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Serious lag issues

I'm running high speed and never encounter this issue with other sites, just ic. I'm wondering if it's just me or if this is common for everyone?
This has always been a problem for me on this site but since the new format, the lag has just gotten much worst.
When I scroll up/down on a page, there is no smooth scroll there is a serious lag even after pics are done loading. When I type a message the letters don't appear till the word is just about done being typed out.
Also, when I change pages I get a black flash after the change. This is not simply the page changing, the page will change then I get the flash.
Is this just on my end or is this just the way it is?
I'm running vista with firefox


That isn't ICMAGS fault, sounds like your computer is infected with something.


Active member
What mode are you using? http or https?

Using a proxy?

Clear your browser cache?
I assumed it may have been some sort of infection, but it only happens on this site?
I've tried both http https, no proxy and cleared browser cache.
I'll run AVG again, spyware, adware, ccleaner and defrag
Hopefully this will help.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Also, when I change pages I get a black flash after the change. This is not simply the page changing, the page will change then I get the flash.
Is this just on my end or is this just the way it is?
I'm running vista with firefox

This happens also to me with OSX 10.6 & firefox.I just don't care about.All other stuff works great (login fail sometimes) to me.



I have some of the same problems. It seems to be more noticeable with the new format of the site. Everything used to load super fast on ICM, now it is a wee bit slow.

I can see my words type out, but when posting a visitor comment, I do not have a cursor anymore.

I use HTTPS, and no proxy. Clearing cache did not do anything.


Active member
I have the same issues, but they're only noticeable for me during peak hours when the server has a high load. I run a tight ship when it comes to my computer and I think it may be because icmag's vB install seems to be pretty much out-of-box and still has a lot of the extraneous stuff that most large forums remove...
Ran my scans everything turned up clean.
I also get in the bottom left browser "transferring data from translate.googleapis.com..." its not there all the time, but when it is it doesn't go away, seems like its trying to load something but don't.
I'm still having the problems after my scan, not sure what else to try?


Active member
Same shit here,slower than hell today,backflash,and I still cant log in normally!!!!!!!!Gotta clik respond and then it lets me in after doin the thing twice,gettin annoyin,fix that shit or stop playin :tiphat:


serious lag time in typing, and much slower. My computer crashed and that is the first time that ever happened.

Mac 10.4 safari, here too. Reckon somebody let loose an old Mac virus? There ain't no new ones.

I thought it was just me.


Active member
Bah - now I notice it!
Black is the underlying background color, so it flashes up b4 the images load...

The server is under a very heavy load these days.

However the lag you're experiencing is probably due to other reasons.

The new pages (every page, there are probably tens of thousands, is now "new") and their associated images all have to be reloaded into caches around the planet.

Until that is done, things may be slow for some people...

Also the https images aren't always loading up so pages are loading slow, slowing the server too.


Active member
I have the same issues, but they're only noticeable for me during peak hours when the server has a high load. I run a tight ship when it comes to my computer and I think it may be because icmag's vB install seems to be pretty much out-of-box and still has a lot of the extraneous stuff that most large forums remove...
LMAO. This is anything but an out-of-box install...


Thanks Skip. What about the cursor in visitor messages? Any clue?

You're a mighty fine site admin if I must say so.
As of last night and this morning I'm noticing better speeds.
But whenever I have "transferring data from translate.googleapis.com..." In the bottom left corner of my browser, it kills my speed.
This just happens on random pages, sometimes it will stay other times it won't.
Any suggestings?


Active member
Are you viewing the site in another language? That is the reason google's apis are loading.