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how do I extract CBD?


New member

I have serious problems in my brain, yet half a dozen psycho-analysts failed to tell me what exactly it is or how to counter or heal it.
I've done massive research about Cannabis, especially Cannabidiol and it seems it is the perfect treatment for this hell I'm living in.
After a massive panic-attack failed me to approach a really beautyful girl I finally decided to grow the plant myself.
The first grow (lowryder #1, early harvest) was not much, but the first smoke was absolute heaven. One week without fear, empowered to change my life, happy and satisfied.
The problem is, that stuff is not clear enough, one time I had really strange experiences (ever had a real "clash" with your subconsciousness?).

So now I am searching for an easy way to get CBD as pure as possible out of any plant material.
I searched for it, but google gets more useless the more you search and everything I found is about THC or the patent.

thx for anything in advance


That's because there's no easy way to isolate CBD from the rest of the cannabinoids. I hope you are familiar with fractional distillation?

Your best bet is to just find a strain with high CBD and relatively low THC, then grow it. Good luck to you!


New member
As long as I know CBD has a lower melting/reaction point than THC and might be separated this way. But I coulnd't figure out how exactly to do that.


Active member
sorry to hear...

i was involved in a car accident that left me with a minor brain injury. i was stupid enough to right after that start doing lsd. really fucked my brain up. i found that cbd is better than thc for mental issues. i was having massive panic attacks and endless mind chatter. i couldn't form thoughts, and before i would goto sleep or lay somewhere really quiet my subconscious would come out to play in a horrifying manner. stay away from highly psychoactive strains and other drugs.

i found a few high cbd strains..try growing kush, or any other heavy indica. i found the sativas made my mind a little racy. i grew heavy indica and let it go an extra couple weeks longer than it needed to boost cbd levels(just watch hermies). i still do this, but i grow haze too because now i'm in love with sativas and hybrids. but right now you need a heavy indica. push it an extra couple weeks.

the human brain is very powerful, and has the ability to heal. time is what healed my brain. just remember you aren't going to die..and don't give up. believe me it will get better, and it will make you a better person with a stronger mind than most.

i feel like the closer we get to 2012 the more people's brains are starting to becoming active at higher levels, and this can be scary. it's just your mind getting ready..think about it. we are evolving. our minds are evolving. we only use 10% of our brain.

in 2012 people will stop having such a love of power and start believing in the power of love. peace...
sorry to hear...

i was involved in a car accident that left me with a minor brain injury. i was stupid enough to right after that start doing lsd. really fucked my brain up. i found that cbd is better than thc for mental issues. i was having massive panic attacks and endless mind chatter. i couldn't form thoughts, and before i would goto sleep or lay somewhere really quiet my subconscious would come out to play in a horrifying manner. stay away from highly psychoactive strains and other drugs.

i found a few high cbd strains..try growing kush, or any other heavy indica. i found the sativas made my mind a little racy. i grew heavy indica and let it go an extra couple weeks longer than it needed to boost cbd levels(just watch hermies). i still do this, but i grow haze too because now i'm in love with sativas and hybrids. but right now you need a heavy indica. push it an extra couple weeks.

the human brain is very powerful, and has the ability to heal. time is what healed my brain. just remember you aren't going to die..and don't give up. believe me it will get better, and it will make you a better person with a stronger mind than most.

i feel like the closer we get to 2012 the more people's brains are starting to becoming active at higher levels, and this can be scary. it's just your mind getting ready..think about it. we are evolving. our minds are evolving. we only use 10% of our brain.

in 2012 people will stop having such a love of power and start believing in the power of love. peace...

Cool post man... I hope ya'll can find a strain that helps you out... But really cool post. I too, took ALOT of LSD, and people that were/are close to me, told me it changed me instantly, not for bad or worse, they say it just made me crazy..... not cookoo crazy, just off the wall crazy....if that makes any sense....and to be honest, I kind of like being crazy...its easier to deal with shit. take care.


As long as I know CBD has a lower melting/reaction point than THC and might be separated this way. But I coulnd't figure out how exactly to do that.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but that probably means you shouldn't be doing it. Fractional distillation requires some fundamental knowledge of chemistry and lab procedure. Not saying that you couldn't necessarily do what it takes, but you can't figure it out by asking "how do I perform fractional distillation?" if you know what I mean.

