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Whiskeytango's Area 51


Damn bro, Shit is starting to get thick over there in Area 51, But I'd expect nothing less coming from you...


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
CF- awwww shit! Big man checkin me out. Thanks for the thumbs up bro!
JIP- thanks for stoppin in homie! I try to keep em happy:joint:
D4- where ya been man? Glad your back and stoppin in
Peat- Thanks. Stick around!

Shits about to get a lot more interesting. got some Humboldt Myco Madness to add to my mix for the ladies, and a few dads, to go into flower. Hoping to take clonse this weekend. REALLY psyched to see how BG#14 turns out...You can tell thats gonna be a special girl. 4-5in long branchs at every node to....I dam near wanna fuck this plant!!!!.....lol DEFINITELY mom status though. From stem thickness, growth, internode gap, fast in showing sex HUGE fan leaves....she's a keeper. Gotta Moon Shadow dad I picked out, pics of him in a day or 2 with the rest of the update pics.
Only a few qwerkles have shown sex,, not the quadrafolita though...still growing strong! Not as slow as I heard. But the Bubba x DC is SLOW. same height as the others, but not much of shit going on laterally....
BG and MS seem to be the fastest to show...better update thurs...
good vibes


WT, That Myco Madness youv'e got is it the Humbolt Nutrients brand...it's got twice the # of species of endo/ecto mycorrhizae than the Roots Organics I'm using...

I'm not sure if the Myco Madness is the same as the Roots Organics but I only use it during Veg and before induction of flower because of the nitrates in it...

The Great White brand of bene. bacteria's are better in bloom, is what I've heard...but I have no evidence or experience to back up the Great White claims, as I've never used it...

I do know this though I won't grow another plant, without innoculating the root zone w/ some kind of mycorrhizae/trichoderma....ROOTS LOVE IT...

sorry for the long ass post bro...

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ACCESSNDX, is that Brittney's lil sis, that He Man is imposing His will upon...LOL... that shit cracks me up every time I see it...



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
LOL weez!

took some good pics today, but still cant upload...grrrr
good vibes


Active member
Don't like the sound of that shit with the pics, I'm late on gettin some up myself!

How's shit, bro?

All the best,


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I know...Im slackin. But doing a lot of work. Transplanting into the 5 gal bags..PITA for one person with back problems...lol. Not sure I dig these bags...first time using, but shit....40ish plants.
Here's a few pics of the BG#14 ladies FAT ass leaves, and my skinny hand

the quadrafoliate Querkle

room shot

and the side of the room confirmed girls...yipee, 26 and counting!

good vibes


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Dam brother, now thats what I would Eden.

Were going to hqve to start a Sherwood Forest award for people.

Awesom looking work.

Stay safe and high.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Weedy- Thanks hun!
Hydro-Thanks F.A.M!! Some of your pics had some mighty redwoods I remember too....lol
good vibes


Active member
Damn, man, that quad is ridiculous! It's got fuckin leaves everywhere!!!

The room's lookin pretty fuckin sweet, fam! How long till you flip em?

All the best,