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What's your race/ethnicity?

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Active member
If Africans didn't STILL enslave other Africans...I'd feel sorry for you. But neither they, nor you, seem to learn...

Africans didn't treat slaves the way the europeans treated their slaves or did it anywhere near the scale they did 200+ million were killed in that 500 year span between the africans and native americans all at the hand of the european..

Plus the majority of african americans are really a asiatic black race from the middle east and northeast africa, they settled on the west cost of africa fleeing from the romans and arabs once they took over that area.. Hence they aren't really from there and the natives wanted them gone..

I am sure if they knew what they were getting themselves into would of been different...

The selling of slaves didn't come willingly really, first off they came with guns.. and would only sell them for slaves... So what they would do is give a tribe guns and make the other tribes pay in slaves to fight back, and this was a on going thing...

Most slaves in africa were just PWO's and just made to do work and they did so.. they were not burned alive or had their babies cut out from their mommies tummies while there still alive and then crush the babies skulls on rocks or used as alligator bait....

Even in the arab slave trade it wasn't nearly as inhumane as the europeans did to the african slaves..

They were treated so inhumane that the majority didn't even make it there, there is still a abnormal amount of sharks in that passage way because of the food left for them...

There is no excuse for those atrocities toward another human being....


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
If Africans didn't STILL enslave other Africans...I'd feel sorry for you. But neither they, nor you, seem to learn...

psssssssssssss Ima let you in on a lil secret.

how is this thread relevant, avoid stupidity, we are all growers here, thats what we are here for, to learn from each other, not criticize

this person poured water on the fire that was about to start.
but then they came back after a few post, of everyone showing. it doesnt matter have a lil fun with it.

So this person poured some more water on the newly started fire. So hopefully, people wouldnt take it back there.

And that's exactly why it's a subject that gets lumped in with politics and religion....

Because rational debate and facts can't be discussed without emotion on the subject matter....

I think people of all nationalities, creeds and color have been persecuted at one time or another.

Slavery was abolished over 200+ years ago here in the United States, in fact, they felt so strongly about doing away with it, they wrote the XIII amendment, ratified in Dec. of 1865.

Case closed.

Can we move on ?

Western European/American

And then after some more post of jokes and fun, here you come.

Its a joke thread. But if your trying to persuade us your smart. Go ahead. lol


Ewok, born an raised... Perhaps you've seen me and my family in the movie, "Ewok’s - the fight for Endor"... Fuck star wars.
They didn't even pay us for that shitty movie, our kind has been exploited like this before..

One time, I went to light half a joint, and caught my furry self on fire, it sucked, but I am ok now. There's a picture of me on my avatar incase you wonder what I look like.



Active member
Africans didn't treat slaves the way the europeans treated their slaves or did it anywhere near the scale they did 200+ million were killed in that 500 year span between the africans and native americans all at the hand of the european..

Plus the majority of african americans are really a asiatic black race from the middle east and northeast africa, they settled on the west cost of africa fleeing from the romans and arabs once they took over that area.. Hence they aren't really from there and the natives wanted them gone..

I am sure if they knew what they were getting themselves into would of been different...

The selling of slaves didn't come willingly really, first off they came with guns.. and would only sell them for slaves... So what they would do is give a tribe guns and make the other tribes pay in slaves to fight back, and this was a on going thing...

Most slaves in africa were just PWO's and just made to do work and they did so.. they were not burned alive or had their babies cut out from their mommies tummies while there still alive and then crush the babies skulls on rocks or used as alligator bait....

Even in the arab slave trade it wasn't nearly as inhumane as the europeans did to the african slaves..

They were treated so inhumane that the majority didn't even make it there, there is still a abnormal amount of sharks in that passage way because of the food left for them...

There is no excuse for those atrocities toward another human being....

Il read past this post after I respond to it. Im glad alla those no good dirty kokksukkers that did alla that slavery shitt are DEAD. DEAD AND BURRIED!:abduct: I wanna say somthin elce too. My granmom usta have a deep hatred for russians. She said they would throw hungarian babies up in the air and catchem on their bayonets in her village. Tornuspatsa. -I dont hate no russians that I see around me for it. My mom didnt either. But my granmom did. I think she had a rite to. But as for me. Im cool with russians, -and you can tell by the way I talk.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Il read past this post after I respond to it. Im glad alla those no good dirty kokksukkers that did alla that slavery shitt are DEAD. DEAD AND BURRIED!:abduct: I wanna say somthin elce too. My granmom usta have a deep hatred for russians. She said they would throw hungarian babies up in the air and catchem on their bayonets in her village. Tornuspatsa. -I dont hate no russians that I see around me for it. My mom didnt either. But my granmom did. I think she had a rite to. But as for me. Im cool with russians, -and you can tell by the way I talk.

Excellent point HCA :joint:

Don't keep hate alive :noway:




i think only like, 4 people actually answered the question this thread started with.

and the rest didnt understand what race/ethnicity meant..



Actually, history may serve you to show that your own people sold your ancestors to the Americans. Your ancestors were not stolen; they were sold by African Warlords.

That's a whole nother debate though.

But that's cool, my buddy was born in Africa. Don't know exact part though.

You have to remember, history books are written by those who won the war.





us vs them race is just another way to keep us stirred up
where I live its locals vs damn hippies and its mostly
the hippies that think of the locals as thems
when are we gonna start thinking there are only us's no them's


Freedom Fighter
My dad's side...100% Danish, and my mom was half Danish, and half German--
I'm a Danish strudel...so eat me!!:moon::nanana:
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