But to answer your question, yes, it can be done, because CBD has distinctly different boiling points than THC and in fact all of the other cannabinoids. Here's a good resource I just came across using a simple google search. Hope it helps you somehow. :)


New member
sorry to hear...

i was involved in a car accident that left me with a minor brain injury. i was stupid enough to right after that start doing lsd. really fucked my brain up. i found that cbd is better than thc for mental issues. i was having massive panic attacks and endless mind chatter. i couldn't form thoughts, and before i would goto sleep or lay somewhere really quiet my subconscious would come out to play in a horrifying manner. stay away from highly psychoactive strains and other drugs.

i found a few high cbd strains..try growing kush, or any other heavy indica. i found the sativas made my mind a little racy. i grew heavy indica and let it go an extra couple weeks longer than it needed to boost cbd levels(just watch hermies). i still do this, but i grow haze too because now i'm in love with sativas and hybrids. but right now you need a heavy indica. push it an extra couple weeks.

the human brain is very powerful, and has the ability to heal. time is what healed my brain. just remember you aren't going to die..and don't give up. believe me it will get better, and it will make you a better person with a stronger mind than most.

i feel like the closer we get to 2012 the more people's brains are starting to becoming active at higher levels, and this can be scary. it's just your mind getting ready..think about it. we are evolving. our minds are evolving. we only use 10% of our brain.

in 2012 people will stop having such a love of power and start believing in the power of love. peace...

DUUUDE.... my thoughts

unfortunatly my brainfail is a combination of genetic defects and bad childhood (no not abused, but only broken hearts in the family) and unfortunatly "time" makes it only worse (to say clear: I am 26 and never had a girl).
My second grow is hindukush and afgahni #1.
You let them bloom longer? As far as I know the CBD is higher before the harvest-point of THC not after.

Oh and... I'm too on 2012, but I am hoping more for a big "showdown" where this whole capsh** of capitalism is crashing everything down and mankind reallizes waht sh**heads are sitting on the top of this hell (especially here in germany, I could tell stories).

Please don't take this the wrong way, but that probably means you shouldn't be doing it. Fractional distillation requires some fundamental knowledge of chemistry and lab procedure. Not saying that you couldn't necessarily do what it takes, but you can't figure it out by asking "how do I perform fractional distillation?" if you know what I mean.

But to answer your question, yes, it can be done, because CBD has distinctly different boiling points than THC and in fact all of the other cannabinoids. Here's a good resource I just came across using a simple google search. Hope it helps you somehow. :)

thx, like I said google is not much of use for me since its difficult to know for what to search but I'll work through this tomorrow.

thank you all


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
as you rightly say CBD boils at a different temp than THC...so you need a vapourisor with a temp gauge ;)
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Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
Phytocannabinoids, their boiling points, and properties.

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Boiling point: 157*C / 314.6 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Euphoriant, Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic

cannabidiol (CBD)
Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic

Cannabinol (CBN)
Boiling point: 185*C / 365 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Oxidation, breakdown, product, Sedative, Antibiotic

heres an idea. get a variable temp vape that can blow balloons. Extreme or Volcano or what have you. blow the first balloon at a temp that mostly just vapes the thc. give that to someone if you dont want it. then turn it up a bit and blow the 2nd, or 3rd bag or whatever that should be more cbn and cbd in it, not as much thc.

remember that the displayed temp on most vapes isn't necessarily the actual temp so just experiment and find what works.

The Bling

sorry to hear...

i was involved in a car accident that left me with a minor brain injury. i was stupid enough to right after that start doing lsd. really fucked my brain up. i found that cbd is better than thc for mental issues. i was having massive panic attacks and endless mind chatter. i couldn't form thoughts, and before i would goto sleep or lay somewhere really quiet my subconscious would come out to play in a horrifying manner. stay away from highly psychoactive strains and other drugs.

i found a few high cbd strains..try growing kush, or any other heavy indica. i found the sativas made my mind a little racy. i grew heavy indica and let it go an extra couple weeks longer than it needed to boost cbd levels(just watch hermies). i still do this, but i grow haze too because now i'm in love with sativas and hybrids. but right now you need a heavy indica. push it an extra couple weeks.

the human brain is very powerful, and has the ability to heal. time is what healed my brain. just remember you aren't going to die..and don't give up. believe me it will get better, and it will make you a better person with a stronger mind than most.

i feel like the closer we get to 2012 the more people's brains are starting to becoming active at higher levels, and this can be scary. it's just your mind getting ready..think about it. we are evolving. our minds are evolving. we only use 10% of our brain.

in 2012 people will stop having such a love of power and start believing in the power of love. peace...
you said ^i am editing your post i hope you enjoy the healing perspective it inspires edits marked by '
sorry to hear...

i was involved in a car accident that left me with a minor brain injury. i was stupid enough to right after that start doing lsd.'I' really fucked my brain up. i found that cbd is better than thc for mental issues. i was having massive panic attacks and endless mind chatter. i couldn't form thoughts, and before i would goto sleep or lay somewhere really quiet my subconscious would come out to play in a horrifying manner. 'USE ONLY PURE INDICAS WITH SEDITAVE EFFECTS'

i found a few high cbd strains..try growing kush, or any other heavy indica. i found the sativas made my mind a little racy. i grew heavy indica and let it go an extra couple weeks longer than it needed to boost cbd levels(just watch hermies). i still do this, but i grow haze too because now i'm in love with sativas and hybrids. but right now you need a heavy indica. push it an extra couple weeks.

