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What's the most unfortunate bust you've heard of?

So we all know "no smell, no sell, no tell" how about some ways of getting busted that may not seem so obvious or may just boil down to bad luck? The point of this thread is to raise awareness of some little things to watch out for.

My biggest concern is stray leaves. Like some lower leaves that fall off naturally, stick to the bottom of my shoe and decide to make an appearance when I hop out to get gas right next to a police officer. That or leaves stick to my dogs fur and it's noticed when she's out for a walk. Because of this I'm pretty meticulous about all the leaves from my plants. I'd keep spreadsheet inventory of every leaf if it was feasible.

Lincense plate checks at the grow shop is another, usually they will check if you've ever beenn convicted of a crime and if so, they might follow you to your grow.

What are some other bad luck or less thought of ways that even careful growers could experience?


What's the most unfortunate bust you've heard of?

This one...


Once described as a looking like a ‘photo finish in a Zeppelin race’, the inimitable Lolo Ferrari was something of a tragic character. The French ‘dancer’, ‘actress’ and ‘singer’ was proud of her title of “the woman with the largest breasts in the world.” But just as Atlas was destined to endure the weight of the heavens upon his shoulders, so Lolo bore the heavy burden of having massive tits. Their weight caused many medical problems, interfered with her breathing and forced her to take a variety of prescription drugs on a daily basis. She refused to travel by air in case the altitude caused them to explode, and while performing she ‘lived in constant fear that some madman would jump up on the stage and try to puncture them.’

Some sources claim Lolo underwent as many as 30 enlargements to get bosoms that weighed 6.2 lbs each and held a total of 6 liters of saline. She wanted bigger, too, but surgeons told her that her skin simply wouldn’t stretch any further. In early March 2000, 37-year-old Ferrari was found dead at her home in the French Riviera. Initially, a drug overdose was blamed for her untimely exit, until an autopsy revealed that she had actually died from ‘mechanically induced suffocation’. Her husband, Eric Vigne (a convicted drug trafficker), was suspected of causing her death and spent some time in prison but was later released when a French court ruled that there was not enough evidence to put him on trial.

Ummmm - sorry, guess I shoulda read the rest of your post first... :chin:

My bad... :shucks:


Active member
heard a few..

some guys were dumping their grow trash at a local dump here in alameda county...it just so happened that the local DEA was there scoping the spot. they followed the van back to the warehouse and busted them....

some other guys were growing in a basement. one night a drunk driver smashed his car right through the garage door, the cops found the grow while responding to the crash...

when ex-girlfriends lie to the cops and say a certain person is dealing, and they go down..that always sucks too.
An "almost-bust"...

An "almost-bust"...

An acquaintance's 500-plant guerrilla grow was discovered by authorities searching for two missing children in a remote wilderness area. Fortunately the kids were eventually found safe and unharmed. Inexplicably the authorities never touched the plants and the grower realized a successful harvest a few months later...


There are FOUR lights!
My ex-wife's husband, who is a private pilot, was flying 160lbs from central cali to
New Hampshire a couple of months ago. He hit weather (Or got tired) over Oklahoma.
Landed at a small strip, rented a car, hit a motel and went to sleep. 6 hours later trooper knocks on his door and says
"Excuse me Mr. xxxx, but your rental car was broken into, can you come out and help us out?" He opened the door and the SWAT team jumped him.
Long story short, he was just sentenced to 25 years in state prison. Worst state in the union. Never go to Oklahoma!


A friend's lady tried to off herself with pills after she ran out of some very important meds for her head. He had a choice of probably letting her die or call 911 and knew when they came in the house with how he was set up he was done. She lived and is doing great and he did a short stint in local lockup. My friend calls this kind of stuff the X factor...anything can happen.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Not very far from where I live.....the cops went to a house looking for this old ladys son. Son has not been seen by her in quite some time. BUT while on her porch they caught a whiff of the goods. Seems the cancer ridden ole gal with cataracts as well, was growing some plants in her garden to help her get by. Of course they did their thing,raided the house ...arrested her and her husband. it was on the news and just plain fucking heartbreaking. The husband was released not long after because he did not smoke it and the wife told the police that he did not, it was hers and hers alone. The husband did an interview with the news...I loved the interview....he actually said...what do you expect...the only thing that helped her get some rest and help her keep a good meal down was the pot. She has been sick for years and the Dr. provided medicine seemed to make her feel worse.Loved it!! BUT this old woman has been totally been put through the worst. WHY????!!! This is not a drug war....it is a war against our personal freedom!!! WHO WAS SHE HURTING??? Fucked up .If thats not the worst.....I don't know what is.BTW this lady was like 67-70 years of age.
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Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I've read more than one article about someone getting rear ended by a cop, while stopped at a light. Then getting busted for what was in the trunk. That's pretty unfortunate if you ask me. I think that might qualify for an act of god, as they say.


Active member
A couple of days ago a guy hit a deer right in front of a cop giving someone else a ticket. The cop followed the car and pulled it over after he noticed the driver didn't stop and check out his vehicle. The driver got busted with 26 pounds in the trunk.
Oh here's another one I remember reading on an old forum. Some dude was going to a party and wanted to bring some bud, didn't have any dried or cured so he snipped some freshies off. Gets pulled over, cop see fresh buds, and talks the kid into searching his house. This kid totally fucked up and agreed to the search of his house after a traffic stop so he's a moron, but traveling with fresh bud is really dangerous, that cop may have been able to get a warrant or have a k9 go around his house even if he refused.


A couple of days ago a guy hit a deer right in front of a cop giving someone else a ticket. The cop followed the car and pulled it over after he noticed the driver didn't stop and check out his vehicle. The driver got busted with 26 pounds in the trunk.
Whoa that's actually kind of stupid and not an X factor or act of god thing. While it kind of started out that way STUPID took over. One thing is act natural and normal regardless of what's happening and a thick skin helps.

A few years back in my area a guy in a pickup crossed a double yellow line a few times and a sheriff was following him and finally pulled him over. Not only did he have some weed on the seat visible but his shell covered bed had a lot of weed and when they got to his house even more weed. That's plain and simply STUPID! Darwin was right IMO.

Even longer ago in my area a CHP pulled a car over for a simple moving violation...and ended up being one of the biggest cocaine busts in the county but we've all heard about what routine traffic stops can bring...like quite a few times recently in southern OR some pretty big meth busts cause the driver was STUPID.
i use to live in a mid western non med state in the late 90's and me and my 2 best friends all grew and hung out just about everyday. my one friend went to the grow store and cought the eye of the dea. then they did a thermo scan and checked his electric bills, which were high. they watched him for 2 weeks and followed him to the grow store. he got raided, but amazingly my other friend and i never got a thing. of course once we heard about him getting raided we tore our rooms down and moved.

another thing recently was the cops in butte county were marking cars that went to the local clubs with gps. the good news is most of this is no longer legal....thermo scanning and just the other day the gps thing was squashed by the supreme court.
i read an article about some gangstas in detroit who were cruising around in a brand new Cadillac escalade and the dude was showing it of to his friends, while doing this he pressed his on star button to tell his friends what it does and the cops came. the dipshits had a kilo of coke!!!!!! you cant fix stupid.


old highschool buddy..renting a place (old crappy farmhouse) and it caught fire.He called the fire dept and of curse po po showed at the fire chiefs insistence.LOTS of plants and multi multi poundage--he was worried about his buddy not getting insurance coverage (why he called himself)

Ultimately -I imagine they would have probably found out who the renter was... :0

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