marry close kin.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
this is my third life prescense on this earth.
for the righteous never decease,,,they are only reborn..


Pops I'm surprised you're not tearing accessndx a new one for posting your pic like that.


Active member
Tell your son that there is nothing wrong with erectile dysfunction. It saves us old men from fat ugly old women!

Yeah we just tease him about it...he don't know about them things yet because he is 36 and single and works in a huge hospital here and lots of the nurse chicks pursue him. Men are STILL the minority in nursing...He will Prolly NEVER get married at that rate....only single kid I got!

Sorry Ed for naming you Ed....I had no idea it would become an embarrasing medical diagnosis ...

But erectile dysfuntion /E.D. is a big problem for men in the Boomer years or above...But there are good meds to help now and keep you guys goin' like energizer bunnies...and God help us old ladies now!

you can't take Viagra or those drugs if on NTG/nitro though. Expensive and it cost us $10 bucks per tab to have sex....BUT WORTH EVERY PENNY....LOL!

But the V.A. is fixin' to give him 6 a month....lol....I guess the guvment don't want you ol' geezers havin' sex more than 6 times a month. But babysittin' this 14 month old grandson on steroids keeps me exhausted a lot currently anyway...:wallbash:.


Active member
here's a better question! how about someone showing some documented evidence of the oldest marijuana smoker still alive on the planet/actual age at death? one that has been smoking it for a really long time..not one who just recently started.. i'm curious..
anyone make it into the 90s or what?

how old is pops?

could it be willie nelson? what's he like 75-76?

didn't rodney dangerfield make it into his early 80s? he used it for blood pressure ..

hmm..i know a lot of older folk (centarians,etc) of today were scared by the whole reefer madness thing, so the current 50-60+er's will be the real test.. imagine if it manages to prolong your life, and you become a real nusance sucking up social security and senior services, no wonder its illegal, where are we gonna put all these old pot heads who aren't losing their minds. LOL



Active member
here's a better question! how about someone showing some documented evidence of the oldest marijuana smoker still alive on the planet/actual age at death? one that has been smoking it for a really long time..not one who just recently started.. i'm curious..
anyone make it into the 90s or what?

how old is pops?

could it be willie nelson? what's he like 75-76?

didn't rodney dangerfield make it into his early 80s? he used it for blood pressure ..

hmm..i know a lot of older folk (centarians,etc) of today were scared by the whole reefer madness thing, so the current 50-60+er's will be the real test.. imagine if it manages to prolong your life, and you become a real nusance sucking up social security and senior services, no wonder its illegal, where are we gonna put all these old pot heads who aren't losing their minds. LOL


Rodney Dangerfield was tokin' in the ICU/intensive care unit and the nurse had to tell him that there is "No Smoking" in the hospitals these days for safety reasons....LMAO! I got a kick out of that TRUE STORY....not too long before he died. But Rodney and myself a med professional KNOW it lowers BP...