the human brain is very powerful, and has the ability to heal. time is what healed my brain. just remember you are' going to LIVE..and STAY TOUGH. believe me now its geting' better soon, and it is making' you a better person with a stronger mind than most.

i feel like the closer we get to 2012 the more people's brains are starting to becoming active at higher levels, and this can be scary. it's just your mind getting ready..think about it. we are evolving. our minds are evolving. 'RIGHT NOW I BELIEVE I' use 10% of 'MY' brain.

in 2012 people will stop having such a love of power and start believing in the power of love. peace...


eisfuerst, you should get in touch with Doctor William L. Courtney in Mendocino. Google him. He is very involved in the research of high CBD meds. Some high CBD low THC strains have been found and are being bred here in the Emerald Triangle and he is on the forefront of the research. He has written some amazing articles and he and his wife are very involved in this new research. They are starting a movement of juicing the fresh cannabis leaf and drinking this everyday. The large fan leaves. I believe they say about 8 large fan leaves per day. Very healing stuff. Good luck and I hope you find the treatment you are seeking.


**AWD** Aficianado
try using hemp seed oil, available in health food stores.

Industrial Hemp is a number of varieties of Cannabis sativa L. that are intended for agricultural and industrial purposes. They are grown for their seed and fiber content as well as the resulting byproducts such as oil, seed cake, hurds, etc. Industrial Hemp is characterized by being low in THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and high in CBD (cannabidiol). THC is less than 1% and in Canada and Europe the current legal level for cultivation is 0.3%. The ratio of CBD to THC is greater than one.


Met with DR William Courtney the other day to talk more about high CBD strains and treatment. The new thing they are doing is not just juicing the fresh leaf but now they juice whole kolas. He said you want to juice a kola that hasn't had any of the trichomes get cloudy or turn. This juice is very high in CBD's but because it is not heated none of the thc is activated. He said not many people are doing it because to get a day or two's worth of juice is about fifty joints worth of medicine. Also juicing a seeded bud is even better because you get all of the added benefits of the cannabis seed oils. He is working with people in EU to develop a high CBD Ruderalis autoflower strain so people can just plant a little patch in their back yard, not have to pull any males, and have some healthy bud and leaf juice. If just doing the leaf you use around ten big fan leaves. You should make a big batch and just sip it through out the day. Two ounces every 2-3 hours. I would love to hear from anyone that is doing this. We will be making some bud smoothies this fall.:)


New member
Met with DR William Courtney the other day to talk more about high CBD strains and treatment. The new thing they are doing is not just juicing the fresh leaf but now they juice whole kolas. He said you want to juice a kola that hasn't had any of the trichomes get cloudy or turn. This juice is very high in CBD's but because it is not heated none of the thc is activated. He said not many people are doing it because to get a day or two's worth of juice is about fifty joints worth of medicine. Also juicing a seeded bud is even better because you get all of the added benefits of the cannabis seed oils. He is working with people in EU to develop a high CBD Ruderalis autoflower strain so people can just plant a little patch in their back yard, not have to pull any males, and have some healthy bud and leaf juice. If just doing the leaf you use around ten big fan leaves. You should make a big batch and just sip it through out the day. Two ounces every 2-3 hours. I would love to hear from anyone that is doing this. We will be making some bud smoothies this fall.:)

:good:Despite the fact taht I still try to fully understand your post (I'm german, still learning english) I really thank you and I would like to stay in contact with you and Dr Courtney if that is possible.
The tricky thing is: With every attempt to gain info about cannabis I understand it better and better, but without CBD my brain is too overloaded and undermotivated to "work" with that infos.
(Simply said the medicine itself yould make me my own doctor)

So most important now is a way to get that stuff.
I already thought about buying canna-seeds or oil but I didn't find any info about how much CBD is in there and if its really worth the cost.

Damn, I really regret to study physics first instead of neurology!


New member
CBD strength...

CBD strength...

Hi guys, I found CBD oil that has won multiple awards for the highest CBD strength. I use it and it's pretty good. Company name is RSHO and they will deliver right to your door anywhere around the world.
Of course a high CBD strain would be best but you can reduce THC from a strain that is mostly THC so I'm sure you can isolate CBDs.

Just decarb THC out by going 51 minutes at 250*F; if you want to boost THC you go 27 minutes at 250*F. I have a vascular mutation in my brainstem for which THC just gets in the way.

If you are interested let me know.