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Whiskeytango's Area 51

Thanks everyone for the good vibes. A lot of it doesn't make sense. We will find out if there was a suicide call. We got a lawyer, now for the waiting game...

Peace love smoke pot.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Thanks everyone for the good vibes. A lot of it doesn't make sense. We will find out if there was a suicide call. We got a lawyer, now for the waiting game...

Peace love smoke pot.

Yea that suicide call seems kinda fishy...sending more good vibes your way!


Active member
my guess is when they came for the "call" and u open the door they said they smelled the hangin dryn erb at that point they did a full search of ur property ?
just like when they do knock and talks if anything reeks or is in plain view when/if u open the door they WILL pull u out and search the property especially down here in the dirty

some cops down here are real slick fuckwads ive heard straight from a cops mouth bout the time he thought a dude "had sumthin illegal goin on" so one day he sees the dude leave his house then the cop goes to a payphone down the street calls in a burgalry in progress anonymously at the residence dispatch puts it out there and he was obivously the first to respond so when he gets there he kicks in the back door {later says it was like that when he got there} and waits for back up then when backup arrived they whent in for a parimater search and found dudes 35 plant grow and busted him
he told me this when he was illegaly searchn me to make a point to me about how he was the LAW and he can do what he wants when he wants and nobody will question it if he finds somethin and if he dont then ppl are glad they didnt go to jail and never report him

stay safe


So, sorry to hear all this. I effen hate Florida and can not wait to get the ef out of here. I'll be sending good vibes to you and your family. Stay strong WT & MrsWT. We're here for you. I'm gonna go wake up the hubby and let him know about this.
Thanks again everyone.. GOOD VIBES

A lot of this doesn't make scene on why the fuckers had to come here. I'm glad the fuckers didn't mess with Baby Tango. It really pisses me off that they made us feel like we are bad parent because she is the house.
I don't do drugs. Pot is medicine. Why can't they get the people doing crack in front of here kids? Or all the Oxycontin dealers killing people with the governments version of heroin? But I guess my hubby and I are MUCH worse villains lol.

peace love and smoke pot!


Active member
Best wishes to you and your fam WT, hope you get this stupid fucked up shit overturned.....peace love happiness karma and good vibes coming your way....

damn it man. sucks to hear that bullshit. I guess it could have been much worse and we should be happy that it wasn't. As everyone has said, very best of luck to both of you mr and mrs tango. keep us updated as best you can.


Damn bro....
I don't even know what to say, it's pay to play in this game. Lucky for you it sounds like you have 1 helluva fucking top notch wife, you are blessed. I hate this fucking shit, sending ill will and bad vibes to those porkers, and hoping for the best for you and yours.
I know you will get through this, that suicide story sounds like horse shit to me. Fucking lying ass bitch ass fucking cops, I am so fuckin' sick of this shit.....
Hang in there, I know you will.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
thanks for the kynd words guys....You know we will get through this! Area 51 is still strong, just now I have to re-do MY company strains. And I LOST ALLLLLL my seeds. That hurt me worse than anything. I will never get some of those back. But its whatever huh....
Gotta pay the cost to be the boss huh...lol

I know the Area 51 crew will hold it DOWN while I gotta stay away from the op for a week or 2. Do the whole switch cars thing a fw times before I go there...

good vibes all, and thanks again!


thanks for the kynd words guys....You know we will get through this! Area 51 is still strong, just now I have to re-do MY company strains. And I LOST ALLLLLL my seeds. That hurt me worse than anything. I will never get some of those back. But its whatever huh....
Gotta pay the cost to be the boss huh...lol

I know the Area 51 crew will hold it DOWN while I gotta stay away from the op for a week or 2. Do the whole switch cars thing a fw times before I go there...

good vibes all, and thanks again!

I'll work on a batch of NCDG(F4) beans for ya bud.

I still got some F3 beans and a few sprouts workin,,,and that male:yoinks:

stay safe
good vibes bro


Fuck what it costs
You're a Boss
Dipped in Sauce
You Flawse
Tycoooooooooooooooooooon. LOl


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Damn, WT... bad news indeed. I got nothin to say that hasn't been said, so I'll just concentrate on some good vibes. You'll rise again, better than before, no matter how this all goes down. The good ones always do...



Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya keep you head up bro...i know that seed collection was somethin special...im sure in no time you will have your hands on a whole new set of seeds...Keep up the great work, boss:D
Today is a new day and everything is looking good. A51 is a great team. We will get though this no matter what.

I have to keep my hubby and baby safe for now. Till we can get out of this state.

Thanks again for all the good vibes
Peace love and smoke pot!!!!!!:joint:


Tangos, keep up the positive attitude! As for the bean collection, I can only imagine how that feels, but as you are a very generous person, so will everyone be with you. I know those who have previously gifted to you will do so again, and I'm certainly willing to gift you whatever you need that I have. Once you get your feet beneath you again and are ready to begin rebuilding, get in touch with me. I've got about 10 different seed strains - I know not much compared to most on here, but if you want 'em, they're yours.

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