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White OG V2

Grid Xeon

Awesome Grid,

those plants look so healthy, hope you didn't found any more nanners.
How many watts is your HPS?

Hi pp, no more nanners that I have seen. The 2 I found were male preflowers at the bottom area where no leaf or flower reside and neither had even opened anyhow. Will keep an eye on #6 though as it also looks different from the rest. I'm not missing something obvious am I? Does the #6 look ok to you?

Am running 2x600w in a 1.2x2.4 tent. Have an option for putting another 600w in there or a 400w vegging MH.
Might just do the latter as I hear a veg light boost in later flower can be beneficial for some strains to simulate the way the light changes later in the season or something.
Most likely I'll take the safe option of more wattage with another 600w hps dual spectrum.though Think temps will be ok with the extra light and active intake and all that and with VPD temps are my friend to a certain degree.
Buds are really packing it on. #10 and #5 continue to be the lightest feeders while all of them are quite light on the feed compared to most other strains I've tried. Another bonus.
More next weekend,

power puff

Active member
#6 looks great to me,just not as heavy as the others, nothing I would worry about, all your plants look nice and lush.
2 x 600w seems ideal for that space, but if you can manage the heat you could add 400W.

Grid Xeon

Hi pp, Just a quick one about the #6. It has started smelling and the smell is so lovely and sweet with 2 or 3 other things in there that I can't yet describe. However it is one of the best smells I've ever had off a plant in my somewhat limited experience so it could be a good one.
The others are less smelling so far although much beefier in flower development at this point. The buds are still expanding day by day and I'm a bit worried about space now!
One thing that helps them is their natural inclination to be long and tall rather than short and bushy. I see yo-yo strings in my future.

power puff

Active member
Ha ha, those yo-yo rollers work great indeed.

I have seen it many times that the one with the lowest yield is the best smoke.
Mother nature has a sense of humor... LOL

However wait till everything is dried and cured, sometimes the one you prefer during flowering is not the one you will like best in the end.

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hi pp, Just a quick one about the #6. It has started smelling and the smell is so lovely and sweet with 2 or 3 other things in there that I can't yet describe. However it is one of the best smells I've ever had off a plant in my somewhat limited experience so it could be a good one.
The others are less smelling so far although much beefier in flower development at this point. The buds are still expanding day by day and I'm a bit worried about space now!
One thing that helps them is their natural inclination to be long and tall rather than short and bushy. I see yo-yo strings in my future.

Hey grid

Thanks for the update
Good to hear the v2 is impressing you

Get the yo yos ready bro haha


Grid Xeon

#5 and #8

#5 and #8

Short pic update in yellow light. The plants are really budding like crazy. I'm a little concerned with the spear like development shooting from the buds.
Does it look ok to you?
Besides that the smell is developing nicely and the hairs are going a light orange almost yellow colour on the #5. The lower buds are getting more hair than the upper ones. Nice smell too. Seems like the plants are developing quickly in this period.
Looks very pretty. Buds are really going for it. Perhaps the 'spears' will fill out as budding flows. I do like to worry though. Those spears are not indicative of maleness are they?
Will try a few lights off pics in the next few days or so with lights out.


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power puff

Active member
Hey Grid,

I am not sure what you mean with "spears".
A pic without HPS light would be better to judge anyway.

Judging from these pics I wouldn't worry to much, the only thing that comes to my mind would be a lill heat stress maybe on the top of the buds.

Buds tend to shoot "pips" out of it when they are a tad bit to hot.....
I agree with PP. Maybe some foxtailing from heat or sometimes this sativa trait comes through on hybrids. A pic without the HPS would help. When I think of "spears" I think of my long totem sativa buds that literally look like "spears" for colas.

Grid Xeon

Week 6 completed

Week 6 completed

Focus on the #6 and #8 today. The bud structure on the #6 looks different to the rest and it has frosted earlier than the others which are not so frosty as yet.
Got some better pics of the #6 to show this and also to show the spikey development on the #8

@ PP you are right about them being a little too hot, breached the 30 degree level a few times in the last 2 weeks but generally temps are 19-27 range. Hope these pics show them better.

@ Chingon - hi and thanks for the elaboration. On the main cola on the #8 it is quite evident, this spikey, spear like growth coming off the top of the buds and even sides but all near the heat source.

Am wedging small plastic plant pots lower down the plant to try and create an angle for the light to penetrate better.
Smells are really developing this week. Quite a lot stronger and nicer with every day that goes by.
Been beginning to trim them today and will continue in bits throughout the week.
Want them to have good airflow for the final few weeks. It is a little crowded in the tent otherwise.

Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it. :tiphat:


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power puff

Active member
Those pimples are from the heat.

You don't have a dimmable ballast by chance?
If so turn it down on hotter days, otherwise there is nothing you can do besides some bending of the largest heads.

But they look very healthy, compliments on these, nice green and lush and pretty white.
Indeed the #8 and #6 are totally different phenos.... no worries mate.

All of my plants from the first pack have sexed now.
From 8 white OG's I have 6 females, also some tresdawg, grape lemonaid dawg, jack herer-bubblegum. My 2nd pack of white OG is 3 weeks old now and is very stocky.
I topped them at 4 internodes. Hope to find some killer pheno's too.

Grid Xeon

focus on #8

focus on #8

Hi @ PP. Thanks for calming my nerves about those pimples. It had been getting a little too hot due to me mis-timing the active air intake a little. Have sorted that now and temp/RH are back on track. nice to hear you getting a good portion of fems. Would love to see a pic on here if you happen to have one, you can stick it on this thread if you want.
quick update on the #8
The #8 looks real good to me. The best of the bunch for looks and seems to have the highest bud to leaf ratio of the 4 plants although the #10 is close.
@ PP - I like the 4 node topping. Did mine at 5 nodes and they got too tall Placcy plant pot at the bottom angles the colas outward a little and Allows light into the interior of the plant nicely.leaving lower branches on does not seem to work so well and they kind flop around at the bottom after a while. I'd concentrate on getting 4 real nice tops then do the plant pot trick to open the plant up a bit.
Will get to the #10 later this week perhaps.


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power puff

Active member
That plant look great Grid.

Hope to find one just like that.
There is not much to show from my side, I cloned all my plants (except the last pack) and they are outdoors. Trimmed them back because I want them to stay small.
Gonna do a pollination of all of them, some with a white OG male others with a tresdawg male, and I don't want a shitload of seeds, only a few to play with in the future.
And I hope to be able to do some dry sifting (or run them through the bubblebags) of the remaining seeded buds for my wife's meds, if not everything molds away.

Stemmrub is almost identical for all of the white OG's, not to loud.
The grape lemonaid dawg stemmrub smell is loud....

Props to breederbrad for putting all that work into them.
Brad if you read this... hope you are doing great my friend.... stay safe and stay cool.... LOL

Grid Xeon

focus on #5

focus on #5

Hi @PP thanks for the update on yours. Enjoying these a lot now. The #8 is getting so pretty in particular. Have a clone of it but still only tiny. The #8 was a bit tricky in seedling/veg as I recall. The #10 was the most vibrant in veg. I'll do a focus on that one next time. Today is about the #5 though..

A lot more leafy than the others. As usual I'm afraid of anything out of the ordinary. Worried it is hermie as the buds under don't seem to be shooting out hairs.
Besides that it looks fine though. If I was to take a balanced view it would be a more leafy version of the #8. Quite beefy in development but higher leaf to bud ratio. I don't know. Will see what happens I guess. :biggrin:


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power puff

Active member
chunky buds, if you want to be sure about it just pick a small sample out of that bud and see if there is any seed development, how long are these in now? It looks like I see a few brown hairs? Maybe another two to three weeks and they are done?

Grid Xeon

Hey grid,

Thanks for the update

What diet do you have the v2 on ?


Hi GA. Thanks for stopping by.

Got them on 2.5ml each A+B per litre right now. At peak levels they were on 3.8ml of each per litre but this last 80 litre mix and from now on till flush they will be on 2.5mls.
Add to this calmag at 1-1.2ml per litre all the way from mid veg to flush.
Also mostly I use root stim all the way through at 1ml per litre as well but I have stopped adding it mid way through flower this time.
Bit of PH solution to adjust to 5.8-5.9 type levels as well.

power puff

Active member
Hey Grid,

how are the plants doing?

My plants are flowering for two - three weeks outdoors now and I can see that some are stocky with lots of bud sites a bit shorter and already starting to show trichomes, while the more elongated taller plants have less trichomes.

Anyone? are the more chuncky ones the white pheno's and the more elongated less white OG pheno's?

This is a pic of my male:




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power puff

Active member
Discarded two of the best looking females of my whiteOG due to male parts.
Can't have that. Maybe due to low light levels or cold as it was rainy and cold the last few days. Bye bye.....Only the strong survive....

Grid Xeon

Week 9 update

Week 9 update

Just pics for now, out the door.
More later.


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